Rotech Healthcare

There was one post that made the most sense.....
Rotech has many great hard working people. I am one of them and having been in the industry 17 years, I can say this, there is not any home medical equipment companies out there without thier fair share of issues.

That being said, Rotech is as good as any to work for and will probably survive competitive bidding in the end....

Who wants a job? Well, i'm happy to have one with a company that will survive.

What are the other options? Mom and pop? Short term only.... Lincare? Talk about treating the employees horrible.....Pacific pulmonary? Not many other real choices for the long term thinker.......Airgas anyone? LOL

You all can take what you want from this but at least I can spell when I reply to posts....

You must be in the corporate office. The company is heavily in debt and keeps padding the pockets of the corporate officers. Extremely unethical company.

I have worked for Rotech for approx 6 years now and i worked for Apria over 7 years and i can tell you Rotech's pay is lower than Apria but for me Rotech has been by far a better company. I love my job and the people i work with and work for. From my area manager to my Divisional manager they are good people. There are jerks in every job i don't care who you work for. Rotech has good benefits and by far has better service than most.
Pacific Pulmonary buying Rotech? Pleeeeeaaasssseeeeeee! That will never happen, Rotech has morals!!! Great company!!!!!!!!!!

This is a stupid company.

Possible Medicare Fraud with the Virtuox overnight oximeters by conducting onos on anybody possible. Direction of Regional Manager is to conduct oximetry on anybody and everybody with a wish and hope of oxygen as a result. The patients have no diagnosis or reason for this test. Medicare should investigate.

There is no ROI for Rotech on the oximetry. In fact out of 50 ONOs only 2 yeilded oxygen. Not a good use of time for little ROI. The sales reps spend 30% of their day delivering and picking up virtox. The virtuox does not work all the time and are unrealible.

The sales reps spend their time delivering DME and takes away from sales time. In fact 30% of the day is delivering DME where there is no commision related to it.

LCM are mean: They create a hostile work enviornment by telling PSR to "shut up" at morning meetings, Giving SR cold shoulder by one word answers.

LCM have no business sense: where 60% of business is from CPAP. They now tell sales rep to walk away from this business and concentrate 100% on oxygen where is much more difficult.

This company can not differentiate itself from the competition. It is run very poorly with lack of proper automation and book keeping. Very poor systems in place and duplication of efforts.

Vans are 10 years old and have 200,000 miles on them and insist them to be repaired.

Sikes: I happen to be an LCM and i will challenge you to any and all aspects of the business to see who exactly has business sense. My sales rep rarely delivers any DME and we do more CPAP than any of the 7 other companies in my town because we are the only company that has an RT. We love CPAP business. This LCM DOES NOT create anything hostile or give my SR the cold shoulder. Maybe you were the cause of all that went wrong in your location! The only thing i agree with is the vehicle situation!

This company is over 500 million in debt...that should answer your question pretty easily. Whats even worse is this shows how bad medicare is, they awarded rotech bids. This company's business model is they think if they just keep spending away buying mom and pops that they will improve...they dont realize its the service in which people appreciate. As a sales rep you wont be given anything as far as tools to succeed, and if you've never been in DME before you will be completely lost.

No differant than any other company within the DME indrustry. PPS has to get 10 million a year from the Japs to keep alive every year. Rotech just does not have a surger daddy like PPS

No differant than any other company within the DME indrustry. PPS has to get 10 million a year from the Japs to keep alive every year. Rotech just does not have a surger daddy like PPS

Actually it is a little different...why does Rotech have ZERO investors? Poorly ran place. Rotech owes their debt back by april 2012 anyway.

I just started working of this company in operations, So far it is great. Does anyone have any heads up for down the road.

After reading all of the threads, my opinion of all of the people complaining is from your inability to perform. I am also sure that it is not the first time that all of you that are complaining have heard this. Work, personal and professional. Step up to your responsibility and stop blaming everyone else for your failures. This company will make the completive cut. I would like to thank everyone. I would like to thank everyone that did not giving any solid advice. I started my new job and it is the best DME Company that I have ever worked for. So from all of the silence, I thank you and now I know that I have made the best decision.

My experience in central Florida with Rotech has been very negative. I have sleep apnea and was referred to Rotech by my doctor. I will be changing to another supplier as of this Monday. I have been telling Rotech since June that my mask leaks. No one, not the RT, the manager, the complaint dept., has given me any suggestions or tips, much less arranged for a new fitting. Finally, at the end of July and many phone calls, the manager said he would coordinate with the RT and contact me. One week later, no call. I called and was told that the RT was out of town this week. It is my belief that the manager either had no intention of helping me, or is simply incompetant. Just thought you should get a viewpoint from a patient. I hope the patients in your branch's care have better service than I have had, and I know I can only speak for this location. I know Rotech is a national company, and I in no way mean to suggest anything negative towards you personally.

I am a soon to be ex-customer of Rotech. I have been trying for the last 2 months to clerify that they are billing me less than what I actually owe. So that they don't bill me 10 months later for the corrected bill and have to figure where it came from (like they have done once before), I have gone all the way up the chain of commmand and still no call backs. They would do well to run for Congress.

Have you called the customer service number on your bill??? they are a great dept and they are very good about answering any questions you may have and follow up with you in no time.

Have you called the customer service number on your bill??? they are a great dept and they are very good about answering any questions you may have and follow up with you in no time.

Really? I mean, REALLY???..r u shittin me???? Worst part of the whole company is their rude, ridiculus, Pakistani billing cusomer service. Rotech billing people good, but when they transfer additional billing to the Pakistani jerks, it really hurts this company. Not worth the few bucks rotech saves for good ole AMERICAN employees.

I currently work for rotech. Management is always a thorn in the neck every where you go.

Some places are better than others. I say Rotech is fair. At some point you need to channel them out though. It has its ups and downs.

Busy taking care of patients, trying to help them all and dealing with equipment. Add management ontop of that its a headache.

Your gone all the time. The pay sucks. - Downside

You always have hours. - Upside

Air traffic controllers make 100-200k a year for having a high stress job.

Why does Rotech Have high turn over rates?

Terrible Pay rate. In a nutshull all healthcare companies should get paid the same for their services. Well why is Rotech one of the worst paying companies?

I still try to really help people thats my main focus. Even though I make shitty money.

Will I stay at Rotech forever?

No. I would think about it. IF they actually offered a competitive payrate to employees.
To everyone

If you want people to write nice things on the internet about your company. ITs simple pay them more money. Which you simply dont. I read many bad reviews about the company.

Its sad to read patient reviews that are negative though. Thats inexcusable.

I have been with Rotech for almost 15 years, great company to work for, good benefits. These people evidently did not like hard work or to work. Whose word are you going to take, someone who could not make it 90 days, much less a year or someone who has been there nearly 15 years? There is always 2 sides to every story.

I wouldnt say they have good bennys wait till u use the health insurrance no doctors or hospitals accept it in my area they have all dropped them along with the prescription plan the use.A well established pharmacy such as Walgreens dropped the plan it is a real joke! Actualy its not a joke and why would u stay there for 15 years either u are making tripple digits witch I dout or your a glutton for punnishment! I think the punnishment! The only ones making $$$ are the ceos that run this hydeius company well u no the old saying when it comes to shit 5 million flies cant be wrong !!!!!!

I currently work for rotech. Management is always a thorn in the neck every where you go.

Some places are better than others. I say Rotech is fair. At some point you need to channel them out though. It has its ups and downs.

Busy taking care of patients, trying to help them all and dealing with equipment. Add management ontop of that its a headache.

Your gone all the time. The pay sucks. - Downside

You always have hours. - Upside

Air traffic controllers make 100-200k a year for having a high stress job.

Why does Rotech Have high turn over rates?

Terrible Pay rate. In a nutshull all healthcare companies should get paid the same for their services. Well why is Rotech one of the worst paying companies?

I still try to really help people thats my main focus. Even though I make shitty money.

Will I stay at Rotech forever?

No. I would think about it. IF they actually offered a competitive payrate to employees.
To everyone

If you want people to write nice things on the internet about your company. ITs simple pay them more money. Which you simply dont. I read many bad reviews about the company.

Its sad to read patient reviews that are negative though. Thats inexcusable.

It could be worse.....You could be working for Pacific Pulmonary.

This month marks my 13-year anniversary with Rotech. I started out as a customer service rep and I am now a location manager. Not every single day is roses and rainbows but at the end of the day, I like my job and I love helping the patients. I have no intention of leaving.