Reps in NYC double-dipping on company time

lilly really underpays especially in oncology. It is hard to make ends meet in ny. Until Lilly finally decides to base salaries on location and cost it will always be the same. Spoiler alert they are never going to do that. If you double dip, good luck and all that. Lilly is way behind on so many things. If this were another company I would say work your butt off. But this is Lilly right?
Most DSM do absolutely nothing for the business. They are the biggest wastes at this company. I have had no good leadership at all and I have been here long enough. All kiss ass and speacial projects. I would like to think they crunch numbers to see if these objectives work. Another spoiler, they don’t. Can’t wait to get out of here this job blows nuts.

If you were truly a manager and have this attitude I'd love to work for you. My numbers have been solid for 6 straight years. But because of that, he wants more and more out of me. I need more market share (which almost isn't possible), more leadership stuff, more conference calls, more blah blah blah etc. Nothing is ever good enough and it's starting to get old. Managers theses days care more about leadership than sales numbers. Just curious, if you were a manager, id love to know if there is a way to track reps? Thanks
Former Manager here to answer the question above. Yes managers have all the tools to look at everything, from the reps lunch time to when they start the day and if they are calling it a day at 3:00 vs 4:00pm. But if you have the numbers and have the need to double up to make life better for your family.... most managers are tooo darn busy to look at that crap unless the rep has other issues or is a thorn in the district. Why create issues or waves if the rep is blowing it out or doing well. As it is most managers are dealing with one or two sh- - birds so why take on more issues when someone needs to get down the road way before the poor double dipper. IF this person becomes an issue in time then the manager will have to take on this cluster too. I always felt sorry for the people on both coasts with families because taxes, gas, rent, real estate and cost of living is so
Outrageous. This is another reason why the numbers, market shares and overall success is in Mid America. It is just less costly to do business. Hope this helps and yes it is wise to vote Conservative and throw Bloomberg out on his ear just another Libtardo.

They don’t pay us enough on the coasts! Cost of living is higher here.

Right?! All of us who live in NYC, even Diabetes Executive Sales Reps should be able to work two jobs if we want. We have been doing it for years, why stop now?

It is possible while working as a Diabetes Rep in NYC cuz we have so many overlaps and cuz we can’t see anyone anyway!

Right?! All of us who live in NYC, even Diabetes Executive Sales Reps should be able to work two jobs if we want. We have been doing it for years, why stop now?

It is possible while working as a Diabetes Rep in NYC cuz we have so many overlaps and cuz we can’t see anyone anyway!
What about California reps, should they have a green light to double dip. Especially since they are Dippy dooo living in Cali