A person asks for advice regarding an RM job and instead of giving them a realistic assessment regarding the positives and negatives of this organization you go on a diatribe against our senior leadership. If you can't back things up with facts or give us constructive suggestions please leave the safe zone.

If this person is stupid enough to join an organization that is being investigated by the DOJ, than he deserves to read the bullshit you will tell, in order to perpetuate your dishonest practices, in order to make a living.

With all the negativity on this board I have decided to institute a safe zone thread. I will allow no negativity and respond honestly to candidates seeking information on potential employment with Zoll. We will not discuss turnover, ill will, PIP's, Firebrands, OIG and most of all sodomy. Please stick to the rules and if you feel the need to discuss any of the aforementioned topics please use other threads. If not, I will consider it a hate crime. Thanks
What is this pansy ass BS. I'm a new breed Firebrand and I'm damn proud of it. We were responsible for Zoll's incredible 2016 growth. We are changing this culture, kicking doors in, thinking outside the box and violently sodomizing those who won't abide. There is No Safe Zone when the Firebrand is lurking!

What is this pansy ass BS. I'm a new breed Firebrand and I'm damn proud of it. We were responsible for Zoll's incredible 2016 growth. We are changing this culture, kicking doors in, thinking outside the box and violently sodomizing those who won't abide. There is No Safe Zone when the Firebrand is lurking!

And the DOJ can subpoena who you are so keep being stupid.

I've been interviewing for an RM position and I really didn't know what to think of Zoll after reading some of the negative and offensive threads posted on CP. My interactions with sales leadership have been very positive and the technology is unique to the market. There aren't many opportunities in the med device market to earn over $300,000 a year at plan so I still remain interested in joining the organization, despite what I've read. The couple of RM's I've been told to contact have also shed a very positive light on the culture and have led me to believe that these negative threads are just a small group of disgruntled TM's. I welcome any serious feedback as my recruiter is really pushing me to commit. Thank you and God Bless.

I've been interviewing for an RM position and I really didn't know what to think of Zoll after reading some of the negative and offensive threads posted on CP. My interactions with sales leadership have been very positive and the technology is unique to the market. There aren't many opportunities in the med device market to earn over $300,000 a year at plan so I still remain interested in joining the organization, despite what I've read. The couple of RM's I've been told to contact have also shed a very positive light on the culture and have led me to believe that these negative threads are just a small group of disgruntled TM's. I welcome any serious feedback as my recruiter is really pushing me to commit. Thank you and God Bless.

Honestly, this is a tricky question. I have been a TM for way longer than most. The truth is that the quota plan makes it hard for people to be successful for more than one or two years with such small territories. There will be a new plan rolled out that hopefully will change the fact that people make great money and then have a substantial decrease eventually after getting used to those big paychecks. The job is very rewarding and relatively easy once you get established. There is BS with every job. I think the part of the country you live in makes a big difference as well. Please look and see how many managers have left your area and if the turnover is high then i would think hard. Also, how many of the TM's are making plan in the region. Ask for those numbers on paper bc you wont be making 300K if your reps arent making plan.

Honestly, this is a tricky question. I have been a TM for way longer than most. The truth is that the quota plan makes it hard for people to be successful for more than one or two years with such small territories. There will be a new plan rolled out that hopefully will change the fact that people make great money and then have a substantial decrease eventually after getting used to those big paychecks. The job is very rewarding and relatively easy once you get established. There is BS with every job. I think the part of the country you live in makes a big difference as well. Please look and see how many managers have left your area and if the turnover is high then i would think hard. Also, how many of the TM's are making plan in the region. Ask for those numbers on paper bc you wont be making 300K if your reps arent making plan.

Typical amateur response. Whole company is founded on misfits and the unemployed.

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