Here are my two-cents from somebody who left years ago, but still knows many of the people you are bashing.I agree.
Ask yourself what is left over as far as talent from those "legacy" people and why are they still here. I can't help but to come back to the fact that they were all middle of the road reps 6 or 7 years ago and have just hung on long enough to be next in line, I guess.
I know every name of the people who were ripped on this thread. All very good people. Reading their name kind of hurts because I know them individually to be quality people. If i'm asked to be honest, I would agree that none of them stood out as someone who can lead with inspiration or business acumen. Good people but average at best in the field. The above poster is right!
The problem isn't the people in management. It isn't even your corporate masters. The inherent issue with OraPharma is that the main product is over 12 years old, has minimal "true" clinical value, and is WAY over-priced. Every company has thought that they could turn it into a prescription juggernaut, and then realized that dentists hate prescriptions, hate added chair time, and don't give two shits about periodontal disease.
Then they always tried to add another product line to balance out the portfolio. This led to good, but not great products like Oraqix, Healos, Listerine, etc. Those products distracted from the strategy and pulled time away from actually selling the money-maker product.
I wish nothing but the best for you all, but it's time to realize that prescription products in dental just don't work and that the other products OP has now can be better done by another company.