Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar
So are you saying that we should not provide emergency care to those who choose to be uninsured? That we see someone who arrives at an ER after a car crash, and if they are 400lbs, black, overweight and have six kids from five fathers that we should refuse care?
Thats why policy cant be written by knee jerk conservatives. They dont get how life works in the real world.... all thinking goes through the narrow minded sieve of money.
Then you pay for them! You pay for these people that contribute nothing but the sucking sound on the government tit! When they have no shelter you need to house them since you care so much for these upstanding citizens that contribute soooooo much to this country. When they are hungry you can have them make a grocery list for the food they prefer. In the mean time I will take care of MY family with MY money that I earned.
So are you saying that we should not provide emergency care to those who choose to be uninsured? That we see someone who arrives at an ER after a car crash, and if they are 400lbs, black, overweight and have six kids from five fathers that we should refuse care?
Thats why policy cant be written by knee jerk conservatives. They dont get how life works in the real world.... all thinking goes through the narrow minded sieve of money.