is driving Hospira in the dirt. Ask a rep and they either laugh or get angry, no middle ground on this topic. The difference between anger and sarcastic laughter is infinity. Its all a joke, pretty much making liars out of good people.

Its amazing what happens when you get back to the basics!

The whole concept is very "pharmaceutical" and you know what happened to that industry when they implemented outrageous calls per day quotas. The pharmaceutical companies sent to many reps into the offices and the doctors and hospitals pushed back and those great relationships were destroyed. Now they are trying to push us to be in front of the customer more often then we need to be. We will see more and more hospitals blocking us from making those important calls we need to make in order to promote our business. We already see it at some hospitals. This just doesn't make sense. I used to love my job and feel valuable in the hospital as a consultant. Now I dread every Monday morning.

we can all thank wes juda. three cheers for Wes
whats really funny is he rarely gets out of his office
doesn't communicate with the reps only managers
his office is not even in area p

so is perfect for him in his cocoon.

he is peeking at us every week, believe it i know. is perfect when thats your management style! the problem is-
it means brings no value to my customer.

The whole concept is very "pharmaceutical" and you know what happened to that industry when they implemented outrageous calls per day quotas. The pharmaceutical companies sent to many reps into the offices and the doctors and hospitals pushed back and those great relationships were destroyed. Now they are trying to push us to be in front of the customer more often then we need to be. We will see more and more hospitals blocking us from making those important calls we need to make in order to promote our business. We already see it at some hospitals. This just doesn't make sense. I used to love my job and feel valuable in the hospital as a consultant. Now I dread every Monday morning.

If you don't trust us fire us. Take a deep look inside and you will find out why we struggle on the outside. The sales force will prosper with inside help. Oh, and the company will too.

I am struggling to meet the new requirement for visits in Anyone else? I think I am going to have to go to a route without appointments. I don't know how this is going to work but I am trying to be open about changing with the times.

Goodby BS. You were one of the good ones. I am not surprised you are gone after Sean was screaming at you at the National Sales Meeting within earshot of several of the alternate site representatives. You took the Fall for a bad idea with Hope you have a great career where you are going. We will miss you.

You are an idiot.

No He's not an idiot. He is a SalesForce account manager justifying his position. Another consulting company Hospira bought into the BS.

It's very time consuming and takes away from F2F time. Managment: do you really think I am going to go home each night and spend an hour of my personal time to enter rather then spend time with my family? Would you? No. So I do it during normal work hours and loose valuable sales time.

Yea, you got taken. Look how much $$$$ you spent. Your not the first company. Btw, sales have been happening since this and many other companies have started, why now To increase sales? Don't by the "it's management toolnot a tracking tool". Your District Managers know who is working snd who is not. Save the money, inact Fuel and trust your DM's!

Look how much the sales representatives make at to sell this program that pretty much all sales people hate. Garbage in/garbage out and you can make 300,000 plus per year. This is from CNN.

Salaried employees | Hourly employees

Rank Company Best Cos. rank Most common job title Average annual pay**
1 52 Senior Account Executive $318,323 ...... stay away from this POS online CRM time consuming software like the plague....

This so called CRM cloud-based software is destroying our company sales,
people spend 2 hours everyday feeding it with information about contacts, appointments, calls, activities, price quotations, searching for more than 10K+ SKUs to properly reflect what is to be sold, and finally ....... report actual sales, so someone can create reports within, yet we are still required every week to create sales reports & presentations in Excel & PowerPoint anyway, so now we have less time so actually sell and service our corporate accounts, because we have to "take advantage" of the so called "sales tool" which in all honesty is crap.

A group of SalesForce evangelists within our company went to the DreamForce event at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, and returned with presentations, videos and lots of "success stories" from OTHER companies, unfortunately for OUR company the story is that our global revenue is decreasing while our sales staff is busy feeding data to instead of servicing our customers.

The hard truth is that our sales staff doesn't find useful to actually sell anything, yet we are forced to use it, Account Executives and Managers are leaving our company because they are forced to log everyday to to feed it with info, being forced to an unofficial 10 hour work shift to properly accomplish our daily jobs + SalesForce, or dedicate each and every Monday to update SalesForce at the expense of servicing our customers and bringing new business to our company.

Our upper management is afraid to admit that the "investment" they made in SalesForce has been a complete failure, and now that Global Corporate Sales are down our sales staff is threatened about loosing their jobs because they are not using SalesForce "correctly".

Way to go.... ...... stay away from this POS online CRM time consuming software like the plague....

This so called CRM cloud-based software is destroying our company sales,
people spend 2 hours everyday feeding it with information about contacts, appointments, calls, activities, price quotations, searching for more than 10K+ SKUs to properly reflect what is to be sold, and finally ....... report actual sales, so someone can create reports within, yet we are still required every week to create sales reports & presentations in Excel & PowerPoint anyway, so now we have less time so actually sell and service our corporate accounts, because we have to "take advantage" of the so called "sales tool" which in all honesty is crap.

A group of SalesForce evangelists within our company went to the DreamForce event at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, and returned with presentations, videos and lots of "success stories" from OTHER companies, unfortunately for OUR company the story is that our global revenue is decreasing while our sales staff is busy feeding data to instead of servicing our customers.

The hard truth is that our sales staff doesn't find useful to actually sell anything, yet we are forced to use it, Account Executives and Managers are leaving our company because they are forced to log everyday to to feed it with info, being forced to an unofficial 10 hour work shift to properly accomplish our daily jobs + SalesForce, or dedicate each and every Monday to update SalesForce at the expense of servicing our customers and bringing new business to our company.

Our upper management is afraid to admit that the "investment" they made in SalesForce has been a complete failure, and now that Global Corporate Sales are down our sales staff is threatened about loosing their jobs because they are not using SalesForce "correctly".

Way to go....

Thanks Wes!