Sales Rep Reductions

This is done every fall.
The major problem with this process is that a cave dweller in one Region may be a middle performer in another while a high performer in one Region may be a cave dweller in another. The law of averages is flawed at AZ and some very talented and loyal people are forced out as a result. Not to mention the destruction of teamwork and morale going through this process every year. Eventually everyone ends up at the bottom.
Proof is that many COE winners are let go within one or two years of winning the award as the best of the best.

How will BMS acquiring Amylin affect your diabetes sales force? Do you anticipate layoffs in both companies? If BMS is getting 600 reps that belong to them would they still need the copromote with AZ?

How will BMS acquiring Amylin affect your diabetes sales force? Do you anticipate layoffs in both companies? If BMS is getting 600 reps that belong to them would they still need the copromote with AZ?

BMS is not getting 600 reps. They are getting the compounds only and the reps will be gone. Also, AZ is paying over 3 billion for half of the interest in these compounds after it goes through so, yes, they will copromote with AZ.

The Amylin reps certainly already know a lot more about their product than you do. Do you really think that your Onglyza knowledge is that valuable? Their reps are already selling more in dollars than you and they are probably lower compensated than you too, so don't be so sure. They could train their reps to sell Onglyza also in just a few weeks, just like you were.

So, an average of 20 reps per state right? Let's say you double that for a state like Texas to 40 reps.

Then put 5 reps to cover all the docs in Dallas.

5 reps to cover Ft. Worth.

5 reps to cover Houston.

5 reps to cover San Antonio.

5 reps to cover Austin.

5 reps to cover El Paso.

5 reps to cover Laredo.

5 reps to cover Lubbock.

Forget about the rest of the State.

Good luck with that plan.

Thats how it worked for years. The days of great bonuses, great access, no overlap in fact there were even less in the territories. Try 3 in Dallas and 2 in fort worth worked pretty well.

The major problem with this process is that a cave dweller in one Region may be a middle performer in another while a high performer in one Region may be a cave dweller in another. The law of averages is flawed at AZ and some very talented and loyal people are forced out as a result. Not to mention the destruction of teamwork and morale going through this process every year. Eventually everyone ends up at the bottom.
Proof is that many COE winners are let go within one or two years of winning the award as the best of the best.

NO ONE on my team talks to one another anymore and thus no sharing of the great ideas that makes one territory excel ... we are our very own competition. Great strategy AZ! Keep up the great ranking system.
Can we rank our management/ leadership? My manager doesn't talk to us anymore either. When is the FOCUS survey?

NO ONE on my team talks to one another anymore and thus no sharing of the great ideas that makes one territory excel ... we are our very own competition. Great strategy AZ! Keep up the great ranking system.
Can we rank our management/ leadership? My manager doesn't talk to us anymore either. When is the FOCUS survey?

I wouldn't share shit with anyone about what is and is not working in the field! Other AZ reps are your DIRECT competitors! Share nothing! If they are doing worse than you, then YOU win! This is not a "team sport" we are playing here!!! Sabotage them any way you can, for your own good.

Totally agree. I have been stabbed in the back by a counterpart before.... Never again will this happen to me. My district mates are my rivals and enemies... I could give a rat's ass about them.

Totally agree. I have been stabbed in the back by a counterpart before.... Never again will this happen to me. My district mates are my rivals and enemies... I could give a rat's ass about them.

I wouldn't share shit with anyone about what is and is not working in the field! Other AZ reps are your DIRECT competitors! Share nothing! If they are doing worse than you, then YOU win! This is not a "team sport" we are playing here!!! Sabotage them any way you can, for your own good.

and why is AZ a quickly sinking ship?

Totally agree. I have been stabbed in the back by a counterpart before.... Never again will this happen to me. My district mates are my rivals and enemies... I could give a rat's ass about them.

We all have, get over yourself.

Ever consider therapy or medication for your condition?

Take the words counterparts and districtmates and replace them with the word competition. The competition wakes up every morning wanting to run you out of business.

I'll bet you've never thrown someone under the bus.

And. . . that is why no one shares a damn thing regarding business development. AZ fired all the tenured CVAS and Hospital B employees that were not doing their job (or so they thought). Hospital and CVAS often compete even though they are supposed to be partners. the two CVAS partners compete for customers limited time and, of course, sampling Crestor and no one can get in because there was a Crestor rep in the cardiology office probably every two days. I seriously doubt the PCP reps who get Crestor are going to share their cardiology lunches and I know it won't happen the other way around. When will this company get a clue. You cannot have the same type of person with the same product and the same resources ALL calling on the SAME client. Stupid. You do not need overlays. You need better deployment or this ship WILL sink.

I wouldn't share shit with anyone about what is and is not working in the field! Other AZ reps are your DIRECT competitors! Share nothing! If they are doing worse than you, then YOU win! This is not a "team sport" we are playing here!!! Sabotage them any way you can, for your own good.

So true, so true! It's survival boys and girls. AZ reps are competition. Plain and simple. If they fail, it can only help you.

True, it is simply no longer performance based management or forced rank, but management by "schadenfreude," or "happiness at another persons misfortune." When one person in the district becomes the "goat," everyone else is happy to see the pressure off them and avoids that person as if they are a leper.

Their misfortune is your gain, and vice verse.

True, it is simply no longer performance based management or forced rank, but management by "schadenfreude," or "happiness at another persons misfortune." When one person in the district becomes the "goat," everyone else is happy to see the pressure off them and avoids that person as if they are a leper.

Their misfortune is your gain, and vice verse.

After the "goat" is gone, you are next. If you were truly a leader, you would not worry about this sh*t.

True, it is simply no longer performance based management or forced rank, but management by "schadenfreude," or "happiness at another persons misfortune." When one person in the district becomes the "goat," everyone else is happy to see the pressure off them and avoids that person as if they are a leper.

Their misfortune is your gain, and vice verse.

have that situation in our district right now. It takes the heat off of the rest of us, particularly me. God i love it when another district mate is in deep shit! I skate bad enough as it is, but this is like taking candy from a baby! What a job!

have that situation in our district right now. It takes the heat off of the rest of us, particularly me. God i love it when another district mate is in deep shit! I skate bad enough as it is, but this is like taking candy from a baby! What a job!

You don't work here. It is obvious to everyone. Go away.

After the "goat" is gone, you are next. If you were truly a leader, you would not worry about this sh*t.

You're joking right? In the last three years of 10 of us, 3 were pushed out and another 2 left. Our manager picks a person each year. The pool is getting smaller and I don't think this is all that uncommon. Who would like those odds?