RS Medical

It was another bloodbath at Home Office Tuesday. I got calls from several AM's who were fired. These were not losers, mind you. These are hardworking people who did the best they could with what they were given. So, less than 100 AM's left now. The strategy is that the remaining AM's will glean all the biz left by the departing reps. You would think these assholes would know that this doesn't work. It's been proven over and over. The AM's left are not going to leave their comfort zones and drive all over creation and back to grab a few extra sales from a foreign office. Not gonna happen. The offices got spoiled by all the in-person service. Suddenly they are going to work by FAX with some AM they might hardly ever see? Riiight. These clowns should realize that as their AM's left or got fired..sales dropped, and profits disappeaed altogether. This Jack Welch bewannabe narcissistic CEO Knosin Mr. MBA from Colorado State...his best game is to try and slash expenses faster than the income falls so at least on paper it looks like a turnaround. Here's a clue John...that works for about 1 Quarter, then your Board will figure out the paper game you're playing. When nothing is left...then watcha gonna do? You're CEO of a company 1/2 the size of what it was 2 yrs ago..amnd falling fast. Captain of the titanic and ally ou are doing is rearranging the deck chairs while the band plays on. You have a few bright stars still there...and you should have put THEM in a position of authority to make changes rather than bringing in your cronies and people from other industries who don't know the game. Only now, a year or so later are you maybe figuring out that thise clowns were clueless...and they are falling by the wayside 1 by 1. One of the smartest guys in the company,,,decades of leaving because he just can't stand seeing what is happening here. Talk about an instance of gross negligence...he should have been a VP years ago..he's forgotten more about DME than you will ever know. The company is so full of contradictions I can't begin to count. If a few of your remaining stars lose some insurance covereges, of get smart and go 1099 ( call me....I have better and broader insurance in-net coverages than RS DOES!!!..and a wider product portfolio, too!) RS will tank so hard that your unborn Grandchildren will feel the pain!

How DESPERATE are you as a CEO that you have to broadcast the fact that you sold your SECOND HOME IN NEW HAMPSHIRE so you can spend more time in Vancouver....oh, my poor thang. Are you KIDDING me? You are FIRING people by the SCORE, losing the company MILLIONS....Dec is a RECORD loser....and you tell people that you are selling your VACATION home. Most of the people you told that gem to are hoping to keep their ONLY home safe! Of they've already been fired and are counting the weeks until they run out of money. Your sacrifice is overwhelming. So's the Northeast doing for you? Once a star, solid numbers, profits. Now...NO managers from Ohio eastward and South to MD. NY has 2 AMS left to cover ALL of NJ, 5 Boroughs, LI ! And 1 of them is tanking hard. Your new manager..14 mos hired and had NO idea what he was doing. The rest sit at home doing paperwork all day covering their asses. Tommy B..a survivor..gets out EVERY week and rides with reps..sells accounts...digs out and fixes problems. YOU hired a VP who trash-talked his own people and chased the good managers away. At least HE left before he got fired. So here is a "premiere" pain management company with 2 barely breathing reps in the best market in the country! But as CEO..I'll bet you can't even tell us what insurers we have and don't have there. You have a gaping CHASM in what should be the best market in the country! Your the managers so nobody is left to even turn out the lights.

Rick T..TAKE YOUR COMPANY BACK and fire this self-serving fraud of a CEO. Get the last remaining sane people there together, hire back the good ones who were canned, and get the company back on track.

who is the guy with decades of experience that is leaving but wasn't laid off? rs medical will never recover. konson took 20 years of profits and destroyed the company in only 2 years. its a disaster of epic proportions

All true, however do you think that the owner doesn't know?

It is the Board of Directors that recently approved the layoffs and the contracting with a Offshore Outsourcing Company for a majority of "Home Office". It is a disgrace but do not think the owner is not aware. I am afraid we may never know the real truth here.

Many loyal, hardworking people who have worked for the company many years are going to suffer as a result of these decisions.

How loud does the fat lady have to sing before the owner and board members see RSMedical dying breaths. John K. has shot so many holes in the ship that it is sinking so fast it may not be able to be saved. It could be months, a year or two before RSMedical is totally gone if not sooner with John in the captain's chair.

I think Rick T knows what's going on. Maybe he is in denial? Maybe he just doesn't give a crap anymore. Maybe he really believes Konsin can turn it around. Rick made his $, lives well, and has other ventures. I can't WAIT for the National Sales meeting in Portland. Why not use the nice company auditorium? Oh yeah..don;t weant the home office people to hear about the path forward. Hey John...they figured it out when Jagdish and all his Indian friends showed up to get trained by the people you're firing in 2 more mos. You have nothing left to sell. Your hat is out of Rabbits. If a few of your top sales people get smart and realize they can make more money going're toast. How many hours do you stay up at night wondering if Victor B is gonna wake up and take his 3M+ in sales with him? You're supposed to be some Merger/acquisition specialist...are you kidding me? Rick closed the wallet a long tome ago. At least he knows not to let RS drag the rest of his portfolio down. Hope the sale of the NH house is going well. I know more than few loyal employees are wondering if they will HAVE a home 6 mos from now. 8 field managers left...60ish reps. Jeeezus. You can have your awards dinner at the Arbys and not exceed occupancy regs. That should also dovetail nicely with your expense account limits. Same old people patting themselves on the back and talking up the 'new' RSM. Here's a thought. It's free. Rather than firing all your AM's....there were a lot on the margins. Why not offer them a 1099 or part-time position? You keep the sales, keep the MD's happy,. move some equipment...and the employee is not on your books anymore..but at least they keep a living while they look for a new position..or expand their new business. How about a separation package you cheapskate? Some of these people had a decade or more of service..and you cut them loose with just unpaid vacation time? How low. How much do your VP's get when they leave? You don't even give these people a chance. They BUILT the company while you were screwing up your last position. Do us all a favor..move on. If you REEALLY care like you say you would benefit all the rest of the employees if you resigned.


Fools. Of course the owners know what the new CEO is doing. He is a hired hatchet man. They are positioning to sell the company. Why else would they get rid of 70% of the field force and outsource home office? To show profit on paper on a VERY short term basis!!! It is obviously not a great long term decision. The smart ones that are left should spend our last remaining breath with this charade of a company getting a resume ready and in front of other companies.

Of coarse we are getting our resumes ready, but also staying around for what ever we can get. We are not fools. We are good people in a messed up situation. We also believe in Karma, good and bad.

I have it on good authority that a 2 month lay-off notice will be delivered for much of the corporate office on 02/03/2012. Does this date coincide with a mandatory company meeting?
Prepare good folks, God Bless!

The outsourcing company is already learning the jobs of the people they will be replacing. 2 mos is the correct time frame. How sad. But as the previous poster said, please bear in mind that our CEO DID give up his vacation home.

Did anyone notice Rick T crying like a baby at the PC Formal Sunday night??? wonder if it was because of his burden he is carrying from screwing over so many families??? OR is he crying because the show is over and there is nothing else to take from the rest of the fools that are here? He used his stand in "Harry Potter" to come up with all type of products that suck to make it seem like the company will be around for years. Right! If you think this is true, you need to consider this. Why would you bring out a product that is not even covered in the Pain Management arena since by the way, "we are the #1 Pain Management company" The only pain I see is the families hurting after this company cheated them for years. You should be ashamed of yourself RT and JK. I would cry as well.... Job well done!!!!

This is all so rediculous!! Seriously? Who gives a CRAP if jk gave up his vacation home?!! You obviously have NO CLUE what peopleand their families are going through because of this! Some people may be losing their house that they actually live in; not vacation to!! Wow that is so ignorant to even post something like that!! No one cares about that at all at coporate. oh.. Cry us a freakin river! Are we all supposed to feel bad or something or think that is showing some type of dedication to rsm? Yah... Right!

From the top to the bottom, this company has no clue what its doing. They have never been able to recover from the loss of WC covering the 4i. They screwed too many people. The new directive to recapture this market is a pipe dream... these adjusters remember the overwhelming cost of the severely outdated piece of crap they used to put on patients. New data on useage to show the Case managers and adjusters? Please! it took you guys 5 years to even know what to do with this info and now your going to use it. Sorry, these companies have moved to using other products that are 1/3 of the price and have usage reports they can pull up on site. this company does everything backward, which is why they are dying... sorry, just about dead. They had to slash $15M in overhead to straighten the books and only pulled in just over $50M? Uh, that means your business model doesn't work! Now theyre going to try to compete with the heavy hitters in disposables? This will be an epic fail... the bigwigs will squeeze every quote and you won't get an ounce of business. #1 with Pain Physicians? That means you'll have to jump about 20 spots.

don't be an ass, everyone knows that your not allowed to tell when you get your notice.... JK doesn't want anyone causing a panic.HAHA.

ps- is it true the ams weren't allowed to the corp ofice when they were in townso as to not alarm or demoralize them?

This is all so rediculous!! Seriously? Who gives a CRAP if jk gave up his vacation home?!! You obviously have NO CLUE what peopleand their families are going through because of this! Some people may be losing their house that they actually live in; not vacation to!! Wow that is so ignorant to even post something like that!! No one cares about that at all at coporate. oh.. Cry us a freakin river! Are we all supposed to feel bad or something or think that is showing some type of dedication to rsm? Yah... Right!

You skip school the day they taught sarcasm?

this is sad...JK knows what he's doing...tough decisions with difficult short terms consequences, i.e. some lose their jobs, but important long term results...savings lots of jobs and eventually growing new jobs for talented individuals. Walk a mile in a CEO's will get it...

this is sad...JK knows what he's doing...tough decisions with difficult short terms consequences, i.e. some lose their jobs, but important long term results...savings lots of jobs and eventually growing new jobs for talented individuals. Walk a mile in a CEO's will get it...

HA! saving what jobs? get out of here! the only ones in true difficult positions are those who are losing their jobs, have some compassion ans sense. jerkoff!