Researching Strativa

Thanks! I appreciate the feed back. Definitely sounds like the retention rate for this place is pretty bad.

Pretty bad. Every time we expand half the sales force quits six months out! Hey, here's a golden oldie. Do you guys remember at training last July when our fearless leader Dick Painter said that he thought that "we got it right this time." Meaning the right people were hired. That was funny as shit. I guess it's time to go paint some dicks and stop pretending you are running a pharma salesforce.

I came over from big pharma. Pay is comparable, territories are huge. On the plus side, there is MUCH LESS administrative work than at larger companies. Health insurance is ok; much better at the old company. Management much more laid back at Strativa. Basically, you will be treated like an adult at Strativa.

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I came over from big pharma. Pay is comparable, territories are huge. On the plus side, there is MUCH LESS administrative work than at larger companies. Health insurance is ok; much better at the old company. Management much more laid back at Strativa. Basically, you will be treated like an adult at Strativa.

hahahaha I can't even say your bending the are just downright lying.