Republican advocating gun control

You're probably right, I forgot how it was since it has been so long since college. There are many free mental health care clinics around the country in larger cities.
The insurance question is moot.

I believe Arizona has the same provision as California that a person may be held for 72 hours for psychiatric evaluation if they exhibit behavior that indicates they are a danger to themselves, someone else, or completely disoriented.

I think the idiot sheriff Dupeshit of Pima Co is proactively trying to cover his ass on this. He's acting like a scared, guilty lunatic.

When you enter public or privately held buildings they have the right to ask that firearms are not permitted. Metal detectors or guards may be posted to ensure the rule is upheld

When you enter someones property they have the right to ask that firearms not be permitted. You can ask someone to leave who has a firearm and if they don't call the police and report them as tresspassing.

When you enter a concert or sporting event they have the right to ask that firearms not be permitted and may actually search your person or require a metal detector to ensure that you are not carrying a weapon.

My guess is that this store has a rule that no firearms are to be brought onto their property and if a person is found to bring a firearm onto the property they are asked to leave. If they do not, I am sure the store calls the police and they are arrested for trespassing.

So if there were a law would that have prevented the incident. No it wouldn't. What is a law other than a rule enforced by law enforcement and the court system? You can see that a rule to keep guns didn't work, why would a rule endorsed by the legal system? Oh, and by the way, there are laws that are enforced for shooting people and especially killing them. That didn't stop this insane man anymore than banning guns would of stopped him. It wasn't the gun, it was the man.
Don't forget that funning little law about not murdering peopl. That didn't stop him either.

Don't forget that funning little law about not murdering peopl. That didn't stop him either.

Generally speaking, I believe that laws seldom prevent crime. The laws are there for getting crooks off the streets after the fact.

To prevent people like Loughner, we just have to try to raise them properly, observe them carefully, and try to warn others if necessary.

I'm at a loss to remember a time when a mass murder was ever prevented by any kind of law, especially a gun control law.

Rep. King (R-NY) is now for gun control.

NRA guy La Pierre is probably tearing up his check book and staring his rant.

You mean Peter King the same guy who was against the musk in NYC? That Peter King.

So you found a republican who is for gun control? What are we supposed to do with that?

Are we all supposed to change our position now?

You know Congresswoman Giffords is pro gun. Just sayin

The insurance question is moot.

I believe Arizona has the same provision as California that a person may be held for 72 hours for psychiatric evaluation if they exhibit behavior that indicates they are a danger to themselves, someone else, or completely disoriented.

I think the idiot sheriff Dupeshit of Pima Co is proactively trying to cover his ass on this. He's acting like a scared, guilty lunatic.

I was thinking the same thing. This Sheriff is either a left wing ideologue or trying to cover his ass, or both.

From the reporting, there were plenty of signs this kid was unstable. It was also reported that his mama was a government employee, so one has to wonder if she used any political clout to keep him out of trouble.

There you go guessing again. He couldn't of killed 6? Try 8 in this mass murder. All during the day in public.

...and six more dead in another knife wielding incident.

Seven more dead. One by the attacker hitting with a car and six killed by knife in public during the day.

And four more killed by knife in the UK.

How about three more dead by knife.[tt_news]=16488&no_cache=1

And what do all of these crimes have in common? They all occurred in countries where guns are either banned or severly restricted.

You make an excellent point for limiting the proliferation of guns. You point out that people have to resort to less efficient killing devices when they may have been restricted access to a gun, or happen to not have one on them when they decided to kill.

Imagine how many they would have killed if they had an AK-47 with 100 round clips and cop-killer bullets to kill police who attempt to intervene.

Parenting has a good deal to do with the development of mental illness, imho. In this case, it looks like Loughner's father was as crazy as he was.

I pity your spawn.

I am sure they would be proud to learn that you spend part of your day posting remarks like this to RAB:

"When did you stop fucking your mother? Answer specifically please."

(Post #20)

You clearly suffer from a similar form of mental illness that has a grip on Loughner.

Generally speaking, I believe that laws seldom prevent crime. The laws are there for getting crooks off the streets after the fact.

To prevent people like Loughner, we just have to try to raise them properly, observe them carefully, and try to warn others if necessary.

I'm at a loss to remember a time when a mass murder was ever prevented by any kind of law, especially a gun control law.

Laws seldom prevent crime? Come on BB, you are not thinking clearly.

Don't you consider yourself a "law-abiding" citizen? The phrase is commonly used which reflects a desire of most people to do just that--abide by the law.

Don't you generally try to file your taxes in accordance with IRS regulations? Why do you file taxes at all if laws don't prevent crime? Are you saying that you are happy to give your money to the government?

Have you ever wanted to slap somebody in the face but considered the legal ramifications?

Have you ever broken into a store to get an item because the store was closed? Why haven't you? I bet it's because it's against the law, for starters.

Don't you think that every father of a murdered child would LOVE to kill the one who murdered their love one? Why don't they? It's often not because of their sense of morality. It's because they would go to jail.

Have you heard someone say something like "thank God I didn't have a gun on me when such-and-such happened because I might have used it....."? I have. They were happy, after the fact, that they DIDN'T have a gun. Perhaps during a road rage incident.

You mention that no law would have prevented a mass murder. That's not the question. The question is how many more murders would have been committed if everyone was walking around with a gun.

Laws seldom prevent crime? Come on BB, you are not thinking clearly.

Don't you consider yourself a "law-abiding" citizen? The phrase is commonly used which reflects a desire of most people to do just that--abide by the law.

Don't you generally try to file your taxes in accordance with IRS regulations? Why do you file taxes at all if laws don't prevent crime? Are you saying that you are happy to give your money to the government?

Have you ever wanted to slap somebody in the face but considered the legal ramifications?

Have you ever broken into a store to get an item because the store was closed? Why haven't you? I bet it's because it's against the law, for starters.

Don't you think that every father of a murdered child would LOVE to kill the one who murdered their love one? Why don't they? It's often not because of their sense of morality. It's because they would go to jail.

Have you heard someone say something like "thank God I didn't have a gun on me when such-and-such happened because I might have used it....."? I have. They were happy, after the fact, that they DIDN'T have a gun. Perhaps during a road rage incident.

You mention that no law would have prevented a mass murder. That's not the question. The question is how many more murders would have been committed if everyone was walking around with a gun.

That question has already been answered by history. Up until about 125 years ago, most Americans openly carried fire arms, and the murder rate was lower than it is today.

I therefore will repeat my initial statement. There is no evidence that gun laws prevent crimes. Every state in the union has laws prohibiting criminals from using guns. Many states have laws which increase or even double a sentence for violent crimes committed with a firearm. Do those states have a lower violent crime rate because of the law? Of course not.

The answer is in teaching ethics and morals to our children. My parents have told me that courses on ethics were mandatory in the Universities when they attended In the 20's and 30's. Now you can't even find those courses in very many college catalogues.

Society created the morass we live in today, and society is going to have to solve the problem. I would submit that one of the reasons for societal breakdown might well be the advent of Political Correctness of today, wherein parents are not allowed to instill discipline on their children for fear of scarring their precious psyches.

To repeat a line from Shakespeare: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings." Julius Caesar (I, ii, 140-141)

In the meantime, I hold to my belief that the best form of gun control is to use two hands.

I pity your spawn.

I am sure they would be proud to learn that you spend part of your day posting remarks like this to RAB:

"When did you stop fucking your mother? Answer specifically please."

(Post #20)

You clearly suffer from a similar form of mental illness that has a grip on Loughner.

holy shit thats pretty fucking deranged
especially 4 some1 that spent his first 1000 posts bitterly bitching about personal attacks

no he got kicked out of college due 2 disruptive behavior
the professor said he was acting out, i havent seen much about this
besides as ive seen from a friends dad recently, getting the mentally ill 2 the doctor can be nearly impossible if they dont want to go

Don't you pay attention Huggsy? It is now the law of the land that insurance companies be forced to cover Jared under his parents policy.

FAIL again you dumb twat

Let me break this down for you r*****s. BB is hurling the "mother" accusation without any substantiated proof that this is correct because once again...he is using this as an example of how you liberal r*****s have flown off the handle hurling accusations at the right and the Tea Party without ANY proof whatsoever. NONE!! See how that works?? He is just your rules against you. If anyone here can make a claim and not ever provide any proof that their claim is true...then we can all just start making shit up...(like RABY, NPM,BN, etc.) This new tactic of making unsubstantiated claims just degrades the entire debate/posting experience on this board.

But we have all known that you liberal r*****s have never been fond of facts.

i read ur first 1.5 sentences.
that was enough
no 70 yr old i know of would ever make such a personal attack
especially 1 that spent his first 1000 posts deriding such behavior
he also called hairy a pedophile
u really wanna hang ur hat w him shoog?

Huggsy, I am going to give you one chance to recover whatever is left of you shredded dignity.

Are you seriously sitting here claiming you don't know what is in Obamacare?

Are you seriously saying that you don't know that Odummyfucker made it law that kids be covered under their parents policy until the age of 26?

I seriously have to provide you a link?

If you come back with a yes, then you are by far the dumbest most uninformed twat I have ever met.

Which is it dumbass?

Huggsy, I am going to give you one chance to recover whatever is left of you shredded dignity.

Are you seriously sitting here claiming you don't know what is in Obamacare?

Are you seriously saying that you don't know that Odummyfucker made it law that kids be covered under their parents policy until the age of 26?

I seriously have to provide you a link?

If you come back with a yes, then you are by far the dumbest most uninformed twat I have ever met.

Which is it dumbass?

im calling ur ass out bitch do it cocksucker