Ride-along nightmares...

Here is the scoop,
This is an independent company hired by Novartis to assist in making decisions surrounding the hourly wage fiasco. This company has no clue in regard to products,messaging etc they are tracking time in the field,time in front of physicians,actual work time v.s " down time" such as travel to next office or zip code. They are not tracking nor do they have a clue regarding a good opener,probing,trial close etc....not do they care.

There were approx 125 areas selected across the country. The managers were notified and were given guidance to select a representative who can give an honest impression of a days work. This has nothing to do with whether someone made 10 calls a day or 5 calls a day.
If you were selected by your manager,despite this being an inconvience you are doing your manager a big favor as he needs to get this done.

Believe me, for those of you selected this is a feather in your hat. our manager just needs to cross this off his to do list and the last thing he needs is a rep who gives a poor reflection of a days work.

If you were selected, chances are, you are one of the reps that stands a better chance of keeping your job when further reductions are made.

Another justification for these ride-alongs could be that so many stupid reps brag about how they never work, how they steal from the company, how they game the system. There are reps who work hard, are ethical, and accept the fact that the company will not acknowledge their accomplishments (some of them are gone) but there are those lazy idiots that make the career look even more lame. Those will be the reps that will certainly suffer with the ride alongs.

reps are liars and the better ones become dm's and the compulsive liars become senior dm's.

there are under 10% so called honest reps after 12-24 months in the field. FACT!

Lying is the name of the game - reps lie about everything, company lies wind up costing them multi-millions in settlements to the government and employees.

Pharma, the parallel universe.

Earth to novartis . Can u hear me ???

Can stretch my typical 2 hour day to 10 hours . You can hire all the independant observers you want . I'm like one of those cab drivers that can turn a $2.00 fare into $32.00

As soon as they leave , I deduct each hour above my customary 2 hour day I spent with them to compensate myself until the universe is back in balance.

If that means entire no signature days off so be it . Easy enough without samples.

Now to more important matters .


Earth to novartis . Can u hear me ???

Can stretch my typical 2 hour day to 10 hours . You can hire all the independant observers you want . I'm like one of those cab drivers that can turn a $2.00 fare into $32.00

As soon as they leave , I deduct each hour above my customary 2 hour day I spent with them to compensate myself until the universe is back in balance.

If that means entire no signature days off so be it . Easy enough without samples.

Now to more important matters .


Good post, you are the typical money-grubbing, lazy-ass rep. If you can get away with it you are an inspiration to the other drainages on the company. You've perfected the system of lies, delusions and fantasies, the main requirements in pharma. Way 2 Go Johnson.

Good post, you are the typical money-grubbing, lazy-ass rep. If you can get away with it you are an inspiration to the other drainages on the company. You've perfected the system of lies, delusions and fantasies, the main requirements in pharma. Way 2 Go Johnson.

U can hate the game but dont hate the playa
you a playa hata

Earth to novartis . Can u hear me ???

Can stretch my typical 2 hour day to 10 hours . You can hire all the independant observers you want . I'm like one of those cab drivers that can turn a $2.00 fare into $32.00

As soon as they leave , I deduct each hour above my customary 2 hour day I spent with them to compensate myself until the universe is back in balance.

If that means entire no signature days off so be it . Easy enough without samples.

Now to more important matters .


I don't work much more than you. I am actually trying to fired, but can't get the manager to pull the trigger. The sales numbers are too good. I'll take unemployment and the Summer off. Next Fall I will work 20 hrs a week until Spring than it drops to 10 hrs wk. Life is good when you don't want the job.

What is this about? 5 day ride alongs with a "consultant"? they take notes on you all day and you are not allowed to ask them what information they are collecting?? Do you think this is related to the overtime suit? seeing how many hrs typical rep works? I don't trust Novartis...

If the REPS didn't file the suit for overtime pay, this would not be happening. Trust? What the hell does trust have to do with this? We sued them you idiot.

Try again! Me nor my peers hired them. I'm new to my area you see. So... they all suck and you are defending them because you MUST suck too, no? oh yea!

Really ? your peers didn't hire them ? Did they hire themselves ?
Do all reps have brand new managers that never hired them & or RDs/MD's/HR
that never rubber stamped them ?
You seem WAY too stupid to be in management though then again
that does seems like a critical prerequisite for novartis mgmt

I'm going through the same thing this week!!! It's been the most miserable week ever. Their using I Pads to document how long I wait in waiting rooms, how long I spend talking to doctors, how long it takes me to get from office to office, how many bathroom breaks I've had.......................my manager says it due to overtime lawsuit, Novartis hired this company to figure out how many hrs are we working in an average day, and what they should pay us when we go to hourly wages!!!!!!
Oh, and did I mention I'm pregnant, and due next week!!! Thanks for randomly picking me Novartis. This company sucks ass!!!

This EXACT same post was put up on a thread in the Forest message board this week(minus the Novartis refernces). WTF?

This EXACT same post was put up on a thread in the Forest message board this week(minus the Novartis refernces). WTF?

I read the same post on the Forest board as well. The conversation is verbatim, yet with reference to Forest. I think we're going to have to call bullshit on this story/thread. It was good and had me on the edge of my seat! Urban Legend ....

don't call bs on this thread....it's true..they were riding with reps and documenting everything the rep did from length of time between office rides,time in waiting room, stops taken for personal reasons, lunch breaks, lunches in offices, when you started your day, and when you finished your day.. they rode in the backseat of your vehicle and kept their convo to a minimum..you had to pick them up at a location as close to your home as possible so that they could make a more accurate timing of your day..they couldn't provide much info about themselves or the company they worked for..as far as that post being on other threads, i don't much about that, but it definitely happened with Novartis...and it really was a pain in the ass.