ROSA Over-resection

your surgeon should be asking you that. The fact you are in the field and have no clue about templatimg/ligament balancing besides the fact you think they are stretched out enough to use 18mm polys…. I rarely use more then an 11mm for nasty 20-30 degree varus/valgus deformities. Did you go to training? What are they teaching these days? Insane your asking this on CP and even more insane your in the field in cases with little knowledge of what to do. Stay off CP for advice, go sit in some cases with reps who have been around awhile and ask questions and take notes. NO WAY IN HELL SHOULD YOU USE A 18MM POLY IN A TOTAL KNEE. If you find yourself there ask what the hell happened and how could have this been avoided, have that conversation with your surgeon, if he still has any trust in anything you say.

your surgeon should be asking you that. The fact you are in the field and have no clue about templatimg/ligament balancing besides the fact you think they are stretched out enough to use 18mm polys…. I rarely use more then an 11mm for nasty 20-30 degree varus/valgus deformities. Did you go to training? What are they teaching these days? Insane your asking this on CP and even more insane your in the field in cases with little knowledge of what to do. Stay off CP for advice, go sit in some cases with reps who have been around awhile and ask questions and take notes. NO WAY IN HELL SHOULD YOU USE A 18MM POLY IN A TOTAL KNEE. If you find yourself there ask what the hell happened and how could have this been avoided, have that conversation with your surgeon, if he still has any trust in anything you say.

I’m calling total bullshit on you! Are you trying to impress somebody?

Are you trying to say the excess tibial cut issues are ok and so are using large polys? It’s a problem, and more surgeons are becoming aware of it weekly at this rate.

Not at all; sorry the thread has taken a different direction from original post. It just really bothers me that ZB thinks that we should only have 1 of the 18/20mm polys and it makes my blood boil when reps make it out like they have never seen a surgeon use anything bigger than a 12mm in 27 years (or that you can template a poly!)- I disagree on that subject and call BS on those folks. Back on topic- too much resection on ROSA? Huge problem. In my opinion, ROSA is over-rated. Med tech company? LOL

Not at all; sorry the thread has taken a different direction from original post. It just really bothers me that ZB thinks that we should only have 1 of the 18/20mm polys and it makes my blood boil when reps make it out like they have never seen a surgeon use anything bigger than a 12mm in 27 years (or that you can template a poly!)- I disagree on that subject and call BS on those folks. Back on topic- too much resection on ROSA? Huge problem. In my opinion, ROSA is over-rated. Med tech company? LOL

I live in a tiny area where the closest Zimmer facility to get an extra poly is well over 100 miles away. (Instead of driving to a close facility or ZB office to grab another. We do not and have not ever had multiple large inserts. If any surgeon had an insane deformity he would let me know ahead of time as usually they want some augments for tibia as well as that’s usually the problem child with Rosa/deformities. If you wanted another poly just order it and charge hospital extra shipping to cover it. You need anything just order it, why is it such a big deal? Just ask for a large size insert consignment. If you can’t get a few extra inserts to live with you it’s because your numbers don’t support it. Welcome to ortho sales.

Couple thousand knees over my time and rarely ever used even a 15mm insert for a primary knee. If your worried about 18mm+ there are a lot bigger issues going on with your surgeon, might want to distance myself from that as patient outcomes can’t be good.

This thread is off the rails funny. anyone getting any traction with the WalkAI stuff? In the West we're getting lots of eye rolls from docs that saw it at AAOS.