ROI on DMs

Listening to both sides of this debate, makes me soooo glad I got out of pharma.

I have always found the righteous indignation of either DMs or reps. on here to be comical. You guys all know your job is pointless, reps and DMs alike. And because of this insecurity, everyone has a pissing match on cafepharma.

If you guys are as good as you think you are, come play with the big boys and girls in medical device. I love it. You will too.

And I say this as a former drug rep where my manager hated me because he thought I was lazy. He tried repeatedly to get rid of me. What he didn't seem to figure out is that I was lazy because in pharma, I knew the job was a total wank and I was just hopping on the pharma wagon as a life preserver. It was very hard for me take him or the job seriously after every point of my day was analyzed on a weekly report. I remember laughing in his face one day when my call average was off by something like .1 call a week. This wasn't Novartis, but still...

Come on guys. If this is truly sales, like so many of you insist it is *cough* then go out there, placate your DM, and sell sell sell.

You're not a real manager. Good managers get the most out of their assets.
You on the other hand want a bunch of ass kissers to lick your scrotum fullfilling
your sense of worth which you are apparently missing. You should be at DMV
It's the few loser DM's like you that give the rest a bad name .

You are such a loser. An ass kisser and a lazy, non-working rep are not assets. A good manager cuts their losses so they can focus on those hires who ARE assets.

I are a DM & can tell you I are definately worth the money !
I just concluded my normal 15 hour week
14 hours worth of conference calls. 1 hour to sign my reps
laptops for bogus FCR's !
That's how I move bizness baby !!

As a DM in the NEOU the I can say the best pary of my job is when My boss who takes PRIDE in his area MAKES FUN of HIS BOSS to EVERYONE IN THE REGION
& then I make fun of the of the big Kahoona to all my underlings !