REVeli Opens Monday


Don't forgot that the new REVeli opens Monday. Contrary to popular belief, it will not be run by ARA. Hooters will be managing the new pub. Happy hour will be during the core hours of 9am to 3pm. Condom machines have been installed in all the pub restrooms and upstair rooms will be available at the hourly rate of $125. As a bonus, they will accept Spotlight points. They will also have carry out.

Don't forgot that the new REVeli opens Monday. Contrary to popular belief, it will not be run by ARA. Hooters will be managing the new pub. Happy hour will be during the core hours of 9am to 3pm. Condom machines have been installed in all the pub restrooms and upstair rooms will be available at the hourly rate of $125. As a bonus, they will accept Spotlight points. They will also have carry out.

Now there's an innovative use of stockholder funds.

Don't forgot that the new REVeli opens Monday. Contrary to popular belief, it will not be run by ARA. Hooters will be managing the new pub. Happy hour will be during the core hours of 9am to 3pm. Condom machines have been installed in all the pub restrooms and upstair rooms will be available at the hourly rate of $125. As a bonus, they will accept Spotlight points. They will also have carry out.

It's paid for by R&D tax credits.

So Lilly picks and chooses it vices? Smokers have been banned from existence while the door is open to drunkards. Since 8 times more people die every year from alcohol related incidences compared to smoking, it only fitting that a company that cares about its patients would encourage the recreational use of alcohol. Since this is all really about innovation, why isn't the use of weed or LST encouraged? A hookah bar would have been a more innovative investment.

So Lilly picks and chooses it vices? Smokers have been banned from existence while the door is open to drunkards. Since 8 times more people die every year from alcohol related incidences compared to smoking, it only fitting that a company that cares about its patients would encourage the recreational use of alcohol. Since this is all really about innovation, why isn't the use of weed or LST encouraged? A hookah bar would have been a more innovative investment.

There are alternatives to tobacco - patches or various drugs and herbs can supply that nicotine buzz, without the cancer. On the other hand, maybe alcohol is what's been lacking from the puritanical days - at least as far as really truly productive meetings are concerned.

In vino veritas.

Don't forgot that the new REVeli opens Monday. Contrary to popular belief, it will not be run by ARA. Hooters will be managing the new pub. Happy hour will be during the core hours of 9am to 3pm. Condom machines have been installed in all the pub restrooms and upstair rooms will be available at the hourly rate of $125. As a bonus, they will accept Spotlight points. They will also have carry out.

It's funny how this new benefit of alcohol is expected to inspire innovation, when the real scientists rarely touch the stuff. It's the executives and MBAs who consume mass quantities of alcohol while adding nothing to our innovative pipeline. Think about it. The facts speak for themselves.

It's funny how this new benefit of alcohol is expected to inspire innovation, when the real scientists rarely touch the stuff. It's the executives and MBAs who consume mass quantities of alcohol while adding nothing to our innovative pipeline. Think about it. The facts speak for themselves.

Sure, but you gotta admit, plenty of schemes have been concocted over a pint.

It's funny how this new benefit of alcohol is expected to inspire innovation, when the real scientists rarely touch the stuff. It's the executives and MBAs who consume mass quantities of alcohol while adding nothing to our innovative pipeline. Think about it. The facts speak for themselves.

Maybe in your world scientists dont drink but in mine they are like everyone else - partial to a drop. Chemists only stop thinking/drinking when they draw a 5-valent carbon - its a good a sign as any to stop.

Each time that i think lilly might actually do something productive, somebody lights the crack pipe again. WTF is going on over at corporate? It's like someone put some "stupid" in the water supply.

Each time that i think lilly might actually do something productive, somebody lights the crack pipe again. WTF is going on over at corporate? It's like someone put some "stupid" in the water supply.

Oh there is no need. Stupid is in high supply over there. The LCCers have so much it seeps out from every pore. Just being over there will infect you.

Oh there is no need. Stupid is in high supply over there. The LCCers have so much it seeps out from every pore. Just being over there will infect you.

LCC'er here. It doesn't come easy. We have to work through in excess of 20 hours/week of meetings to maintain our S-level.

Got low S? Spend a few weeks with us.

I had a nice little snack for only $15 in the REVeli today. They obviously tailor to the working class. I'll probably take the family there sometime next week. $150 should cover the four of us. Them ARAs make some good eats.

I had a nice little snack for only $15 in the REVeli today. They obviously tailor to the working class. I'll probably take the family there sometime next week. $150 should cover the four of us. Them ARAs make some good eats.

Yep. ARA food at Oceanaire prices, and you risk having the wrong person overhear any honest remarks you might care to make (especially after 4pm). Not seeing the upside.