REVeli Opens Monday

Don't forgot that the new REVeli opens Monday. Contrary to popular belief, it will not be run by ARA. Hooters will be managing the new pub. Happy hour will be during the core hours of 9am to 3pm. Condom machines have been installed in all the pub restrooms and upstair rooms will be available at the hourly rate of $125. As a bonus, they will accept Spotlight points. They will also have carry out.

What a brilliant way to spend my spotlight points. Forget the new plasma tv I've been saving for. Also- as a way to show my support, I will transfer my 100 pts to deserving peers to use at their discretion. Thanks for the suggestion- keep an eye out for your 25 pts.

What time does happy hour start? Is JL picking up the tab?

I expect you to be there at 5 p.m., and to arrange for alternative transportation to get home.

Unlike the parties at LCC, we categorically WILL NOT be providing Free Enterprise transportation for any employees "over the limit" ...

Also expected: Ten bullet points, a la "Vision Jam" to help make our company Number One.

More details to follow, will delegate these to my small army of executive assistants.