Sales admin

14 is two weeks you jerk. I am a DM and have a lot of connections above the RD. So watch your vulgar lanuage Is that how you speak to the Drs? I monitor these posts to see what the other side is doing. We need sale s not a give away program you meat head ' My RD also checks this site and caught this ridiculous post.
Ooh well I anonymously know people above rd levels too and I also know people below that level. So suck it trebek

Ooh well I anonymously know people above rd levels too and I also know people below that level. So suck it trebek

RD on 24/7 Monitor Duty: Your post is offensive and not becoming to a Forest employee. I suspect you are an imposter from another Pharma . Please no more VULGAR Posts. I agree with the DM - YOU act like a Meathead.

RD on 24/7 Monitor Duty: Your post is offensive and not becoming to a Forest employee. I suspect you are an imposter from another Pharma . Please no more VULGAR Posts. I agree with the DM - YOU act like a Meathead.

ABD- on 43/11 watch, what the hell are you doing on here that much get to work. And what is your region?

ABD- on 43/11 watch, what the hell are you doing on here that much get to work. And what is your region?

RD on monitor duty::: We timeshare and each takes 1 or 2 hr shifts. Why you may ask. Well Forest has consistently had more posters on this site than any other pharma company. This has been confirmed. Therefore management MUST monitor what the reps (the rank and file) are doing and more importantly NOT doing. My shift ends in about 10 minutes.

RD on monitor duty::: We timeshare and each takes 1 or 2 hr shifts. Why you may ask. Well Forest has consistently had more posters on this site than any other pharma company. This has been confirmed. Therefore management MUST monitor what the reps (the rank and file) are doing and more importantly NOT doing. My shift ends in about 10 minutes.
Your adorable
*I only know the sound it makes when it lies

RD on monitor duty::: We timeshare and each takes 1 or 2 hr shifts. Why you may ask. Well Forest has consistently had more posters on this site than any other pharma company. This has been confirmed. Therefore management MUST monitor what the reps (the rank and file) are doing and more importantly NOT doing. My shift ends in about 10 minutes.

This is a joke.

RD on monitor duty::: We timeshare and each takes 1 or 2 hr shifts. Why you may ask. Well Forest has consistently had more posters on this site than any other pharma company. This has been confirmed. Therefore management MUST monitor what the reps (the rank and file) are doing and more importantly NOT doing. My shift ends in about 10 minutes.

I bet your mommy is so proud. Yay!

To the RD on monitor - suk it!!! Those who can -sell those who are useless -manage !!!!

RD on monitor > those who sell get promoted to DM and ultimately the cream of the crop make it to RD. It's a steep hill but a small percentage make it. Keep up the good work and you will have a chance to make the promotion to the 'inner circle'. And I agree some who make it up the ranks end up as useless blivits.

Everyone stop saying what is or is not appropriate for a Forest rep - THERE IS NO FOREST. It's gone baby gone, your love is gone.

So all you douche nozzle DM's who have coasted off your past Celexa fame and relied on the good ole boy network to build a career - enjoy your severance.

Everyone stop saying what is or is not appropriate for a Forest rep - THERE IS NO FOREST. It's gone baby gone, your love is gone.

So all you douche nozzle DM's who have coasted off your past Celexa fame and relied on the good ole boy network to build a career - enjoy your severance.

Yes the old Forest is gone. As a DM I am prepared to jump ship. My recruiter has lined up interviews at BMand others if I decide to leave.