I dont think that person is being negative and I think this entire thread has been positive... A real testament to the employees in the state.
The person is just stating a simple truth.
South Carolina already has some large territories that require overnights, driving three hours to reach customers, and I'm sure that the idea of increasing the time behind the wheel is not appealing to anyone...I know it's not for me.
Now on the flip side, a job is a job and I would prefer to have one vs not have one.
Things happen for a reason and we may not always understand it at first, but things have a way of working out.
Being prepared for the most realistic situation, or exploring all reasonable possibilities seems like the best option vs being blindsided come April.
Now is the time to ask yourself what you are willing to sacrifice, or accept, regarding your career. If driving more hours, spending more nights away from home, working more independently doesn't sound appealing, you need to prepare yourself for how you will handle that option if kept on.
If let go, you need to evaluate if this is an industry you want to be a part of. Are you willing to go through the changes the industry will face over the coming years? Would more stability make you happy? Do you really love sales? Is it time for a career change?
We all are going to be faced with those options, but how we will handle them will vary greatly!
I just hope everyone is prepared to make those decisions when the time comes.
More than pay, because there is a huge discrepancy with pay, the benefits are unmatched. We were fortunate to land our jobs, but the ship is sinking. Prepare yourself financially and be ready for the worst case scenario.
Good luck to everyone!