Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcare

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Then you pay for them! You pay for these people that contribute nothing but the sucking sound on the government tit! When they have no shelter you need to house them since you care so much for these upstanding citizens that contribute soooooo much to this country. When they are hungry you can have them make a grocery list for the food they prefer. In the mean time I will take care of MY family with MY money that I earned.

So are you saying that we should not provide emergency care to those who choose to be uninsured? That we see someone who arrives at an ER after a car crash, and if they are 400lbs, black, overweight and have six kids from five fathers that we should refuse care?

Thats why policy cant be written by knee jerk conservatives. They dont get how life works in the real world.... all thinking goes through the narrow minded sieve of money.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

So are you saying that we should not provide emergency care to those who choose to be uninsured? That we see someone who arrives at an ER after a car crash, and if they are 400lbs, black, overweight and have six kids from five fathers that we should refuse care?

Thats why policy cant be written by knee jerk conservatives. They dont get how life works in the real world.... all thinking goes through the narrow minded sieve of money.

Going to the ER for a car wreck is way different than millions of people going to the ER for a runny nose or a back ache. If you are overweight from not taking care of yourself then you should pay more than someone who doesn't smoke, overeat, drink, etc. If you have six kids from five fathers then try tying your tubes or keep your legs closed. Its not my job to take care of your ignorance. Where in the constitution does it say that I have to like you, take care of you, or let you take my hard earned money???????

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

So are you saying that we should not provide emergency care to those who choose to be uninsured? That we see someone who arrives at an ER after a car crash, and if they are 400lbs, black, overweight and have six kids from five fathers that we should refuse care?

Thats why policy cant be written by knee jerk conservatives. They dont get how life works in the real world.... all thinking goes through the narrow minded sieve of money.

We ALL acknowledge that this scenario is a problem.... but explain to me how and why it's the Federal Governments problem. Despite what liberals like to believe, Government is NOT the solution to every problem. Especially when it completely destroys the Consitution to achieve its ends.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

We ALL acknowledge that this scenario is a problem.... but explain to me how and why it's the Federal Governments problem. Despite what liberals like to believe, Government is NOT the solution to every problem. Especially when it completely destroys the Consitution to achieve its ends.

I want a serious answer from a TRUE DummyCrat..... THIS IS NOT A JOKE. Please tell me, is government the answer to everything? Is there any problem that doesn't involve a government solution?

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

We ALL acknowledge that this scenario is a problem.... but explain to me how and why it's the Federal Governments problem. Despite what liberals like to believe, Government is NOT the solution to every problem. Especially when it completely destroys the Consitution to achieve its ends.

Deep down even libs know that government is NOT the answer otherwise...

FROM THE HHS WEBSITE.... 700 waivers? This reform must be GREAT!?!?!?!?

•Of all the waivers granted to date:
◦Employment-Based Coverage: The vast majority – 712 plans representing 97 percent of all waivers – were granted to health plans that are employment-related.
■Self-Insured Employer Plans Applicants: Employer-based health plans received most of the waivers – 359.
■Collectively-Bargained Employer-Based Plan Applicants: Most of the other health plans receiving waivers are multi-employer health funds created by a collective bargaining agreement between a union and two or more employers, pursuant to the Taft-Hartley Act. These “union plans” are employment based group health plans and operate for the sole benefit of workers. They tend to be larger than other typical group health plans because they cover multiple employers. There are also single-employer union plans that have received a waiver. In total, 182 collectively-bargained plans have received waivers.
■Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs): HRAs are employer-funded group health plans where employees are reimbursed tax-free for qualified medical expenses up to a maximum dollar amount for a coverage period. In total, HHS has approved 171 applications for waivers for HRAs.
◦Health Insurers: Sixteen waivers were granted to health insurers, which can apply for a waiver for multiple mini-med products sold to employers or individuals.
◦State Governments: Four waivers have gone to State governments. States may apply for a waiver of the restricted annual limits on behalf of issuers of state-mandated policies if state law required the policies to be offered by the issuers prior to September 23, 2010.
•The number of enrollees in plans with annual limits waivers is 2.1 million

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Deep down even libs know that government is NOT the answer otherwise...

FROM THE HHS WEBSITE.... 700 waivers? This reform must be GREAT!?!?!?!?

blah, blah, blah, delete cut and pasted stuff from Sean Hannitys website....

You do understand that the waivers are to allow the companies who have terrible health insurance to have time to modify their awful health insurance so they can be ready for it when the full force of the law comes into effect in 2014? And this prevents these companies from getting a big financial hit to adjust to the new law?

Oh, no. Thats right. You;re not interested in the facts... you're only on here to spew.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

You do understand that the waivers are to allow the companies who have terrible health insurance to have time to modify their awful health insurance so they can be ready for it when the full force of the law comes into effect in 2014? And this prevents these companies from getting a big financial hit to adjust to the new law?

Oh, no. Thats right. You;re not interested in the facts... you're only on here to spew.

You've got to be kidding! I mean just how gullible are you?

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

You do understand that the waivers are to allow the companies who have terrible health insurance to have time to modify their awful health insurance so they can be ready for it when the full force of the law comes into effect in 2014? And this prevents these companies from getting a big financial hit to adjust to the new law?

Oh, no. Thats right. You;re not interested in the facts... you're only on here to spew.

Pathetic! This is typical liberal thinking, taking something beyond ignorant and twist it for your mindless cause. Don't you have a tree to hug or a baby seal to save?

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Pathetic! This is typical liberal thinking, taking something beyond ignorant and twist it for your mindless cause. Don't you have a tree to hug or a baby seal to save?

Nice cogent analysis.

Or as the Bubble arsehle would say: translation: "I cant understand the argument because Im so invested in my point of view that I cant learn anything anymore". But he would have been nastier.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Nice cogent analysis.

Or as the Bubble arsehle would say: translation: "I cant understand the argument because Im so invested in my point of view that I cant learn anything anymore". But he would have been nastier.

Translation: "I'm a needy liberal that must blame all my problems on someone else even though I know I don't work or pay taxes, it is not my fault. By the way Mr. conservative, can I have some of your money to buy things that I WANT"?

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

You do understand that the waivers are to allow the companies who have terrible health insurance to have time to modify their awful health insurance so they can be ready for it when the full force of the law comes into effect in 2014? And this prevents these companies from getting a big financial hit to adjust to the new law?

Oh, no. Thats right. You;re not interested in the facts... you're only on here to spew.

Seriously... are you retarded? The cut and paste stuff did NOT come from Sean Hannity you moron, it came from the HHS website.... you might want to read it.

"You do understand that the waivers are to allow the companies who have terrible health insurance to have time to modify their awful health insurance so they can be ready for it when the full force of the law comes into effect in 2014? And this prevents these companies from getting a big financial hit to adjust to the new law?"

What you stated seems very different from the information on the HHS website:
Waivers only last for one year and are only available if the plan certifies that a waiver is necessary to prevent either a large increase in premiums or a significant decrease in access to coverage.

Oh but I guss you are NOT interested in facts.
It is far better to only be thought of as stupid than to start typing non-sense and remove ALL doubt.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Seriously... are you retarded?
What you stated seems very different from the information on the HHS website:
Waivers only last for one year and are only available if the plan certifies that a waiver is necessary to prevent either a large increase in premiums or a significant decrease in access to coverage.

Oh but I guss you are NOT interested in facts.
It is far better to only be thought of as stupid than to start typing non-sense and remove ALL doubt.

Thats EXACTLY what was described in the referenced articles! The waivers are short term deals to provide companies who are providing crappy health care to their employees (see articles I referenced from slate above), because if they actually had to offer real health care, the premiums would skyrocket or they would drop the insurance all together.

This is what is called 'easing them into the system" so in the short term it will not actually decrease healthcare coverage. Eventually, with lots more people in the risk pools, premiums will decrease for better coverage.

So the original concept of "if they are offering waivers, it must be bad", is a totally specious argument. You should be ashamed and enlightened after seeing this. Your welcome in advance.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Thats EXACTLY what was described in the referenced articles! The waivers are short term deals to provide companies who are providing crappy health care to their employees (see articles I referenced from slate above), because if they actually had to offer real health care, the premiums would skyrocket or they would drop the insurance all together.

This is what is called 'easing them into the system" so in the short term it will not actually decrease healthcare coverage. Eventually, with lots more people in the risk pools, premiums will decrease for better coverage.

So the original concept of "if they are offering waivers, it must be bad", is a totally specious argument. You should be ashamed and enlightened after seeing this. Your welcome in advance.

What is specious is you refering to a totally liberal source such as "Slate" while I have a direct link to this Unconstitutional, Crappy, Government takeover of healthcare. So your argument is that when government fully implements this healthcare reform it will lead to "Eventually, with lots more people in the risk pools, premiums will decrease for better coverage." Exactly which current government program gives you this totally misplaced confidence? You're welcome in advance.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

What is specious is you refering to a totally liberal source such as "Slate" while I have a direct link to this Unconstitutional, Crappy, Government takeover of healthcare. So your argument is that when government fully implements this healthcare reform it will lead to "Eventually, with lots more people in the risk pools, premiums will decrease for better coverage." Exactly which current government program gives you this totally misplaced confidence? You're welcome in advance.

The source may be somewhat liberal, but the argument is nonpartisan. Its factual.

Heres the deal. And I'll capitalize it to emphasize it.


There. Yes, Medicaid will expand a bit. Medicare will not be affected too much, except for siphoning people off of it to some extent. But the programs set into place with Obamacare are fully commercial. And requiring people to buy health insurance ensures that the premiums will be kept at a low level - that is the price we pay for allowing the good stuff - i.e. having people with preexisting conditions be maintained on insurance plans at reasonable cost.

A better plan would be some type of basic, universal care for all, with commercial insurance you pay for on top of it (i.e. a 'public option'). But that isnt politically feasible right now because conservatives get their undies in a bunch everytime they realize that they might have to pay for health care for people who are sick, nonwhite, and nonchristian.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Thats EXACTLY what was described in the referenced articles! The waivers are short term deals to provide companies who are providing crappy health care to their employees (see articles I referenced from slate above), because if they actually had to offer real health care, the premiums would skyrocket or they would drop the insurance all together.

This is what is called 'easing them into the system" so in the short term it will not actually decrease healthcare coverage. Eventually, with lots more people in the risk pools, premiums will decrease for better coverage.

So the original concept of "if they are offering waivers, it must be bad", is a totally specious argument. You should be ashamed and enlightened after seeing this. Your welcome in advance.

"Eventually, with lots more people in the risk pools, premiums will decrease for better coverage."
National Journal: High-Risk Pool Enrollment Up But Still Slow Enrollment in high-risk health insurance pools is up over the short term but is well behind projections, according to the Health and Human Services Department. Total enrollment in the insurance program is up 50 percent over the last three months, from 8,000 to 12,000, but is a far cry from the projected 375,000 the administration anticipated would enroll by the end of 2010.

Is that specious enough for you? Just another GOVERNMENT LIE to justify an Unconstitutional takeover of our Healthcare system.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

The source may be somewhat liberal, but the argument is nonpartisan. Its factual.

Heres the deal. And I'll capitalize it to emphasize it.


There. Yes, Medicaid will expand a bit. Medicare will not be affected too much, except for siphoning people off of it to some extent. But the programs set into place with Obamacare are fully commercial. And requiring people to buy health insurance ensures that the premiums will be kept at a low level - that is the price we pay for allowing the good stuff - i.e. having people with preexisting conditions be maintained on insurance plans at reasonable cost.

A better plan would be some type of basic, universal care for all, with commercial insurance you pay for on top of it (i.e. a 'public option'). But that isnt politically feasible right now because conservatives get their undies in a bunch everytime they realize that they might have to pay for health care for people who are sick, nonwhite, and nonchristian.

Regardless of how they implement it, this WHOLE thing is a GOVERNMENT program. Any claims of lowering costs is SPECIOUS at BEST. And your racist closing statement is surely a pointless cry for attention.... or perhaps you are accusing nonwhite, nonchristians as the ONLY people in America who will benefit from this program because they are primarily the source of irresponsible behavior and unaccountability. Is that what you are saying? OOH, I think you might have offended somebody with that broad, insensitive charge..... shame on you.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

The source may be somewhat liberal, but the argument is nonpartisan. Its factual.

Heres the deal. And I'll capitalize it to emphasize it.


There. Yes, Medicaid will expand a bit. Medicare will not be affected too much, except for siphoning people off of it to some extent. But the programs set into place with Obamacare are fully commercial. And requiring people to buy health insurance ensures that the premiums will be kept at a low level - that is the price we pay for allowing the good stuff - i.e. having people with preexisting conditions be maintained on insurance plans at reasonable cost.

A better plan would be some type of basic, universal care for all, with commercial insurance you pay for on top of it (i.e. a 'public option'). But that isnt politically feasible right now because conservatives get their undies in a bunch everytime they realize that they might have to pay for health care for people who are sick, nonwhite, and nonchristian.

Yes... Slate has a long history of Factual, Non-Partisan reporting. LOL

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

The source may be somewhat liberal, but the argument is nonpartisan. Its factual.

Heres the deal. And I'll capitalize it to emphasize it.


There. Yes, Medicaid will expand a bit. Medicare will not be affected too much, except for siphoning people off of it to some extent. But the programs set into place with Obamacare are fully commercial. And requiring people to buy health insurance ensures that the premiums will be kept at a low level - that is the price we pay for allowing the good stuff - i.e. having people with preexisting conditions be maintained on insurance plans at reasonable cost.

A better plan would be some type of basic, universal care for all, with commercial insurance you pay for on top of it (i.e. a 'public option'). But that isnt politically feasible right now because conservatives get their undies in a bunch everytime they realize that they might have to pay for health care for people who are sick, nonwhite, and nonchristian.

How many times did you faint during one of obama's moronic speeches? I propose the government also REQUIRE everyone to buy guns so we will all be nice and safe from bad criminals. But that isn't feasible right now because pussified liberals get their panties in a bunch everytime you mention guns or RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Regardless of how they implement it, this WHOLE thing is a GOVERNMENT program. Any claims of lowering costs is SPECIOUS at BEST. And your racist closing statement is surely a pointless cry for attention.... or perhaps you are accusing nonwhite, nonchristians as the ONLY people in America who will benefit from this program because they are primarily the source of irresponsible behavior and unaccountability. Is that what you are saying? OOH, I think you might have offended somebody with that broad, insensitive charge..... shame on you.

Oh boy... I can't wait. The government has yet another chance to punish success and reward failure. And as we all know, when you reward certain results, you are sure to get MORE of it. Don't you love when Government has the power to pick the winners and losers instead of FREE COMPETITION deciding outcomes.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

The source may be somewhat liberal, but the argument is nonpartisan. Its factual.

Heres the deal. And I'll capitalize it to emphasize it.


There. Yes, Medicaid will expand a bit. Medicare will not be affected too much, except for siphoning people off of it to some extent. But the programs set into place with Obamacare are fully commercial. And requiring people to buy health insurance ensures that the premiums will be kept at a low level - that is the price we pay for allowing the good stuff - i.e. having people with preexisting conditions be maintained on insurance plans at reasonable cost.

A better plan would be some type of basic, universal care for all, with commercial insurance you pay for on top of it (i.e. a 'public option'). But that isnt politically feasible right now because conservatives get their undies in a bunch everytime they realize that they might have to pay for health care for people who are sick, nonwhite, and nonchristian.

Here you go with race baiting. Why do you assume conservatives are racists and hate non-christians...Seems very narrow-minded of you. Old stereo-types die hard I guess.