Rep. Darrell Issa, American Role Model, Has Been Accused Of Car Theft Three Times

Being accused of something 30 years ago? A big yawn.

Yeah, right . . . Try to push it under the carpet just because Issa is a rethug.

If he where a Dem, you and your ilk would be lighting this board up with endless threads and posts about his past.

New Year, same SPiN. Better try next time, eh?

You are funny today.

Charlie Rangle

I am sure ILA can add to the corruption list.

Gee, I didn't know any of them were currently holding themselves up as a near saint in there pursuit of "the most corrupt administration in history" here a little lesson for the almighty Issa 'those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'. Issa is nothing more than a common car theif, its funny watching you fools defend his actions.

Gee, I didn't know any of them were currently holding themselves up as a near saint in there pursuit of "the most corrupt administration in history" here a little lesson for the almighty Issa 'those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'. Issa is nothing more than a common car theif, its funny watching you fools defend his actions.

Where is he holding himself up as a saint and where is he doing his assigned job as head of the oversight committee? You just can't stand anyone challenging your messiah. He's had two completely unchecked years. Check this out - they are shaking in their boots afraid of what he will uncover.

Where is he holding himself up as a saint and where is he doing his assigned job as head of the oversight committee? You just can't stand anyone challenging your messiah. He's had two completely unchecked years. Check this out - they are shaking in their boots afraid of what he will uncover.

Losercrats don't understand the term "oversight". They never did any of it when they were in the majority.

Where is he holding himself up as a saint and where is he doing his assigned job as head of the oversight committee? You just can't stand anyone challenging your messiah. He's had two completely unchecked years. Check this out - they are shaking in their boots afraid of what he will uncover.

Like I said, this is an easy job, they should just park a nice luxury SUV outside his office and wait for Fast Issa to work his magic. To be in your face about it they should even arm it with a Viper alarm system which uses Issa’s own dumb ass voice to warn potential thieves, but then again that could foil the plot. We could even throw on some spinning 22 inch rims just to be sure Fast Issa takes the bait.

At least the dems aren't so corrupt to elect a car thief oversee corruption. It was also interesting that one of Boehner's first moves was to try to kill the office of congressional ethics. Of course both parties have corrupt members, but when your lead investigator is a car thief, and majority leader is someone one not interested in having an ethics oversight office, that says a lot about a party not just from the bottom but the top down.

Marion Barry is that you? That wasn't crack in that pipe...was it? She wasn't a hooker, she was a date.

Hmm. Voters have elected Issa, what, 5 times? I think I'll go with the judgement of the voters.

Besides, it sounds like Issa is the perfect guy to investigates the Obama cabal. Sort of like Frank Abagnale...he'll know where to look for the bodies.

"Hmm. Voters have elected Issa, what, 5 times? I think I'll go with the judgement of the voters."

Apply the concept to Obama shoog.

"Hmm. Voters have elected Issa, what, 5 times? I think I'll go with the judgement of the voters."

Apply the concept to Obama shoog.

Well, let's see. Obama was "in attendance" only 143 days as a US Senator. He "didn't have time" to keep records of Illinois Senate attendance, but it was reportedly worse than his US Senate attendance.