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Run from Galderma Rx


The prescription business unit is the worst. AL is just interested in hiring as many people as she can to bring her cronies in. All she cares about is nice hotels and fake ass conversations. Will backstab you when she gets a second from blowing up money. Don’t join her as a rep or as her direct team if you want any happiness


The prescription business unit is the worst. AL is just interested in hiring as many people as she can to bring her cronies in. All she cares about is nice hotels and fake ass conversations. Will backstab you when she gets a second from blowing up money. Don’t join her as a rep or as her direct team if you want any happiness
Never seen a more self-entitled group of overpaid washed up pharma dead weight. AL will have her reckoning, not impressed with managers meeting. All of this money spent for pennies in return this year. Classic Galderma.

AL definitely operates very shady true to big pharma. I am from another business unit but can’t wait for these guys to fail and her team to eat it. That will free up some money she is randomly throwing around and for us other business units to have a normal life.

Spot on with the points above. they apparently got a half decent building in seaport and no one even shows up to the office most times. Who makes these retarded decisions?

Apparently the head trainer is someone who has never launched a biologic lol. Wtf do these people smoke? TLLs that are not derms, head of Rx medical who is barely in the derm world. Head of Medical in US who has never launched a biologic. Head of sales who has never launched a biologic. Company that has never had biologic market access, FRMs, nurse suppport, patient support. They are behind on all of this. The only thing they are ahead on is spending money lol. Lovely start. Cant wait to see this car crash. Time to let those rear end bullets fly shires, AL and rest of the team and earn them inflated $$$$$s

Apparently the head trainer is someone who has never launched a biologic lol. Wtf do these people smoke? TLLs that are not derms, head of Rx medical who is barely in the derm world. Head of Medical in US who has never launched a biologic. Head of sales who has never launched a biologic. Company that has never had biologic market access, FRMs, nurse suppport, patient support. They are behind on all of this. The only thing they are ahead on is spending money lol. Lovely start. Cant wait to see this car crash. Time to let those rear end bullets fly shires, AL and rest of the team and earn them inflated $$$$$s
So glad I am out within a year. Couldn't tolerate Rx team.

some good points here but the managers meeting was a very good meeting. A bit long but good. Some directors need to get their shit together and start focusing on their people and not on drinking and making friends. As far as Sr Leadership goes, AL seems to know what she’s doing, TL is solid as shit and our marketing team is very much with it. I think we surprise people. And if you are at Galderma why would you wish the failure of this launch? You sound like an employee who was turned down for the role.

some good points here but the managers meeting was a very good meeting. A bit long but good. Some directors need to get their shit together and start focusing on their people and not on drinking and making friends. As far as Sr Leadership goes, AL seems to know what she’s doing, TL is solid as shit and our marketing team is very much with it. I think we surprise people. And if you are at Galderma why would you wish the failure of this launch? You sound like an employee who was turned down for the role.
seems like you were one of the people putting together the meeting. If you’ve been at any company that has launched a drug you would know this meeting sucked. Period. Also if you have seen others GMs who have launched blockbusters you would know that AL is bottom quartile talent at best. I am very much at this rathole… I want to see the outcome because of all the money we have wasted and bet the farm and how much it is affecting other business units. This is straight up JV

Not sure what G is thinking - dupi will just crush them
G tried to sell the entire company multiple times over the past few years and the due diligence always showed how weak we are.

G is trying to prime the launch and get out fast so that the company can be taken over.

It's that simple. If we don't blow this up early, there will be cuts within 9 months of launch.

The DM team is cast offs. Failures or fired most placed. The rest are job hoppers.

makes sense on pumping up the value a bit more and then carving out Rx This company doesnt have competent people - they will launch with fanfare - may even peddle lies to investors and market as we all know the reality on teh inside. This is from another thread in CP on Galderma and its so true.

"You guys are trying to tell me that a company that can’t provide correct W2s to its employees in the US for tax purposes I’d going to launch a biologic. Hahaha. Everyone in the company got inaccurate W2s in 2023 and then the leadership gave folks 150 bucks to go get it fixed by an accountant. Imagine how incompetent you have to be to not have a basic function like that not to mention how much legal trouble they can get employees into with that. Even a 50 person company knows that this is basic HR. HR in US is a sham. This company is a bunch of jokers."

seems like you were one of the people putting together the meeting. If you’ve been at any company that has launched a drug you would know this meeting sucked. Period. Also if you have seen others GMs who have launched blockbusters you would know that AL is bottom quartile talent at best. I am very much at this rathole… I want to see the outcome because of all the money we have wasted and bet the farm and how much it is affecting other business units. This is straight up JV
I do not put meetings together! I am in sales and was at the meeting. Clearly you are in sales as well and were there. If you are that unhappy then maybe you should look in the mirror. People that constantly complain about doing bad never blame themselves, it’s always someone else’s fault. I will bet that you and your district are in trouble because you don’t think we can take on dupi and win in certain areas. If you’re so good why don’t you get a new job?

I will admit I have made certain mistakes. Leaving my prior role and joining this f'ed up place. Moving my family around for this role. Associating myself with Galderma - if you look at this website its filled with so much rage compared to other companies - clearly this company doesnt care about its employees. I have no options left so I have to stay for now and live with my choices and mistakes while I find other options and enjoy the human centipede till I cant take it anymore. I appreciate your blinding insight into the obvious and it reflects how the company thinks - we made fake promises and if you dont like it - leave it. JUST LIES all around. This is not a videogame where you just reset into the next game in the next minute. Ride high on your horse till they showel you with crap my friend. This drug hasnt launched yet...

some good points here but the managers meeting was a very good meeting. A bit long but good. Some directors need to get their shit together and start focusing on their people and not on drinking and making friends. As far as Sr Leadership goes, AL seems to know what she’s doing, TL is solid as shit and our marketing team is very much with it. I think we surprise people. And if you are at Galderma why would you wish the failure of this launch? You sound like an employee who was turned down for the role.
Agree with you here… we go surprise people with how dumb we are and how we spend money. Can’t imagine EB funfing this for too long

if we would have taken the money and put it in a high growth index fund it would be less riskier and way higher returns. This shitty team cannot deliver. EQT has to know this and has to justify returns to investors. Wait for the games to begin