Salary and Benefits

Ok smarty pants-keep it simple-new and old reps current salary-just say east or west region...lets see how transparent Zogenix is...we will start
2 west coast 1-87,500, 2-88,259 ( both launched product)
1 rep in central 1-90++ she says (hitting the salary jump bumps)

New rep-13 yrs exp-mostly specialty. offered high $80's east coast-told me I was inline with others with my exp. Don't think so, eventhou I was displaced I think others were disappointed at not being offered at the top of the range. Yes I took a pay cut, but it was higher than being displaced

New rep-13 yrs exp-mostly specialty. offered high $80's east coast-told me I was inline with others with my exp. Don't think so, eventhou I was displaced I think others were disappointed at not being offered at the top of the range. Yes I took a pay cut, but it was higher than being displaced
