sales rep I vs II


It's hard to tell these days. Until last year, these were pretty defined. Then the powers that be decided to hire people with "OR experience" as II's or teaching center specialists, and the lines began to get fuzzy... about 20K fuzzier! Lesson learned... If you tell the hiring manager that you lived in the OR at you last job, it's probably worth a few dollars. None of the people with OR experience actually step foot into the OR with Baxter because they realize that there is no place in the OR for an "anesthesia consultant". Trust me... your MD's and CRNA's don't need you to tell them how to put a patient down successfully. So now, this division overpayed for a bunch of reps who have no previous relationships in anesthesia because they wanted to increase their presence in the OR, and all that happened is they lost reps with great relationships and gained an extra 20K in salary expense. Hope this helps if you are interviewing.

Thanks for the feedback, this is great information. So # wise before it became fuzzy what was the salary range for a 1 vs a 2. Furthermore, what is the specific low-high range for a sales rep II. Thanks again, I appreciate it.

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