You aren't even close on the salary, first number is a 2 and the second number is higher than a 2
So suck on that you d-bag
Oh my god. I love the way you posers come on here and act like you know what you're talking about.
Between the three - now fully assembled branded divisions here at Teva - TP, TN and TR the average median RSM salary is still around $170.000. Get a life and quit posting your crap. I love how people come on Cafe Pharma and spout off on things they have no clue about. Our reps are still on the low end of $95,000 and high end of $130,000. Yes, lower ranges than most, but at least we now have job security and are right sized for our future. We still have independence and sole territory ownership without all that big pharma pod selling crap. Those that are here are happy and content that we have jobs and will prosper for years to come with great products. Go on and pile on, since I know you cant resist. I just teed it up for all you bitter losers that walked away for what you though would be better gigs with other companies. Money isn't the "end all be all" in today's market. We have quality of life here at Teva and our future is bright!