Salary reductions

All TBM salaries will be reduced to $100k.

Complete BS. Current ISF1 (hospital rep) average bases are over 120K at Actavis/Forest, and they are going up. Those hinting of salary reductions are head hunters looking to recruit candidates. If you don't want to be retained that's fine and I sincerely hope you get a package on Friday. But don't quit or fret based on rumors that have no basis in fact. There is so much you can LEGITIMATELY rip Actavis/Forest for, but the base salary issue in ISF1 is not one of them. I can't say more without risking who I am but I have seen the numbers and know what I am saying is true.

Someone is lying. I have met with my four Actavis counterparts and none are making near what we are. How come we haven't received any written communication concerning benefits or salary thus far. What are they hiding? If it is true why has that never been answered on a conference call as well. This company is sleaze just like everyone says they are.

Someone is lying. I have met with my four Actavis counterparts and none are making near what we are. How come we haven't received any written communication concerning benefits or salary thus far. What are they hiding? If it is true why has that never been answered on a conference call as well. This company is sleaze just like everyone says they are.

You have four counterpart Actavis ISF1 reps and you met with them all? I am calling BS. The territories are large and it's highly unlikely you met with 4 different ISF1 reps with the possible exception of NYC area.

And all were willing to share their base salary with you the first time they met you? Most professionals would not ask a questions like that on the first meeting. Most people - if encountered with someone rude enough to ask - wouldn't answer (or perhaps make up an answer to play with the rude person's mind). Again, I call BS.

There are some underpaid ISF1 reps. No doubt about it. There are also many making 130-150K, and a few even have higher bases than that. That DOES NOT include bonus, which can be VERY lucrative if you finish in the top 25%.

Again, bitch about the micro management, the retail mentality, the poor launch of Teflaro - all would be true. But bitching about comp just doesn't hold up, especially since they agreed to address salaries of people with low bases. The people on the higher end may not get bumped, but the lower end will, and that will raise the average base another 10K minimum.

First of all I did meet with 3 Actavis reps at one time and 1 at another time at their request not mine. Second, I didn't bring up the salary issue your partners with Actavis did. I believe it was worded " you guys are way out of our league as far as salary, we heard they would raise us and lower yall to meet in the middle". You pompous idiots keep trying to put lipstick on a pig but your company is still a pig!! Say what you want about us Durata reps but I promise the meetings have proven one thing about your sales force- they don't have a clue as to what they are getting ready to try and sell.

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