Rep salary in each business unit

I'm looking at what salaries are and I am amazed. $210K? for a rep? Do you really think you earned that? And for those with salaries in the $160's, feel very fortunate. With bonuses making annual income over $200K is silly.
Been at this a long time and the impact we create is so low. Never mind that actual time worked in territory. Your actual earned per hour salary would rival a high priced lawyer. Get over yourselves.

The revenue we bring in- rather you believe reps make a difference or not- in a given territory definitely warrants a high salary. Also pharma companies in some respect don't mind paying it- they need expenses on the P&L to justify the high profit percent that every pharma company makes. Salaries is the #1 P&L expense regardless of what business unit (sales, marketing, R&D, etc.).

As far as do you think you really earned that- you could literally say that about any highly paid employee at any company. Comes down to what revenue your territory brings in (and profit).

I'm sure this is a little over your head but think about it and it should make sense. You obviously ignorant to how any businesses is run.

I am on the Heme team, and also make above 200k. Not to mention, I also received a sign on bonus above 70k. Coming from a company that sold in MM, it’s not unusual. This company is run pretty poorly, my manager and his manager are robots. Pretty funny when you step back for a moment and reflect on the ridiculousness of it all. Don’t question it, and just enjoy.

I work in Consumer Health-Dental, started 2 years ago. My salary is no where near what you guys make but I do have a company car. Can anyone else share their Consumer Health salary. I was hired a year ago at $72,000. Had some pharma prior to. Thanks

I work in Consumer Health-Dental, started 2 years ago. My salary is no where near what you guys make but I do have a company car. Can anyone else share their Consumer Health salary. I was hired a year ago at $72,000. Had some pharma prior to. Thanks

Not surprising. I’m curious how is it calling on dentists? Never met anyone on that side

Are people referring to base plus bonus? These numbers seem unrealistic unless that is the case. GSK Director level range is roughly 164,000-180,000 base, so it seems unlikely that reps below the manager level (let alone director level) would be making that much.

That was the director range…. It was recently adjusted. Reps with a lot of experience in the specialty and relationships can now access higher pay at GSK. They have started to follow strategies of other successful companies …. Not there yet but headed in a better direction for sure….

They can’t pay enough to get people to take these jobs anymore. Especially 20 somethings. So many better jobs and industries out there than dealing with this BS and dealing with managers who can’t get enough of hearing themselves talk about how great they are.

I work in Consumer Health-Dental, started 2 years ago. My salary is no where near what you guys make but I do have a company car. Can anyone else share their Consumer Health salary. I was hired a year ago at $72,000. Had some pharma prior to. Thanks

Try applying in-house, usually that raises your base. Ask you manager to allow you to do that, or else you go nowhere. I was in the same boat, even lower than your base before but I applied internally and got specialty. Now I am in the $175 in a span of three years. Work smart, then work hard.

Got my annual raise a couple month ago and out of the blue my boss called this week and said they are doing salary adjustments. Im in the VBU and went from $154k to $162k. Nice surprise! I feel GSK treats us fairly. I may be able to make more someplace else, but GSK has always been good to me. Good managers, great teammates, success in the field….it’s all good. I’m sure there will be those who come on the thread and slam this post….but my experience has been great at GSK.