Retevese coming for hospital? For's a dog!


I sold it before, I can't believe management believes there is a market left..they are brain dead! This used to be fun sell but the numbers they said in announcement must have been based on some banker's BS numbers to get the deal done. What a joke.


I sold it before, I can't believe management believes there is a market left..they are brain dead! This used to be fun sell but the numbers they said in announcement must have been based on some banker's BS numbers to get the deal done. What a joke.

haha. I sold this drug years ago. Only difference, i left PDL when I saw the writing on the wall. Only those losers are left at EKR and now cornerstone. If you didn't get a better gig by now, have fun on the un employment line or back in primary care. Everyone knows only the bottom feeders stayed at EKR.

haha. I sold this drug years ago. Only difference, i left PDL when I saw the writing on the wall. Only those losers are left at EKR and now cornerstone. If you didn't get a better gig by now, have fun on the un employment line or back in primary care. Everyone knows only the bottom feeders stayed at EKR.

Oh wait ~ you meant to say the bottom feeders didn't make it through the cuts...May not have been right for you but obviously it was right for others. Leave the judgements at the door (mr almighty).

Oh wait ~ you meant to say the bottom feeders didn't make it through the cuts...May not have been right for you but obviously it was right for others. Leave the judgements at the door (mr almighty).

Or was it maybe you couldn't get out.... Bottom feeder it sounds like! Living on the wings of a hopefully merger for months. Take my advice don't think your going to come over here and fuck this company up like you did with your last!

Oh wait ~ you meant to say the bottom feeders didn't make it through the cuts...May not have been right for you but obviously it was right for others. Leave the judgements at the door (mr almighty).

Or was it maybe you couldn't get out.... Bottom feeder it sounds like! Living on the wings of a hopefully merger for months. Take my advice don't think your going to come over here and f*#* this company up like you did with your last!

Or was it maybe you couldn't get out.... Bottom feeder it sounds like! Living on the wings of a hopefully merger for months. Take my advice don't think your going to come over here and fuck this company up like you did with your last!

Better hold that attitude until you see who is left know nothing about why people chose to stay! Correct me if I'm wrong but EKR wasn't disposing of products and people prior to the merger...

Take your big EKR attitude and stick it up your ass... Don't think jay zzz will be able to protect you forever! You do not deserve those jobs that you just took from some hard working reps!!!

Better hold that attitude until you see who is left know nothing about why people chose to stay! Correct me if I'm wrong but EKR wasn't disposing of products and people prior to the merger...

Good god is there going to be a fight? Should we start taking $5 bets? Flying chairs at the meeting? Better Pack your helmet!!!

Let's see... Well it's all EKR reps and like 6 Crtx reps that are " still standing!" needless to say, its all EKR now. Oh and 1 Crtx manager. Interesting times!!!! change is coming as obama says, and oh boy did we get change. A bad change I'm afraid.

Seriously ~ was it so good before the acquisition? Looking at the responses on this board you needed some change (culture change ~ no one needs downsizing change). I hope it is a successful start for everyone...

Keep in mind these decisions were MANAGEMENT decisions. Representatives did not cut or "take" jobs.

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