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Rick Perry laughable ad pandering to 'christian' wack jobs

I agree with you that this is not a choice.

But even if someone is born that way, there is still the question of choosing your actions and if homosexual behavior is acceptable. There are other sexual attractions we do not accept as a society, some which are also claimed to be 'born that way'. So what do you say about acceptance of homosexual behavior?

The next area I wonder about is being homosexual, even today, is not an easy life. There are real biological limitations, societal pressures, and general difficulty being accepted. So, if someone is born this way and we eventually discover a genetic change that results in homosexuality, would you think this should be changed during pregnancy or infancy if it was safe and effective to do so? Yes, definitely

I'm happy to share my thoughts but would love to hear other's first. Can we all let people have some time to express their opinions before we attack them as wrong? I think this is a subject that must be examined as science advances.

Thoughtful post. One can have great empathy and concern for homosexuals, as I do, WITHOUT approving of homosexual activity or the homosexual political/social agenda.

Homosexuality is clearly a disorder, whether it is developmental, genetic or psychological, it is a disorder and like any other disorder we should strive to cure it and if that isn't possible to manage the disorder. It is folly on both the individual and society's part to given in and "accept" and "affirm" a disorder.
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I agree with you that this is not a choice.

But even if someone is born that way, there is still the question of choosing your actions and if homosexual behavior is acceptable. There are other sexual attractions we do not accept as a society, some which are also claimed to be 'born that way'. So what do you say about acceptance of homosexual behavior?

The next area I wonder about is being homosexual, even today, is not an easy life. There are real biological limitations, societal pressures, and general difficulty being accepted. So, if someone is born this way and we eventually discover a genetic change that results in homosexuality, would you think this should be changed during pregnancy or infancy if it was safe and effective to do so?

I'm happy to share my thoughts but would love to hear other's first. Can we all let people have some time to express their opinions before we attack them as wrong? I think this is a subject that must be examined as science advances.

Why don't you live as a lesbian for a few years and report back since your implication is that people can choose or not to choose to act on their orientation? Gay people's sex lives are no one's business, and I am tired of people slamming them for something that they do that is exactly no ones business. Its actually kinda creepy how many people are obsessed with gays and what their sex practices are. As long as consenting adults are involved, its head scratching why people give a rip.

Sorry, Rock, but you have lost your way on the gay thing and that's highly unusual because you are usually so firmly rooted in scientific evidence and logic.

As far as most gays being born that way, that's a very rickety argument from a scientific standpoint. It certainly doesn't seem to be genetic. Perhaps the mother's hormone levels during pregnancy play a role, but that is still highly speculative.

One doesn't choose their sexual orientation, but then one doesn't choose any one of many disorders such as orientation toward one's own gender.

And even if orientation is not chosen, behavior ALWAYS is.

I rest my case, ROCKIFICATION.

There are at least four people on this thread who routinely make snide remarks about homosexuals, and seem to believe that it is an insult to suggest to someone that they or a member of their family might be homosexual, thus indicating that they believe homosexuals are worthy of contempt. Those people know that they wouldn't dare say those things in public.

My personal feeling is that homosexuality is a choice, but I also believe that a person's sexual orientation is his/her own business. We have the right to agree with the choices someone has made, but that does not give us the right to criticize the behavior of those of whom we disapprove.

I am reminded of the story of the two homosexual women in San Francisco who insisted that their adopted male child (6-8) was born to be a woman, and that therefore the state should have to pay for sex change surgery.

There are at least four people on this thread who routinely make snide remarks about homosexuals, and seem to believe that it is an insult to suggest to someone that they or a member of their family might be homosexual, thus indicating that they believe homosexuals are worthy of contempt. Those people know that they wouldn't dare say those things in public.

My personal feeling is that homosexuality is a choice, but I also believe that a person's sexual orientation is his/her own business. We have the right to agree with the choices someone has made, but that does not give us the right to criticize the behavior of those of whom we disapprove.

I am reminded of the story of the two homosexual women in San Francisco who insisted that their adopted male child (6-8) was born to be a woman, and that therefore the state should have to pay for sex change surgery.

Awesome...since it's a choice, go gay for a few years and report back how it went!

Why don't you live as a lesbian for a few years and report back since your implication is that people can choose or not to choose to act on their orientation? Gay people's sex lives are no one's business, and I am tired of people slamming them for something that they do that is exactly no ones business. Its actually kinda creepy how many people are obsessed with gays and what their sex practices are. As long as consenting adults are involved, its head scratching why people give a rip.

I agree here. I have admit I am a little leary abt the military, but otherwise I have no problem with civil unions.

There are at least four people on this thread who routinely make snide remarks about homosexuals, and seem to believe that it is an insult to suggest to someone that they or a member of their family might be homosexual, thus indicating that they believe homosexuals are worthy of contempt. Those people know that they wouldn't dare say those things in public.

My personal feeling is that homosexuality is a choice, but I also believe that a person's sexual orientation is his/her own business. We have the right to agree with the choices someone has made, but that does not give us the right to criticize the behavior of those of whom we disapprove.

I am reminded of the story of the two homosexual women in San Francisco who insisted that their adopted male child (6-8) was born to be a woman, and that therefore the state should have to pay for sex change surgery.

When did you chose to be straight? These things don't happen as some discrete event when you hit puberty. People are born a certain way and over time their sexuality evolves.

Wow, Vag! You fall back on the gay penguin argument again? It this the best you've got? LOL!

One more time, animal behavior is not normative for human beings? Got it? If it were we wouldn't try people who kill other people.

You are a lost cause. Your generation is the problem here - the bra burners and people who slept with anything with a pulse in the 60s who suddenly 'found god' and point the finger for the exact same things you did are a joke.

You are a lost cause. Your generation is the problem here - the bra burners and people who slept with anything with a pulse in the 60s who suddenly 'found god' and point the finger for the exact same things you did are a joke.

There you go, fall back on bigotry instead of trying to craft a respectable argument.

You've not only failed to "find God", you've failed to find good sense.

Civil unions isn't enough. They deserve the same rights as everyone. Not special rights, but equal rights. Why you are you skeptical about the military and gay marriage? Note: If you throw in religion, it will cause instant eye roll.

Why isn't a civil union enough? Why is it necessary to bastardize what marriage is, which, btw, is a religious ceremony.

Why in the hell would I live as a lesbian for a while? Not only do I find that repugnant, but they just don't have the right equipment. There's a reason only a man and woman can reproduce. Although gay behavior is seen in animals too, especially when they are in over-stressed and crowed environments, this doesn't make it right or normal.

You've shared you have a family member who is gay. I don't care if they do what they want to do in the privacy of their own home. But when they want to call that a marriage, or insist on being the token couple on every single TV show, it becomes society's business.

BTW, it's not a generational problem. Youth are always more willing to accept whatever goes but as they have kids, introduce them into the world, and develop their hopes and dreams for them, views of what is acceptable changes!
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I agree with you that this is not a choice.

But even if someone is born that way, there is still the question of choosing your actions and if homosexual behavior is acceptable. There are other sexual attractions we do not accept as a society, some which are also claimed to be 'born that way'. So what do you say about acceptance of homosexual behavior?

The next area I wonder about is being homosexual, even today, is not an easy life. There are real biological limitations, societal pressures, and general difficulty being accepted. So, if someone is born this way and we eventually discover a genetic change that results in homosexuality, would you think this should be changed during pregnancy or infancy if it was safe and effective to do so?

I'm happy to share my thoughts but would love to hear other's first. Can we all let people have some time to express their opinions before we attack them as wrong? I think this is a subject that must be examined as science advances.

So, my views.

I don't care about a homosexual's actions so long as they keep it private, between consenting adults, do not involve child-rearing and don't bastardize the definition of marriage. What's happening behind closed doors isn't my business but what defines a civil society does.

And yes, I suspect someday we will find genetic causes and a way to correct homosexuality. That's when the real zanies come out. Like some of the deaf who think that to be given hearing is somehown a criticism of them, some homosexuals will want to stay that way and think everyone is nuts for wanting to change them.

Civil unions isn't enough. They deserve the same rights as everyone. Not special rights, but equal rights. Why you are you skeptical about the military and gay marriage? Note: If you throw in religion, it will cause instant eye roll.

Military: Close quarters, showering, etc. This would be like have dudes shower with women

"Don't worry - what makes me think I am attracted to you?" Yeah right.

Civil Unions - same rights as marriage, just called something other than "marriage." A nice compromise - why piss of the married people who DO feel strongly about marriage and it's meaning within a religious context?

Why isn't a civil union enough? Why is it necessary to bastardize what marriage is, which, btw, is a religious ceremony.

Why in the hell would I live as a lesbian for a while? Not only do I find that repugnant, but they just don't have the right equipment. There's a reason only a man and woman can reproduce. Although gay behavior is seen in animals too, especially when they are in over-stressed and crowed environments, this doesn't make it right or normal.

You've shared you have a family member who is gay. I don't care if they do what they want to do in the privacy of their own home. But when they want to call that a marriage, or insist on being the token couple on every single TV show, it becomes society's business.

You have a right to your opinion....but to deny people what you have is very unfair.

You have a right to your opinion....but to deny people what you have is very unfair.

There is nothing unfair about it. Gays have the same rights to marriage as everyone else, but marriage is an inherently HETEROSEXUAL institution. If gays don't choose to take advantage of their rights to marry someone of the opposite gender, then that is on them.

There is nothing unfair about it. Gays have the same rights to marriage as everyone else, but marriage is an inherently HETEROSEXUAL institution. If gays don't choose to take advantage of their rights to marry someone of the opposite gender, then that is on them.

How 'christian' of you to suggest a loveless marriage and fraud. I think my point is made here.