Rob James replacement

How's the new guy doing compared to the old one?

Word at Klybeck is that SS likes speeding past the fire station in his Maserati.

In other news, he has no effing clue and is suckling at the teat of EY, BCG and McKinky.

All he needs to do is execute on strategy: cut cost, eliminate roles, bundle competencies, reduce service levels (yes that is possible), and ship everything except his own job off to low wage countries, where bribery is unheard of :|

It will get nasty, and its a risk for AWs own career development.

Word at Klybeck is that SS likes speeding past the fire station in his Maserati.

In other news, he has no effing clue and is suckling at the teat of EY, BCG and McKinky.

All he needs to do is execute on strategy: cut cost, eliminate roles, bundle competencies, reduce service levels (yes that is possible), and ship everything except his own job off to low wage countries, where bribery is unheard of :|

It will get nasty, and its a risk for AWs own career development.

That is as much an indictment of "clueless Joe" Jimenez and the weak-kneed Board that Dan Vasella put in place to get him the $77 million exit package that was originally proposed as it is of the "kid" CIO. There is no internal moral or business compass at Novartis. The "leadership" never seems to learn that it is fundamentally impossible to outsource intelligence, business acumen, scientific achievement, loyalty and dynamic, ethical leadership to outside consultants who have no stake in the outcome of their "advice" -- other than a short-term payday.

That is as much an indictment of "clueless Joe" Jimenez and the weak-kneed Board that Dan Vasella put in place to get him the $77 million exit package that was originally proposed as it is of the "kid" CIO. There is no internal moral or business compass at Novartis. The "leadership" never seems to learn that it is fundamentally impossible to outsource intelligence, business acumen, scientific achievement, loyalty and dynamic, ethical leadership to outside consultants who have no stake in the outcome of their "advice" -- other than a short-term payday.

Well, you do know that this is all a game of pumping wealth out of the matrix and redistributing up the hierarchy of "needs".