Restructure coming?

Complete BS! Baxano 2.0 Cant wait to see which assets they sell off as "non core".

this company exists for one reason. To advance the careers and income of the C suite and the level below it. Period. It’s not about shareholders. It’s not about employees. It’s not about patients. Look at nearly every metric and you’ll get sick to your stomach. Anemic growth (despite cheers otherwise). Attrition (elective or forced). Old technology without a genuine R&D capability or interest to innovate and improve. We have old stuff tired stuff that we task young inexpensive reps to peddle. International is every bit the mess that is the US business. An army of yes men/women placating their senior managers for job security and the occasional gift of a cookie from a complicit HR leader who also has built a facade of department importance when in truth its a self serving ego manic who has learned that if she just fans her DEI strategy she will appear to be progressive and a spokesperson for the underserved but it’s just a smoke screen.

I’m gone as soon as I can find something suitable and until then I just keep under the radar but this place would be best served to just sell off the assets, not just core, and shut down. The question is what are the assets really worth. They have trashed many and are in the process of trashing the remaining ones by empowering their GMs to make sweeping change to staff and strategy without understanding implications. They do so for self preservation not for organizational success.

Hope all my colleagues get out to higher ground in 2023 as well. Until then pass me another cup of kool-aid.

Whoa, scary. Why all the job postings if there’s no cash and 140 layoffs?

Job postings are because everyone with an IQ score over 50 (not many left) are leaving. Postings are backfills for cheaper and more naive minions who will blindly follow as asked without challenging the failing "leadership" team.

Ken is now gone. Gets 150% of his target pay plan plus 1 year of healthcare coverage. Also , though he is fired, they state it isn’t for cause. Remember these terms of separation when your number comes up.

Ken is now gone. Gets 150% of his target pay plan plus 1 year of healthcare coverage. Also , though he is fired, they state it isn’t for cause. Remember these terms of separation when your number comes up.
I wonder who is next? Can someone please let Andrew Hosmer go already? Please clean house in the surgical division.

Completely agree. AH, been here too long. Stopped trying to improve business years ago. Now insulates himself with his underlings to protect his “gig”. For years, has been ineffective, in over his head, and retired while on active duty. A liar of the first order.

Meanwhile AH is the loyal one who is keeping it all together and trying to build it back.

Nice try Andrew. Your loyalty is to yourself and nobody else. You have exploited all of us in your division to your own benefit and the big reveal about you will soon be on display with a mass exodus of people already underway. Not just reps but your managers too. Those who have not left yet are all looking even those who you consider in your trusted inner circle. The house of cards and your empty suit is now on display for all to see. You can dish out "promotions" to keep the peace for a little bit longer but we are just accepting those promotions to improve our odds to find better jobs anywhere but here. We are all going to sell competitive biologics. None of us respect you and we all know that you are a fraud and have been protected by LAS for years. With her gone your shield is gone. FU and your skittles. JN gone. PS gone. KR gone. How much longer do you have? Tick-tock.

Better hurry. The BVS Wells Credit line only buys time. No bank is lending to new money to money losing entities in this credit crunch environment. Further diluting shareholders might buy some time if it can be done.

I suggest former colleagues take heed. Don’t wait until the last minute. There won’t be a heads up.

At least The board got their IPO pay day pitching this thing to investors… sigh

If BVS was a horse they’d put this thing down for poor mercy. Instead we watch this company hobble along painfully trying to survive and keep up but all the while knowing it’s just dying a slow death. The smell of death is already coming off it’s rotten carcass so time to dig the grave and bury this mess of a company.