Reprocessing Medline w/Medi-siss

Medisiss is such a tiny company, is the partnership only going to be marketed in the Northwest where they're based? Does that mean Glade will be managing the launch? Good luck with that! Maybe, like you said, they'll pick their brain, copy their processes and then launch their own service.

If Glade touches it, someone will be screwed...most likely a rep!

This company is a leech. Reprocessors are simply bleeding more money out of Healthcare and are happy to do it. Medisiss will reprocess a turd and send it to you sterile. They have no quality control. I've seen plenty of my drill bits come back with defects in the flutes and on the cutting end. Personally, I don't care if you scam the hospitals, but it won't last forever. Just know you better go into the hospitals and dump sharps containers into your bins and hope for the best. There may be a turd in there, and they'll give you a PO for it.

You are a total freaking moron! Having been to the Medisis plant a few times, and you obviously have not, the QC there is top notch. Your assertion that they will process a "turd" and send back is so far off base it makes me laugh.

One more thing genius. They aren't pulling more money out of healthcare. They are saving on average 50% from the cost of purchasing a new item with at least, and in most cases higher, quality than the new product.

Look, we all get it. You work for a company with margins under fire by the use of repro devices and you're bitter. Just say so. Don't make yourself look like a total d-bag by coming on a board like this and getting every single fact wrong.

So, how's it going Medisiss? This is getting fun! Your rep has pissed so many people off in my account by being an abrasive biatch, that I'm taking a back seat and observing at this point. I can't wait until this hospital audits the last 6 months. They'll see that they've added cost, by adding a vendor. But wait, that would require them to be capable of admitting a wrong. I haven't worked with a hospital administration that has been capable of that in my ten years, so I won't hold my breath.

They calls Medline the Walmart of your industry for a reason, you know. Ghetto!

Interesting that PharmaFraud is advertising on this board. They must be hoping for another Medline insider to cash in on their poor business ethics. Big money to be made here Medliners!!

We have been using Suretek medical for our reprocessing for several years. We were happy to make the switch and happy it has worked well. We only perform ENT cases so not sure how they would do with general surgery items.