Sales Cuts in the N/E Region

Those idiots in Raritan do this every year. While management focuses on ways to justify their own jobs (endless spreadsheets, conference calls, and stupid f2f meetings) the reps who are actually out there doing their jobs are the ones who pay.

Any of these r*****s would get EATEN ALIVE if they had to work for a sales organization that actually focused on winning sales. The best quality of these managers is spinning insurance wins to look like they had a part in it.

There really isn't one. At the end of the month the finance guys spin a wheel. Sometimes you get paid and sometimes you don't. It's that simple.

Sounds like paying you anything at all is too much. If any of you had any talent, you would be with the industry leader in clinical laboratory medicine, Quest Diagnostics. But don't bother to even aspire for that dream. We don't hire those with the stench of labcorp on them.,the stench of failure.

Sounds like paying you anything at all is too much. If any of you had any talent, you would be with the industry leader in clinical laboratory medicine, Quest Diagnostics. But don't bother to even aspire for that dream. We don't hire those with the stench of labcorp on them.,the stench of failure.

If working at Quest is so wonderful, why do you have massive rep turnover...many of whom came here.

you are both idiots.

You work for Labcorp. I don't fault you for being angry and lashing out in frustration anymore than a kid working a drive thru who thinks he is worth $15 an hour. But he does not and you deserve exactly what you have as well. Meanwhile, at Quest Diagnostics, the industry leader in clinical laboratory medicine, success and prosperity are a way of life. Our wallets are fatter, our women thinner and prettier and our leadership is pure genius. Sorry about your lot in life, son, but the world needs ditch diggers too.

You work for Labcorp. I don't fault you for being angry and lashing out in frustration anymore than a kid working a drive thru who thinks he is worth $15 an hour. But he does not and you deserve exactly what you have as well. Meanwhile, at Quest Diagnostics, the industry leader in clinical laboratory medicine, success and prosperity are a way of life. Our wallets are fatter, our women thinner and prettier and our leadership is pure genius. Sorry about your lot in life, son, but the world needs ditch diggers too.

Must be great to go through life in an altered state.

Must be great to go through life in an altered state.

If it is a reality check that you seek, then I ask you to look no further than all the comments posted here by your fellow Labcorp employees. An exercise in self loathing and pity, failure and defeat. There is nothing inspirational and uplifting about your organization or anyone in it. And while we look on you with pity, we also look on you with disgust and contempt, because as Americans, you should be better than this. Fortunately, the good people at Quest Diagnostics more than make up for your defects.

Please, don't everyone rush to defend Labcorp all at one. Oh that's right, it can't be done. Labcorp has always been a low rent trash bin and the employees are the garbage that occupy it.

If it is a reality check that you seek, then I ask you to look no further than all the comments posted here by your fellow Labcorp employees. An exercise in self loathing and pity, failure and defeat. There is nothing inspirational and uplifting about your organization or anyone in it. And while we look on you with pity, we also look on you with disgust and contempt, because as Americans, you should be better than this. Fortunately, the good people at Quest Diagnostics more than make up for your defects.

I am not the one in need of a reality check. The facts are that rep and sales manager turnover at Quest is off the charts and good people are lost. Some choose to come here and many have done well. So please, just keep to the facts.