Sales at Bostwick

Nice try, competitor (with a small "c"). Apparently you have experience in drugging small babies and taking candy from them. I pray for people like you, because if God blesses my sales efforts as He has so far, you're gonna need a pretty powerful backup plan.

Nice try, competitor (with a small "c"). Apparently you have experience in drugging small babies and taking candy from them. I pray for people like you, because if God blesses my sales efforts as He has so far, you're gonna need a pretty powerful backup plan.

So we are to believe that God shines on those who hawk un-necessary genetic tests to the youth? Tests that even raise the eye-brows of bio-ethicists, let alone the FDA.

The truth is sales must really be going to our Competitors (capital "C"") if we have to resort to a $200 genetic test to teenagers and pre-teens.

Yeah bro, keep preaching.

So we are to believe that God shines on those who hawk un-necessary genetic tests to the youth? Tests that even raise the eye-brows of bio-ethicists, let alone the FDA.

The truth is sales must really be going to our Competitors (capital "C"") if we have to resort to a $200 genetic test to teenagers and pre-teens.

Yeah bro, keep preaching.
