Ride-along nightmares...

Well I have had all week and finish up tomorrow my ride along with a person who I can't talk too but take notes all day long. This is true, and I can verify if you only ask around. It seems as thought close to 130 reps in various specialties are having this same week long observation of field times, call, and activities as well as asking for our evening work times and loads. Who and why are they checking us on this ride alongs????? Please let me know what you think as they can't even talk small while driving from call to call and I am very uncomfortable. Thanks.

Well I have had all week and finish up tomorrow my ride along with a person who I can't talk too but take notes all day long. This is true, and I can verify if you only ask around. It seems as thought close to 130 reps in various specialties are having this same week long observation of field times, call, and activities as well as asking for our evening work times and loads. Who and why are they checking us on this ride alongs????? Please let me know what you think as they can't even talk small while driving from call to call and I am very uncomfortable. Thanks.

I have someone close to me I know in my district as well and they are told it is an outside company from CA doing this observation with or against Novartis???.

Well I have had all week and finish up tomorrow my ride along with a person who I can't talk too but take notes all day long. This is true, and I can verify if you only ask around. It seems as thought close to 130 reps in various specialties are having this same week long observation of field times, call, and activities as well as asking for our evening work times and loads. Who and why are they checking us on this ride alongs????? Please let me know what you think as they can't even talk small while driving from call to call and I am very uncomfortable. Thanks.

What is this about? 5 day ride alongs with a "consultant"? they take notes on you all day and you are not allowed to ask them what information they are collecting?? Do you think this is related to the overtime suit? seeing how many hrs typical rep works? I don't trust Novartis...

What is this about? 5 day ride alongs with a "consultant"? they take notes on you all day and you are not allowed to ask them what information they are collecting?? Do you think this is related to the overtime suit? seeing how many hrs typical rep works? I don't trust Novartis...

And we should trust the reps who wouldn't know an 8 hour day if it hit them over the head?

Overtime my ass! Bunch of damm teetsuckers.

And we should trust the reps who wouldn't know an 8 hour day if it hit them over the head?

Overtime my ass! Bunch of damm teetsuckers.

Never mind this post as he is an old cranky Oncology or some other useless specialty rep. with too many years sucking his own teet! He has no clue the time spent as Primary Care reps and micro management.


What is this about? 5 day ride alongs with a "consultant"? they take notes on you all day and you are not allowed to ask them what information they are collecting?? Do you think this is related to the overtime suit? seeing how many hrs typical rep works? I don't trust Novartis...
This is most likely Novartis hiring an outside firm to check the reality of a rep's day due to the overtime lawsuit. Reps make sure that you don't take time for your own lunch if you don't have a lunch scheduled in a doctor's office. If you are in the field from 8:30 to 5:00 as they say they want you to be in the field 5 days a week, that alone would equal 2 1/2 hours overtime each week. That doesn't include any speaker programs at night. Don't trust Novartis. Beware.

Never mind this post as he is an old cranky Oncology or some other useless specialty rep. with too many years sucking his own teet! He has no clue the time spent as Primary Care reps and micro management.


Looser? You need your belt a little looser?

Or you were signing your name as a LOSER?

What SKOOL did you attend, Mr. Dumbass?

Well I have had all week and finish up tomorrow my ride along with a person who I can't talk too but take notes all day long. This is true, and I can verify if you only ask around. It seems as thought close to 130 reps in various specialties are having this same week long observation of field times, call, and activities as well as asking for our evening work times and loads. Who and why are they checking us on this ride alongs????? Please let me know what you think as they can't even talk small while driving from call to call and I am very uncomfortable. Thanks.

I'm going through the same thing this week!!! It's been the most miserable week ever. Their using I Pads to document how long I wait in waiting rooms, how long I spend talking to doctors, how long it takes me to get from office to office, how many bathroom breaks I've had.......................my manager says it due to overtime lawsuit, Novartis hired this company to figure out how many hrs are we working in an average day, and what they should pay us when we go to hourly wages!!!!!!
Oh, and did I mention I'm pregnant, and due next week!!! Thanks for randomly picking me Novartis. This company sucks ass!!!

I'm going through the same thing this week!!! It's been the most miserable week ever. Their using I Pads to document how long I wait in waiting rooms, how long I spend talking to doctors, how long it takes me to get from office to office, how many bathroom breaks I've had.......................my manager says it due to overtime lawsuit, Novartis hired this company to figure out how many hrs are we working in an average day, and what they should pay us when we go to hourly wages!!!!!!
Oh, and did I mention I'm pregnant, and due next week!!! Thanks for randomly picking me Novartis. This company sucks ass!!!

Go out on STD NOW! Put your feet up and relax! Honestly, I don't see how you are doing it with your due date just next week! I went out 2 weeks before delivery because I seriously could not walk or even carry anything.

To the pregnant rep - Most of the women of Novartis work until their 8th month and then go on STD with no problem. We do so much driving, it is dangerous for you and the baby. Get a doctor's excuse and call Met Life to start your disability NOW! Good luck to you.

My time is coming with the 5-day ride-a-long. Not many details as to what to expect. Any of you who have experienced this that can share your thoughts,insights, do's and dont's, it would be appreicated.
I dont care what type of job you have,having someone watch you hourly all week long sounds annoying.

Think about the reasons for the 5 Day Ride-Along project and who gets picked to participate.

First, there are three purposes, one is to better calculate "hourly" payment and efficiency of the sales force within those work hours.

Secondly, the ride along is being used as a tool to better gauge what the next iteration of the Novartis Sales Force should be - size-wise.

Thirdly, the 5 day ride along will be used as a tool to allow for termination of some reps whose performance has already identified them as away from the norm of the bell curve. For instance, if you routinely report 10 or more doctor calls per day, but manager field contact reports consistently show fewer, the ride along will be used as an instrument to see what you really can do on a consistent basis. Better keep it close to 10, if your week with "Big Brother" averages let's say 4 or 5 per day with some calls being less than what the company would call a real call, you will have some explaining (lying) to do. Especially if what you can do is out of sync with what pod mates are doing.

If, on the other hand, you consistently report less than 10 calls a day (maybe because you don't put in full days). You might want to keep your average consistent with what you always report, but stretch it over a full day and be sure your "sales calls" are "sales calls". No matter what you do, your averages (with quality of call factored in) will be compared with your pod mates.

Certainly a good number of reps will be well within the bell curve and they will be on the 5 day plan too as Novartis wants to avoid any appearance of discrimination. Just do your usual good job and you will be fine.

5 days is a long time to be under the microscope, I don't envy anyone who has to endure this. Unfortunately I think it will be very revealing in many ways (weekly sales bump anyone?). The ride-alongs will support/justify what Novartis is already planning to do. Look for an 800 rep/100 manager reduction by early fall.

They should have done this ride along thing years ago.

Now they can document the fact most reps don't work very hard, are overpaid and in the end analysis, quite ineffective.

Expect this program to continue for a lengthy duration followed by significant reductions and realignments of field personnel.


Jose` Jiminez
Ultimate Bossman
Novartis Pharma

Another justification for these ride-alongs could be that so many stupid reps brag about how they never work, how they steal from the company, how they game the system. There are reps who work hard, are ethical, and accept the fact that the company will not acknowledge their accomplishments (some of them are gone) but there are those lazy idiots that make the career look even more lame. Those will be the reps that will certainly suffer with the ride alongs.

There are reps who work hard, are ethical,

Those are the ones crooked DM's will PIP away
There is not one DM I know of that didn't 'game the system'
with bribes/kickbacks & off lable selling to get awards & ultimately promotions
Reps that didn't play by their rules were the 1st ones outta there , asshole