Resignation List

Please talk with the team who actually understands what it might take to right the ship...hansen, dose, devries, Lacroix, downs, colby, dembski, and holland before it's too late!

Thanks! Best laugh I've had in a month.

Blackford didn't welcome alternatives to his thinking and wanted no pushback on his plans, no matter how preposterous. He, therefore, strongly preferred to surround himself with unethical, mindless minions, incapable of thinking for themselves and willing to say or do anything in order to remain employed. Those listed fit the mold perfectly.

These business gurus should actually be among the next ones flushed if we are truly intent on ridding ourselves of the Blackford stench.

Blackford Stench! Love it! Everyone at corporate needs to be flushed. From both UHS and UHS Surgical services. HR definitely needs to go. It's funny how they'll punish and even fire employees for using the "F" word but when directors, VP's, etc. use it NOTHING happens. They can do all they want but until they clean house and get rid of the smell of all their shit, nothing will change. And the bonuses we got are a joke! Operations for surgical services in California is a nightmare because "the person in charge" has no idea what she is doing. Just has the gift of gab and is a compulsive liar. Get your head our of your ass corporate.

This place is a sinking ship. No commissions because the quotas are so high. Patrick Sinclair is the captain of the ship and is untrustworthy. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Jay Beller will tell the customer exactly what they want to hear even though what he promised can not be done and later ask well why didn't you do this or that as the customer gets mad that nothing is going the way Jay promised. There is no communication between the sales reps and management. They are all scheming at the top. Karma sucks and these people have it coming to them

Comical the 360 members named. All the good ole boys, right? They take credit for deals they don't touch and MS, GD, BC trained the rest of them to be pompous a-holes. The AE's and sales people work together and keep these guys at a distance. New CEO should start here..

Comical the 360 members named. All the good ole boys, right? They take credit for deals they don't touch and MS, GD, BC trained the rest of them to be pompous a-holes. The AE's and sales people work together and keep these guys at a distance. New CEO should start here..

The Fungus is Amongus.
HRH GD & Joker BC.

I have only been with the company for about 2 years and the 360 "directors" raised the first red flags in my mind. Is PS blind to this?

He isn't blind to it. He is just as unethical and backstabbing as they are. Truth is, the value system of the company is built on lies, mistrust, and an over indulgence of ignorance. Everyone who is discussed negatively fits into one of these categories.

Does anyone actually think they are going to act on these employee surveys they sent out? I hope people were brutally honest, because I was.

I doubt they will. Remember that Engage Survey they sent out last year? Did anyone see anything done with the results? Did anyone follow up on ANYTHING or make ANY changes? No, of course not.

I have since left UHS but one of my biggest complaints was that nothing seemed to fit together. We had all these little surveys and projects and plans that seemed to go nowhere. I was on the operations side of things, so maybe that wasn't an issue with sales.