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Republican lawmaker sex life

You gotta love it! Another Republican sex “scandal” where there is no sex!

And besides that, a state rep? What are y’all going to dig up next? A city dog catcher?

Libtards are desperate! And you have nothing.,:p

You gotta love it! Another Republican sex “scandal” where there is no sex!

And besides that, a state rep? What are y’all going to dig up next? A city dog catcher?

Libtards are desperate! And you have nothing.,:p

Like the idiot who posted above (and his fellow wack job Libsluv) the Repukelikkklans seem to be mired in sex scandal after sex scandal. While Dems have their share, it is way more prevalent by the party of self described (but never practicing) 'christians"

You gotta love it! Another Republican sex “scandal” where there is no sex!

And besides that, a state rep? What are y’all going to dig up next? A city dog catcher?

Libtards are desperate! And you have nothing.,:p

Insidious within the party - maybe due to the Catholic tag on? Like Pope urban Vl - how charming were these 'messengers of Jesus'?

Like the idiot who posted above (and his fellow wack job Libsluv) the Repukelikkklans seem to be mired in sex scandal after sex scandal. While Dems have their share, it is way more prevalent by the party of self described (but never practicing) 'christians"

You’re a liar and a fool!

Republican “sex scandals” rarely contain any sex. Meanwhile Democrats are involved in all sorts of real sex scandals all the time, often involving all sorts of Pervy behavior!

Where are the liberal women when you need them? Oh yeah, being hypocrites.

You would still like to think at least one of them could muster the integrity to call you out on your blatant sexism.

How is that sexist? That was VERY sex positive. :cool:

How is that sexist? That was VERY sex positive. :cool:

You think recreational lesbian where you get to play voyeur is sex positive.

But you hypocritically don’t want to participate in male homosexuality for the voyerustic pleasure of others.

On top of your hypocrisy, you are using lesbianism for your own pleasure and satisfaction, not respecting it just its own “merits”. You’re a male chauvinist pig.

If there were any decent or nonhypocritical women around here they would tear you to shreds.

You think recreational lesbian where you get to play voyeur is sex positive.

But you hypocritically don’t want to participate in male homosexuality for the voyerustic pleasure of others.

On top of your hypocrisy, you are using lesbianism for your own pleasure and satisfaction, not respecting it just its own “merits”. You’re a male chauvinist pig.

If there were any decent or nonhypocritical women around here they would tear you to shreds.

You are IGNORING the fact some women ENJOY pleasing their man with a show. They do NOT expect and would NOT appreciate their man with another man. In these cases they get as much pleasure as the man (me) so your complaint is just petty larceny! :p