
No more specialty reps. All were either fired or demoted. 10% firings across the board. Notices were sent out on New Year's Eve. Classy company waits until the quarter is done so they don't jeopardize cases and then can their force. Bunch of pussies

Yup! Was sent a notice on New Year's Eve late in the evening stating, "need to meet with you". Meetings to take place today and tomorrow before the World Wide Meeting on Monday.

Amazing. Some of the names I've heard are literally the ones who helped build the place... Think what you will of some of them... But some of them are high high quality folks.... JM and JA should be ashamed of themselves, and the families they've helped ruin with the toxic culture they've allowed to run amok.

There is simply no other co like ISI. The constant backstabbing, looking over your shoulder, etc.

Have fun in Atlanta. Should be a great morale booster.

It is weird that I kinda wish I was one of those let go.....it would force me to find the better job, which shouldn't be hard, and get my now defunct marriage and social life back that I some how allowed this place to destroy. No doubt in my mind that those that were let go will be better off then the rest of us in this toxic dump.

Reading what I wrote above makes me want to puke in my mouth. This place has stolen my mojo. I feel like the people who get kidnapped and beaten daily but are now afraid to leave their captor.

I hate to say it. If this company wants a culture change. JA needs to go. He sets the table for the horrible culture. It amazes me all the people who worked to no end to drive growth. Now a little rough patch and they cut 70 plus people.

This place has been a revolving door for years. Why would you expect any different?
If a recruiter calls, just be sure to critically look at the position......., one of the best paid short term jobs in the industry.
Hard to believe that anyone seriously considers these long term career positions???

Anecdotely, it seemed like Intuitive added a lot of reps last year. Factually, ISRG went down 25% in 2013. If you weren't expecting a change in 2014, you weren't paying attention.

guys money will come in this industry, without the stock advantage this is a "better than average" job in med device... ISI is hiring reps at a target of 170 now...

I send this to pharma or anyone like me who was looking to break into med sales... this is a great job.
it is a 160 job at very best. and you will be ridden daily. No manager has more than 5 reps. so you represent 20 percent of your boss's day every day!
2 day ride along every 3 weeks. conference calls weekly with team, minimum hour - 1 on 1 additional weekly calls with manager. Daily calls of follow up with yesterday's activity and tomorrow's goals from your manager. Reporting updated every Wednesday night of where you are going and who meeting with and you are instructed to role play all conversations. You will come here confident and leave lost because your decision to come here was the last sales decision you will make at Intuitive.
It is sad, incredibly sad, because it could be unbelievable. Could be an incredible company if the culture and leadership style was not involved! And management will not be happy until you burn every bridge and destroy every relationship you have built to advance the adoption of robotics in the shortest timeframe. I came here a year ago and it has been downhill ever since
Incredibly bad press
Training bad surgeons bc we have to answer to wall street!
Stock Crashing
FDA probing
Recalls on robot arms
Make your own decisions but be educated. There are positives here but they do not outweigh the toxic levels of unnecessary BS
Now go sell choleys
as a person who got a phone call on New Years Day to meet for my demise the next day, I am thankful I am home now and not in ATL role playing on how to structure my entire financial existence around robotic choley!
As you are being convinced about how many lives you are changing ask yourself how your life is changing? During the acceptance speeches count how many times the award winner thanks their other half for raising the kids on their own.
I'm Out
HARD RUDDER RIGHT as someone put it

Does anyone have the courage to offer constructive directions on how this company should be operating instead if just casting stones? All companies have a need for internal communications directed at growth and quality of life. It just seems to me that IS has shut the door to growth and improvement of the quality of life for it's most important asset, you all! There must be a JOAN OF ARC amongst the team. An individual who inspite of the current thinking around the company can and will persevere delivering the needed message. From the outside looking in IS is a tremendous opportunity, delivering super products but missing the boat in how to get their message across and most importantly how to treat their messengers.Please keep at it.

Yes. Several employees spoke their mind and gave feedback to managers and directors. Some even gave suggestions to VPs.

Those employees are now gone.

You have to realize that ISI is HUGE on feedback. It is part of the daily culture and some of it... wait, most of it is useless. Mostly because most managers and directors have been promoted on the good ole boy system verses performance and merit.

However, the one key point is this:

When this company speaks, no, lectures, about being a feedback-based company, the one thing they are neglecting to tell you is...

Feedback will always roll down hill. As a rep you should never have an opinion because you are wrong and just that... a rep.

Great example:

Arkansas, a rep, who had never missed a number, was growing at a clip of 120% plus quarter over quarter - Had the audacity of challenging MT a director over how the territory should be managed. He is now gone.

Another rep in Colorado was told that he needed to revamp his entire weekly schedule because 'he didn't know how to sell, much bless, run his territory'. He had made his number 6 out of 8 quarters... challenged his manager and director.... now gone.

Another rep in Texas who had built an entire program (something like 13 robots) and had need with the company almost 5 years was told 'to sell his car because it made him look just as arrogant as people thought he was' and that if he wanted 'real advice he should ask his wife what she thought bof him'. Now gone.

Last one was in Florida. They told her that she was 'unfit for the position over a year ago'. They threatened her job, as is the primary method of motivation here at ISI. She had been with the company 2 years and had never missed her number. She went to hher bosses boss to explain the situation and provide feedback to the company via HR. They thrn proceeded to have a week-long field ride with her. She is now gone.

Think you get the point. I habr been here for 5 years and Im going through this meeting and emailing revruiters every evening. I refuse to be one of these sad stories.I