Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcare

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Too funny. Now some are complaining what life is like in the "free market". The republican rubber hit the pot holed filed road they didnt want to do anything about.

Nobody is bitching about some of the good points of the bill, such as preexisting conditions, the issue is whether or not the government can make me buy anything.

Why can't you understand that?

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Too funny. Now some are complaining what life is like in the "free market". The republican rubber hit the pot holed filed road they didnt want to do anything about.

Is there some point to that article? I can think of no single expense in my life that takes more of my money than taxes. You can complain ALL day about the rising cost of healthcare, but taxes take a minimum of 50% of what I earn. Government just TAKES IT. I can't opt out. Healthcare barely costs a fraction of what I pay in taxes.... and as of today I can still opt out of insurance if I choose. Nobody is forcing me to have it, I guess not until Big-Daddy Obama Unconstitutionally forces us ALL to buy it. Lower my taxes and I can afford Healthcare and a hell of alot more than that. Promote competition and prices will go down. This isn't rocket science. You liberals just have to give-up your plans to control every aspect of ALL of our lives.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Too funny. Now some are complaining what life is like in the "free market". The republican rubber hit the pot holed filed road they didnt want to do anything about.

Wait.... which market is free????

In USA Today….Job training sprawl costs U.S. $18B per year

“WASHINGTON — The federal government spends $18 billion a year on 47 separate job training programs run by nine different agencies.
All but three programs overlap with others to provide the same services to the same population, according to a government report to be released today.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that "little is known about the effectiveness" of the programs because half haven't had a performance review since 2004 and only five have ever had a study to determine whether job seekers in the program do better than those who don't participate.”

Isn’t Government Great? It is so accountable and NEVER wasteful. I can’t wait for Government to run Healthcare.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Nobody is bitching about some of the good points of the bill, such as preexisting conditions, the issue is whether or not the government can make me buy anything.

Why can't you understand that?

Why cant YOU understand the concept that you cant give everyone insurance with preexisting conditions without having the people who DONT have them pay into the risk pool by being required to buy insurance???

This concept is so basic to the argument that anyone who doesnt see this point should be ashamed that they could think they had the knowledge to make a public comment on it. If you dont understand the concept of risk pool, you dont understand the ACA.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Why cant YOU understand the concept that you cant give everyone insurance with preexisting conditions without having the people who DONT have them pay into the risk pool by being required to buy insurance???

This concept is so basic to the argument that anyone who doesnt see this point should be ashamed that they could think they had the knowledge to make a public comment on it. If you dont understand the concept of risk pool, you dont understand the ACA.

Wait.... I'm still confused. Which market is free? And what is it that the government can make me buy?

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Why cant YOU understand the concept that you cant give everyone insurance with preexisting conditions without having the people who DONT have them pay into the risk pool by being required to buy insurance???

This concept is so basic to the argument that anyone who doesnt see this point should be ashamed that they could think they had the knowledge to make a public comment on it. If you dont understand the concept of risk pool, you dont understand the ACA.

Yeah, we shouldn't let little things like individual liberty, freedom and personal choice come into consideration.

There are ways to deal with the problem of pre-existing conditions without totalitarian governmental action.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Yeah, we shouldn't let little things like individual liberty, freedom and personal choice come into consideration.

There are ways to deal with the problem of pre-existing conditions without totalitarian governmental action.

There are. And that is tax the people who are getting a free ride from the system.. i.e. those who do not pay for health care, but know they will get it in the ER when they need it because it is mandated by both law and morality to treat people in medical need.

And this tax is basically the same think as a mandate to buy insurance.

Its not a great solution, thats for sure. A much better solution would be a public option, but the Republicans would have choked if that was an option.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Why cant YOU understand the concept that you cant give everyone insurance with preexisting conditions without having the people who DONT have them pay into the risk pool by being required to buy insurance???

This concept is so basic to the argument that anyone who doesnt see this point should be ashamed that they could think they had the knowledge to make a public comment on it. If you dont understand the concept of risk pool, you dont understand the ACA.

You responded to me, that is my point, madam. Obama has so many giveaways in this which sound really really nice. Then you have to pay for it, which means you force people to buy something they may not want.

And Americans have voiced their concern with this time and time again and yet people like you don't have a problem trampling on liberty. So, I have to buy insurance at 27 say and I am healthy, to pay for a 400 pound obese diabetic who smokes and drinks and fucks anything that walks. What about my choice to not support that medical care?

That forced mandate is a tax any way you slice it.

Giveaways! Yayyy! Gimme gimme gimme!

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

There are. And that is tax the people who are getting a free ride from the system.. i.e. those who do not pay for health care, but know they will get it in the ER when they need it because it is mandated by both law and morality to treat people in medical need.

And this tax is basically the same think as a mandate to buy insurance.

Its not a great solution, thats for sure. A much better solution would be a public option, but the Republicans would have choked if that was an option.

Are you talking about the govenment mandate to buy car insurance? Different argument. I don't have to drive a car. I have to pay this stupid tax.

Most democrats choked over a public option too.

I do agree that people go to ER and it is covered anyways. These people chose not to buy insurance then and they sure as hell won't buy it now. Your solution solves nothing.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

You responded to me, that is my point, madam. Obama has so many giveaways in this which sound really really nice. Then you have to pay for it, which means you force people to buy something they may not want.

And Americans have voiced their concern with this time and time again and yet people like you don't have a problem trampling on liberty. So, I have to buy insurance at 27 say and I am healthy, to pay for a 400 pound obese diabetic who smokes and drinks and fucks anything that walks. What about my choice to not support that medical care?

That forced mandate is a tax any way you slice it.

Giveaways! Yayyy! Gimme gimme gimme!

So your point is that you like the good stuff in the bill but you dont want to be taxed/forced to pay for it? And you'd like to keep the good stuff (like the preexisting conditions), but ditch the bad stuff (the mechanism to pay for the good stuff).

Thats the kind of Republican thinking that has got us in this massive debt in the first place.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

There are. And that is tax the people who are getting a free ride from the system.. i.e. those who do not pay for health care, but know they will get it in the ER when they need it because it is mandated by both law and morality to treat people in medical need.

And this tax is basically the same think as a mandate to buy insurance.

Its not a great solution, thats for sure. A much better solution would be a public option, but the Republicans would have choked if that was an option.

Tax the people who are getting a free ride.... Hmmmm??? If they are getting a free ride now, it is very likely that they don't pay federal taxes like half of America. Which also means they won't pay for their insurance. Which furthermore means that the Dummycrats have just created is yet another way to redistribute wealth. The workers pay for the non-workers, the young pay for the old, the healthy pay for the sick. When you abondon individual liberty and personal accountability, chaos is all that you are left with.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Tax the people who are getting a free ride.... Hmmmm??? If they are getting a free ride now, it is very likely that they don't pay federal taxes like half of America. Which also means they won't pay for their insurance. Which furthermore means that the Dummycrats have just created is yet another way to redistribute wealth. The workers pay for the non-workers, the young pay for the old, the healthy pay for the sick. When you abondon individual liberty and personal accountability, chaos is all that you are left with.


Sounds like you have no freaking idea of what you are talking about except to have vague, hateful thoughts about anyone who doesnt have money to pay for decent health care to improve their lives.

You throw in terms like 'liberty' and 'personal accountability', yet you miss the point that health care isnt like buying a TV. When someone is on the table dying before your eyes, you dont wait for the debit card to clear before administering treatment, no matter how fat or lazy or old or dumb they are.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar


Sounds like you have no freaking idea of what you are talking about except to have vague, hateful thoughts about anyone who doesnt have money to pay for decent health care to improve their lives.

You throw in terms like 'liberty' and 'personal accountability', yet you miss the point that health care isnt like buying a TV. When someone is on the table dying before your eyes, you dont wait for the debit card to clear before administering treatment, no matter how fat or lazy or old or dumb they are.

Maybe if they were made to be personally accountable, then the rest of us accountable people wouldn't be punished. When you reward bad behavior, you are sure to get more of it. That guy laying on the table dying, who can't afford health insurance, I bet he has a TV, Cell Phone, A computer, the internet, etc. But where are the priorities?

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar


Sounds like you have no freaking idea of what you are talking about except to have vague, hateful thoughts about anyone who doesnt have money to pay for decent health care to improve their lives.

You throw in terms like 'liberty' and 'personal accountability', yet you miss the point that health care isnt like buying a TV. When someone is on the table dying before your eyes, you dont wait for the debit card to clear before administering treatment, no matter how fat or lazy or old or dumb they are.

Then you pay for them! You pay for these people that contribute nothing but the sucking sound on the government tit! When they have no shelter you need to house them since you care so much for these upstanding citizens that contribute soooooo much to this country. When they are hungry you can have them make a grocery list for the food they prefer. In the mean time I will take care of MY family with MY money that I earned.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

So your point is that you like the good stuff in the bill but you dont want to be taxed/forced to pay for it? And you'd like to keep the good stuff (like the preexisting conditions), but ditch the bad stuff (the mechanism to pay for the good stuff).

Thats the kind of Republican thinking that has got us in this massive debt in the first place.

No I am saying that stuff is good until someone has to pay for it. Money doesn't grow on trees. These ideas sound great until the bill comes. This is why i don't buy stuff I don't need. A new Ferrari is nice, but I don't want to pay for it.

Don't lecture me on spending either. Democrats have done their fair share.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Maybe if they were made to be personally accountable, then the rest of us accountable people wouldn't be punished. When you reward bad behavior, you are sure to get more of it. That guy laying on the table dying, who can't afford health insurance, I bet he has a TV, Cell Phone, A computer, the internet, etc. But where are the priorities?

Couldn't agree more. I love the welfare queens I saw in my sales territory with Iphones and Sean Jean clothing and driving decent cars. Not to mention DG sunglasses at 350 bucks. and any other brand name item.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

No I am saying that stuff is good until someone has to pay for it. Money doesn't grow on trees. These ideas sound great until the bill comes. This is why i don't buy stuff I don't need. A new Ferrari is nice, but I don't want to pay for it.

Don't lecture me on spending either. Democrats have done their fair share.

FAR MORE than their fair share!

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

...I do agree that people go to ER and it is covered anyways. These people chose not to buy insurance then and they sure as hell won't buy it now.

The ER visit is covered by Medicaid, ie: taxes and government bonds. There is no such thing as a free lunch.