Retired Hospira HR Manager Taking Any Questions

What plants will be affected by Vizag?

North Carolina and Texas. The Vizag India facility will manufacture specialty injectables. The expansion is utilizing land leases we got in acquisition of Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The $381 million purchase of the Orchid business in 2010 got Hospira a beta-lactam antibiotic formulation manufacturing complex and pharmaceutical R&D facility, as well as a portfolio and pipeline of generic injectable dosage-form products. But we also bought some leases that Orchid Pharma had been holding for its own anticipated expansion in Vizag

What happened that caused such a sudden decline in quality within the last few years?

Its a very complex mix of events but basically it initially started in 2004 when Abbott spun off HPD The Abbott people had it good with little pressure and good stock options/bonus and were then forced into a situiation they really didn't want to be in We played with thier money thier benefits and thier emotions thus the quality of work is severely diminished along with the fact the quality people either went back to Abbott after the 2 year no hire policy was over or took the package offered by Abbott and found other work Management was also forced into the same position and made horrible decisions

I will go into more detail at another time Part of my job involved talent acquisition management succession planning performance learning and development of employee relations lets face it Hospira is not Abbott and achieving the goals and objectives of the company was easy in itself but had a severe negative impact that spanned from production to sales and yes even HR

Will any plants be closed due to the expansion in india?

How often does HR or management monitor this message board?

What is your opinion of the corporate directors?

Will any plants be closed due to the expansion in india?

How often does HR or management monitor this message board?
7 days a week when looking for a specific event such as a report to Ethics Comittee or an incident with employee or someone who left Hospira on bad terms There are HR people who monitor this board on thier own time along with attorneys looking for information both for and against Hospira

What is your opinion of the corporate directors?
One of the great mysteries of modern capitalism is the corporate board of directors. it's not really clear what they're supposed to do. The function most commonly posited for them is to protect shareholders' interests but this isn't actually their legal function and no board actually seems to do a good job of it. They milk millions for themselves, get thier friends and family members who cant get work on thier own high paying positions and screw anyone in thier way
(relationships are the different boards they sit or sat on)
John Staley 40 Relationships -- Hospira Inc. 71
Connie Curran RN, Ed.D. 30 Relationships -- Hospira Inc. 65
Mark Wheeler M.D., M.P.H. 10 Relationships -- Phamis, Inc. 63
Roger Hale 23 Relationships -- Ashland Inc. 69
Barbara Bowles CFA 25 Relationships -- Kenwood Growth and Income Fund 65
Irving Bailey II 20 Relationships -- Chrysalis Ventures, Inc. 72
Jacque Sokolov M.D. 34 Relationships -- SSB Solutions, Inc. 58
Heino von Prondzynski 46 Relationships -- Roche Diagnostics GmbH 64
William Dempsey 31 Relationships -- Nordion Inc. 61
Dennis Fenton Ph.D. 220 Relationships -- Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. 61
Hope this helps you

North Carolina and Texas. The Vizag India facility will manufacture specialty injectables. The expansion is utilizing land leases we got in acquisition of Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The $381 million purchase of the Orchid business in 2010 got Hospira a beta-lactam antibiotic formulation manufacturing complex and pharmaceutical R&D facility, as well as a portfolio and pipeline of generic injectable dosage-form products. But we also bought some leases that Orchid Pharma had been holding for its own anticipated expansion in Vizag

Will N.C. and Texas plant be closed or just some layoffs? More specifics please.

Will any plants be closed due to the expansion in india?

How often does HR or management monitor this message board?
7 days a week when looking for a specific event such as a report to Ethics Comittee or an incident with employee or someone who left Hospira on bad terms There are HR people who monitor this board on thier own time along with attorneys looking for information both for and against Hospira

What is your opinion of the corporate directors?
One of the great mysteries of modern capitalism is the corporate board of directors. it's not really clear what they're supposed to do. The function most commonly posited for them is to protect shareholders' interests but this isn't actually their legal function and no board actually seems to do a good job of it. They milk millions for themselves, get thier friends and family members who cant get work on thier own high paying positions and screw anyone in thier way
(relationships are the different boards they sit or sat on)

From this board, looks like a whole army of people left Hospira on "bad" terms. From what you just wrote, you, an HR guy may be included. Right on, bro!