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Rick Perry, "Wanhhh!"

Speaking of the ever so smart repubs-- from Jay Leno:
"And the winner of the Republican Debate last week is.... Obama!"

Tink, it appears you have driven some of the assbags into crisis mode, they don't know whether to shit or get off the pot, especially the deranged one.

Yet all of us (non dem kool-aid drinkers) would vote for him in a millisecond over the piece of garbage that currently occupies the oval office. Perry's not my guy, so I could care less if he gets skewered. It will sort itself out and Romney will be the nominee.

Yet all of us (non dem kool-aid drinkers) would vote for him in a millisecond over the piece of garbage that currently occupies the oval office. Perry's not my guy, so I could care less if he gets skewered. It will sort itself out and Romney will be the nominee.

I would rather vote for my neighbor's pet boa constrictor before I would give the Ignoranus-In-Chief another four years to turn the country over to the Commies.

I sincerely hope that independents with conservative leanings would understand that it is better to vote for a mediocre Republican than a proven Marxist with a barely concealable urge to bow towards Mecca five times a day.

Would you like to be held to the same beliefs you held 23 years ago?

Actually that works fine, 23 years ago my fave fantasy was myself and 2 chicks. Guess what? You guessed it - nothing has changed !!!

The lesson to be learned by Perry's change in parties is that he has the maturity to admit his mistakes.

He has maturity? Show us, he's a boy.......

I would rather vote for my neighbor's pet boa constrictor before I would give the Ignoranus-In-Chief another four years to turn the country over to the Commies.

I sincerely hope that independents with conservative leanings would understand that it is better to vote for a mediocre Republican than a proven Marxist with a barely concealable urge to bow towards Mecca five times a day.

The problem is you hope that but the Republicans don't hope it enough to come to their senses about abortion. Like ma used to say, "They'd rather cut off their nose to spite their face."

I just don't see it. You're exit from the sports board was way more sissy than this.

Thanks for the recognition hoss. That was a good hit for my 1st time out betting in years - 12 games, 11 bets, 1 tie, 7 wins 3 losses?

In Vegas, on $1000 a game, that would have been a $3700 overall win. On $100 per game it would have been $370 win. Some poor sport had to whine cause I made a suggestion? Too funny..............:cool:

It just got worse for Tricky Ricky . . . Now he is chickening out of some of the remaining GOP debates.


Perry's reluctance to open his mouth may be related to his tendency to put his foot in it:D:DHeh. Once Ricky stepped across the borders of Texas and entered the REAL world, it became obvious how dumb he really is.

I saw that on the news, perry wont be in the next few debates, and his campaign team admitting that he did not do well in the last few debates. Looks like he is soon to be out the race!