Ridiculous HSBS offers

what company is this?

  • BI

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  • BI

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BI has completely misjudged everything. Go to market was launched with the understanding that pharma was on the decline, and BI could blow up current positions, and everybody would be desperate to accept any position offered. Unfortunately for BI, pharma hasn't imploded. So many have left BI, and went elsewhere making between 115,000-130,000 base pay. Now they are offering 90-95,000 base pay for the rediculous HSBS positions. And everyone is turning these positions down! Hahahahahahaha! This company is beyond pathetic...


BI has completely misjudged everything. Go to market was launched with the understanding that pharma was on the decline, and BI could blow up current positions, and everybody would be desperate to accept any position offered. Unfortunately for BI, pharma hasn't imploded. So many have left BI, and went elsewhere making between 115,000-130,000 base pay. Now they are offering 90-95,000 base pay for the rediculous HSBS positions. And everyone is turning these positions down! Hahahahahahaha! This company is beyond pathetic...
Executive hsbs positions are six figure base.

Barely. $101K. I accepted it only because I am waiting for a final offer somewhere else. That's the other side to this- many people who accepted these are interviewing elsewhere and will leave soon

As an Exec? I make over that as an ISR II. I withdrew from the process and I'm just letting the clock run out before I start my new job. I was curious to hear what base they were going to give me here for my new role. But, I knew I didn't want to be part of the circus.

Good luck with your final offer elsewhere.

Every offer was different. Some higher, some lower.

people talking about their just over 100k base salaries like its not enough makes me sick. Ive been here for 6 years and I'm at 69k and I've consistently performed in the top. My manager has done nothing for me, glad this person was shown the door this week. even if i was placed and given a 10% bump I'm at a 76k base thats still a joke. This company has undercut me so bad. think of me and be happy with what you got because this sucks.

people talking about their just over 100k base salaries like its not enough makes me sick. Ive been here for 6 years and I'm at 69k and I've consistently performed in the top. My manager has done nothing for me, glad this person was shown the door this week. even if i was placed and given a 10% bump I'm at a 76k base thats still a joke. This company has undercut me so bad. think of me and be happy with what you got because this sucks.

I'm sorry, but it's on you at this point for staying. The grass is not always greener, but you could have made a smart move to advance yourself and your compensation. Some people like to complain, but then they don't do anything about their situation.

people talking about their just over 100k base salaries like its not enough makes me sick. Ive been here for 6 years and I'm at 69k and I've consistently performed in the top. My manager has done nothing for me, glad this person was shown the door this week. even if i was placed and given a 10% bump I'm at a 76k base thats still a joke. This company has undercut me so bad. think of me and be happy with what you got because this sucks.
Most of the people making over $100K were automatically targeted for termination based on that alone. That's why HSBS offers were made to people making less than that, so they'd be happy getting into the 90's for the first time or just into six figs. And that's on the absolute high end. So many other companies pay so much more. Look around and you will probably get a 25K bump to go somewhere else if you have done well and know your customers. Good luck. You owe it to yourself

people talking about their just over 100k base salaries like its not enough makes me sick. Ive been here for 6 years and I'm at 69k and I've consistently performed in the top. My manager has done nothing for me, glad this person was shown the door this week. even if i was placed and given a 10% bump I'm at a 76k base thats still a joke. This company has undercut me so bad. think of me and be happy with what you got because this sucks.

You're a millennial, aren't you? No one owes you anything. You are worth what you are paid. Ergo, you are worth $69K.

You're a millennial, aren't you? No one owes you anything. You are worth what you are paid. Ergo, you are worth $69K.

Exactly!!! You damn millennials don't want to work your way up for a higher salary like the rest of us did. We are paid more because we have more experience in the industry. So waaaaa, there will be no participation trophy for you this time!!!

Exactly!!! You damn millennials don't want to work your way up for a higher salary like the rest of us did. We are paid more because we have more experience in the industry. So waaaaa, there will be no participation trophy for you this time!!!

Exactly! Mid forties and many yrs of hard work for six figure base.

Exactly!!! You damn millennials don't want to work your way up for a higher salary like the rest of us did. We are paid more because we have more experience in the industry. So waaaaa, there will be no participation trophy for you this time!!!

you old timers seem to think just because you've been around since they invented the combustion engine that you are owed a monstrous base salary. so you feel entitled and snobbish if you don't get it yet you complain and point fingers at "whiney millennials" that we don't "work hard enough" even though I've out performed you for the last 6 years. its ok ill have your job soon.

you old timers seem to think just because you've been around since they invented the combustion engine that you are owed a monstrous base salary. so you feel entitled and snobbish if you don't get it yet you complain and point fingers at "whiney millennials" that we don't "work hard enough" even though I've out performed you for the last 6 years. its ok ill have your job soon.

If you'd actually out-performed us, you'd be higher than 69k.

people talking about their just over 100k base salaries like its not enough makes me sick. Ive been here for 6 years and I'm at 69k and I've consistently performed in the top. My manager has done nothing for me, glad this person was shown the door this week. even if i was placed and given a 10% bump I'm at a 76k base thats still a joke. This company has undercut me so bad. think of me and be happy with what you got because this sucks.
You have no one to blame but yourself if you are not making what you think you're worth. That's what I think when I think of you. You expect people to feel sorry for you?

you old timers seem to think just because you've been around since they invented the combustion engine that you are owed a monstrous base salary. so you feel entitled and snobbish if you don't get it yet you complain and point fingers at "whiney millennials" that we don't "work hard enough" even though I've out performed you for the last 6 years. its ok ill have your job soon.

The only thing you have going for you is your shitty salary. So if you take our jobs it's only because management wants to cut cost.

you old timers seem to think just because you've been around since they invented the combustion engine that you are owed a monstrous base salary. so you feel entitled and snobbish if you don't get it yet you complain and point fingers at "whiney millennials" that we don't "work hard enough" even though I've out performed you for the last 6 years. its ok ill have your job soon.

So, I'm actually a "millennial" at this company and one of the above posters with a 6-figure base. I have been a consistent performer, but I have also made smart moves and decisions. You sound complacent and I'm guessing you make more than your friends and gloat about your free company car to them.

I started in pharma in 2009 with a base of 50k and my base at a new company will be in the 120k range. And, I have additional education for when the ride is over. Enjoy your 69k-76k base if you are retained and pray you are placed as a diabetes rep. If you spent less time being whiney, you could probably get a new job.