Rookie of the Year criteria

HR! Haha....... that is just a name they fear for their jobs and do nothing that resembles a normal protocol ..... if they did the idiot KM and many RMs would be gone! They listen to nothing that is said by reps. They know it’s wrong ..... I don’t know how they sleep at night !

So true the last RSS that was let go was because they told HR about the noncompliant requests from their manager. Look where that got them. I saw whistle blow opko.

So true the last RSS that was let go was because they told HR about the noncompliant requests from their manager. Look where that got them. I saw whistle blow opko.

They need to hire an attorney that advertises here on CF. Plenty to choose from. That manager will be fined and could possibly serve jail time. The company could be fined as well. Once the charges are delivered they will spill their guts out regarding others involved for a lighter sentence. We are dealing with the most unethical, unprofessional people in the industry. Start a file on your personal computer to document everything. Its your insurance policy.

They need to hire an attorney that advertises here on CF. Plenty to choose from. That manager will be fined and could possibly serve jail time. The company could be fined as well. Once the charges are delivered they will spill their guts out regarding others involved for a lighter sentence. We are dealing with the most unethical, unprofessional people in the industry. Start a file on your personal computer to document everything. Its your insurance policy.

They need to hire an attorney that advertises here on CF. Plenty to choose from. That manager will be fined and could possibly serve jail time. The company could be fined as well. Once the charges are delivered they will spill their guts out regarding others involved for a lighter sentence. We are dealing with the most unethical, unprofessional people in the industry. Start a file on your personal computer to document everything. Its your insurance policy.
Wow, you are one in the office that no one wants to be around and everyone is happy when you leave!

They need to hire an attorney that advertises here on CF. Plenty to choose from. That manager will be fined and could possibly serve jail time. The company could be fined as well. Once the charges are delivered they will spill their guts out regarding others involved for a lighter sentence. We are dealing with the most unethical, unprofessional people in the industry. Start a file on your personal computer to document everything. Its your insurance policy.

The files in the south are bursting at the seams.