Ridiculous HSBS offers

what company is this?

  • BI

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  • BI

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We are all pawns working for someone else. Funny thing is we all complain about who makes more yet everyones salary is within 30k of each other. It's not like anyone here is making millions. 30k after taxes isn't sh*t.

You realize the Boehringer family makes billions. That's with B. Do any of you know any successful business owners? If you do then you know 130-175k or whatever you think is great income here that you're gloating over in this industry is actually pennies to what people are really making out in the "real world". This industry is washed up so be happy with what you got or go figure out something else.

We are all pawns working for someone else. Funny thing is we all complain about who makes more yet everyones salary is within 30k of each other. It's not like anyone here is making millions. 30k after taxes isn't sh*t.

You realize the Boehringer family makes billions. That's with B. Do any of you know any successful business owners? If you do then you know 130-175k or whatever you think is great income here that you're gloating over in this industry is actually pennies to what people are really making out in the "real world". This industry is washed up so be happy with what you got or go figure out something else.

I'm sorry, but where I come from anything over 100 k a year is a good living. I don't try to live like a million/billionair. I'm happy being middle-class. You sound a bit immature, entitled or perhaps a trust fund baby? Most people who worked for their own education, property and had a job in other industries appreciate what $100 k plus a year means. I started with BI 10 yrs ago at $50,000 base and was happy to make that and EARN my way up. Don't be such a snob.

Conservative estimate, about 60% of the sales force is staring at being unemployed by the end of June, and you're whining about not being able to live on $98K. Poor baby. Gosh I won't be able to sleep tonight worrying about you not making six figures. There's people reading your bullshit who are wondering how they are going to afford their kids' college tuition or pay their mortgage. If you worship anything else besides money, you might want to say a prayer of thanks for the fact that the only thing you have to worry about is not making $113K. And maybe have a little consideration for those of us who will be marched off to the unemployment line. Or is $100K the going rate for your soul?

Conservative estimate, about 60% of the sales force is staring at being unemployed by the end of June, and you're whining about not being able to live on $98K. Poor baby. Gosh I won't be able to sleep tonight worrying about you not making six figures. There's people reading your bullshit who are wondering how they are going to afford their kids' college tuition or pay their mortgage. If you worship anything else besides money, you might want to say a prayer of thanks for the fact that the only thing you have to worry about is not making $113K. And maybe have a little consideration for those of us who will be marched off to the unemployment line. Or is $100K the going rate for your soul?

They turned it down, so somebody else that truly wants it can hopefully get the job. They wanted more $$$ and that's their prerogative. Maybe their personal expenses have grown and needs have changed since GTM.

The problem within the current sales force is that there are lots of entitled individuals that can't even handle calling on PCPs. They hide in their pods and claim to collaborate with others. That's why some of those that interviewed from the PCP sales force aren't landing HSBS jobs and they are being posted externally. As an ISR that was going to an HSBS role, I absolutely expected a decent pay bump to be responsible for another therapeutic area and gain formulary access for the diabetes portfolio. I didn't like the job responsibilities, so I am leaving and freeing up a spot for somebody else. Sadly, I think the job will go to an external candidate though.

just turned down my HSBS offer of 98K...it should be between 110-115K for the responsibility they are asking of us...good luck BI
It's a primary care job. I don't know why people's expectations are so high for base salaries. Dropping off samples just for 1 health system instead of many. If you think that any pharma company can influence a health care system in todays environment than you are shockingly naive. The government is squeezing reimbursements, expecting more productivity, and pushing margins even further for organized health systems. It's all in there in the company memos to field sales. The reasons for these layoffs aren't just going to disappear if you call on just 1 customer.

Conservative estimate, about 60% of the sales force is staring at being unemployed by the end of June, and you're whining about not being able to live on $98K. Poor baby. Gosh I won't be able to sleep tonight worrying about you not making six figures. There's people reading your bullshit who are wondering how they are going to afford their kids' college tuition or pay their mortgage. If you worship anything else besides money, you might want to say a prayer of thanks for the fact that the only thing you have to worry about is not making $113K. And maybe have a little consideration for those of us who will be marched off to the unemployment line. Or is $100K the going rate for your soul?

Very well said. Some of these people are so spoiled. They don't even stop to think about the effects that this transformation is having on others. God Bless, I wish you all the best.

Conservative estimate, about 60% of the sales force is staring at being unemployed by the end of June, and you're whining about not being able to live on $98K. Poor baby. Gosh I won't be able to sleep tonight worrying about you not making six figures. There's people reading your bullshit who are wondering how they are going to afford their kids' college tuition or pay their mortgage. If you worship anything else besides money, you might want to say a prayer of thanks for the fact that the only thing you have to worry about is not making $113K. And maybe have a little consideration for those of us who will be marched off to the unemployment line. Or is $100K the going rate for your soul?

I can and am living on less than 98K which is why I turned this offer down. Somebody else can have the HSBS job. I am fine with that. The fact is you can find a job making a lot more somewhere else so start looking now. Jobs are out there between 115-135K doing exactly what we are doing its not rocket science. Why not make the most you can now why you are young vs staying here.

I can and am living on less than 98K which is why I turned this offer down. Somebody else can have the HSBS job. I am fine with that. The fact is you can find a job making a lot more somewhere else so start looking now. Jobs are out there between 115-135K doing exactly what we are doing its not rocket science. Why not make the most you can now why you are young vs staying here.

Stupid move. Now you get no severance when you get whacked.

And that severance amount is how much? You re an idiot they haven't told anyone what that severance is, tthat's he carrot their dangling to keep people around you twat waffle.

Twat waffle. I have to leave before severance is paid out. It wasn't ideal, but I will take an awesome new job over whatever severance BI decides to hand out.

you post all over these boards and don't know how to form a basic sentence. I'm convinced you're a complete and utter dolt. Something that is re-confirmed every single time you post.

you post all over these boards and don't know how to form a basic sentence. I'm convinced you're a complete and utter dolt. Something that is re-confirmed every single time you post.

Hey grammar police...shut up and make a coherent argument instead of insulting someone who is typing on a blog! This isn't a friggin college thesis! I get you don't like this person and they are a fool but whenever someone goes after another based on how they spell or form a sentence it makes you look if dumber. Just saying...

Hey grammar police...shut up and make a coherent argument instead of insulting someone who is typing on a blog! This isn't a friggin college thesis! I get you don't like this person and they are a fool but whenever someone goes after another based on how they spell or form a sentence it makes you look if dumber. Just saying...
Oh darn!! I didn't proof read! I made a typo! Are you going to comment on that, too?

people talking about their just over 100k base salaries like its not enough makes me sick. Ive been here for 6 years and I'm at 69k and I've consistently performed in the top. My manager has done nothing for me, glad this person was shown the door this week. even if i was placed and given a 10% bump I'm at a 76k base thats still a joke. This company has undercut me so bad. think of me and be happy with what you got because this sucks.
If you are in primary care then do a search for average sal of primary care sales and you will see you make average. So quit your bitching. If you make that amount and you are in speciality or higher then your a fool for staying.

All these people but hung about supposed salary like they should get paid as s device rep. Guess what - you are not.