Results on Autopsy...???

If this is true, what the police dept will announce tomorrow, I hope her family is outraged and plans to challenge this. Of course it was foul play. You have to have worked for this company to know where Im coming from. You'll see someday, when all gags are ungaged - who really gives a fuckin shit after a while . so sue me.
If they are going to play this little game called Medicis, then why you must ask yourself , would someone be so frightened of this man to kill herself after his boy was injured. What would he have lined up for her if she had lived. COmpared to the alternative, perhaps she took the less painful route and did this to herself. That is the really fucked-up question this police department must ask itself....
Type, type, type. I smell a NY Times bestseller on the horizon. Perhaps I should plan ahead and get myself a few hundred feet of extension cord for after it hits the market???

The FBI should do a full blown investigation on this disaster.

Quote form LA Times
"But about 1 a.m. on July 13, Zahau got a call from someone informing her that the boy's injuries were worse than originally thought and that he would likely die, authorities said. It was at that point, officials said, that they believe she decided to commit suicide."

So. Interesting. If she is dead and not here to have been interviewed, how do they know that someone called her - okay phone records that someone called. But who is the "someone." why can't that be disclosed? DO they even know who? Then, who told them what the someone told her...??? that the injuries were worse than originally thought and that he would likely die? Did they interview that someone? How can they know for sure that that was what the conversation was unless it was actually recorded? So we should just believe this and go away, right?
Tell me they can't be this dumb. Please.

Gee. After just hearing of this ludicrous news, there's really only one way those of us in disagreement with this conclusion can speak out: Encourage all women and men to BOYCOTT Restylane and Dysport. I know I will. Doctors who are furious with this news should do the same.
Sorry fellow pharma reps at Medicis. You're at the tail end of the payout, but your leader is at the top. So we're after him.

graphic footage above.

To Mary Zahau- Loehner,
You have many , many people supporting your refusal of the investigators findings and conclusions. Ask for a public ban of all Medicis products until you get the answers your family finds plausible. You are dealing with the Devil in your dealings with Meidics. Keep that in mind as you move forward to find the truth. More people than you can imagine are behind you.
Today Medicis Stock putperformed the market. Jonah pay sbig bucks to these PR agencies for one reason and one readson

Gee. After just hearing of this ludicrous news, there's really only one way those of us in disagreement with this conclusion can speak out: Encourage all women and men to BOYCOTT Restylane and Dysport. I know I will. Doctors who are furious with this news should do the same.
Sorry fellow pharma reps at Medicis. You're at the tail end of the payout, but your leader is at the top. So we're after him.

We also need to ask doctors to stop prescribing Ziana & Solodyn and use whatever other products they like.

that is a great can we get everyone to boycott ziana, soldydyne and the aobut everyone put it on their facebook and someone go to a derm site on linked in and do it there and get someone from to do it..great idea!!!!

Ok good so I'm not the only one who thinks this is total BS. How can a person be so distraught that she kills herself when 1) the boy hadn't even died yet and 2) it wasn't even her son. I guess money allows one to get away with a lot.

They found tape on her body and a shirt gagged I. Her mouth and still ruled it a if you have money you can get away with murder..if she "killed herself"because she was distraught about the tragic death of the boy then where is the note and why was she naked and gagged..I would be pissed if I were her family and I for one will boycott all medicos products..I hope we can all do that

Someone needs to start one of those blast petitions that get emailed around. One was recently and professionally done after the Casey Anthony case and it changed legislation. Best to come from someones personal email to their friends and so on. U get the picture. I'll see if I can get it going. Otherwise feel free to jump in . Maybe it'll land in us inbox. What a hoot that would be.

On one hand, this is Coronado. This is the first murder they've had in about 30 years. The police dept. there is obviously pitiful. Did anyone explain how she was able to bind her hands and feet and then kill herself? Unbelievable.