
You are either: 1. Senior Management(which would make that statement true) 2. Lying or 3. Being sarcastic. I'm so tired of this place I can't tell.
The correct answer #3 I was being sarcastic

Working at any CRO, any CRO, is tough, AAI is so strapped for cash that is makes it nonviable. Other CROs have the luxury to invest into facilities and equipment AAI can't. The peanuts they put back into analytical don’t matter. They squeeze the staff for more productivity without giving anything back. A very short sighted approach, in my opinion, what a shame this company was ruined by PW et al.


The correct answer #3 I was being sarcastic

Working at any CRO, any CRO, is tough, AAI is so strapped for cash that is makes it nonviable. Other CROs have the luxury to invest into facilities and equipment AAI can't. The peanuts they put back into analytical don’t matter. They squeeze the staff for more productivity without giving anything back. A very short sighted approach, in my opinion, what a shame this company was ruined by PW et al.


The same peanuts they give MCW too. Squeeeeeeeze and send the Hounddog after you do they can get those batches done, but no reward.

It is heaven not hell. Management is wonderful, workloads are reasonable and we all got a pay raise and a bonus.

This year was a 2.5% raise and 10% bonus....but I no longer work for AAI.

When I was at AAI I never got a bonus. In fact one year I worked thanksgiving, Xmas holiday and a bunch of weekends in between. All I got for my efforts was tired with even more work. Not even a "thank you" was delivered by my manager. That is what you get when you work for dago, rag head ingrates.

We did get a ham and a turkey at the holidays. Then in later years it was just a turkey. But that was all, annual raises were 1-3% and never a bonus.

This year was a 2.5% raise and 10% bonus....but I no longer work for AAI.

When I was at AAI I never got a bonus. In fact one year I worked thanksgiving, Xmas holiday and a bunch of weekends in between. All I got for my efforts was tired with even more work. Not even a "thank you" was delivered by my manager. That is what you get when you work for dago, rag head ingrates.

We did get a ham and a turkey at the holidays. Then in later years it was just a turkey. But that was all, annual raises were 1-3% and never a bonus.

I miss my boss dago and his aroma of an ashtray, he and I were the best of friends. we had pool parties and lots of fun after the sun went down.