Well I have had all week and finish up tomorrow my ride along with a person who I can't talk too but take notes all day long. This is true, and I can verify if you only ask around. It seems as thought close to 130 reps in various specialties are having this same week long observation of field times, call, and activities as well as asking for our evening work times and loads. Who and why are they checking us on this ride alongs????? Please let me know what you think as they can't even talk small while driving from call to call and I am very uncomfortable. Thanks.
Well I have had all week and finish up tomorrow my ride along with a person who I can't talk too but take notes all day long. This is true, and I can verify if you only ask around. It seems as thought close to 130 reps in various specialties are having this same week long observation of field times, call, and activities as well as asking for our evening work times and loads. Who and why are they checking us on this ride alongs????? Please let me know what you think as they can't even talk small while driving from call to call and I am very uncomfortable. Thanks.
What is this about? 5 day ride alongs with a "consultant"? they take notes on you all day and you are not allowed to ask them what information they are collecting?? Do you think this is related to the overtime suit? seeing how many hrs typical rep works? I don't trust Novartis...
And we should trust the reps who wouldn't know an 8 hour day if it hit them over the head?
Overtime my ass! Bunch of damm teetsuckers.
This is most likely Novartis hiring an outside firm to check the reality of a rep's day due to the overtime lawsuit. Reps make sure that you don't take time for your own lunch if you don't have a lunch scheduled in a doctor's office. If you are in the field from 8:30 to 5:00 as they say they want you to be in the field 5 days a week, that alone would equal 2 1/2 hours overtime each week. That doesn't include any speaker programs at night. Don't trust Novartis. Beware.What is this about? 5 day ride alongs with a "consultant"? they take notes on you all day and you are not allowed to ask them what information they are collecting?? Do you think this is related to the overtime suit? seeing how many hrs typical rep works? I don't trust Novartis...
Never mind this post as he is an old cranky Oncology or some other useless specialty rep. with too many years sucking his own teet! He has no clue the time spent as Primary Care reps and micro management.
Well I have had all week and finish up tomorrow my ride along with a person who I can't talk too but take notes all day long. This is true, and I can verify if you only ask around. It seems as thought close to 130 reps in various specialties are having this same week long observation of field times, call, and activities as well as asking for our evening work times and loads. Who and why are they checking us on this ride alongs????? Please let me know what you think as they can't even talk small while driving from call to call and I am very uncomfortable. Thanks.
I'm going through the same thing this week!!! It's been the most miserable week ever. Their using I Pads to document how long I wait in waiting rooms, how long I spend talking to doctors, how long it takes me to get from office to office, how many bathroom breaks I've had.......................my manager says it due to overtime lawsuit, Novartis hired this company to figure out how many hrs are we working in an average day, and what they should pay us when we go to hourly wages!!!!!!
Oh, and did I mention I'm pregnant, and due next week!!! Thanks for randomly picking me Novartis. This company sucks ass!!!
There are reps who work hard, are ethical,
Most GM's are getting what used to be "specialty" meds
The writing is on the wall .
Overpaid & you're gone .