Reorganizations bring out the UGLIEST in people


Here are a few recent posts on our Novartis board:
1) Please Fire my Manager
2) FLM's hit hard- "cant wait to hear which ones get displaced"
3) Debbie Henderson was Poison
4) Management Development Candidates- What a waste of time....

This is a small sample of the ugly comments our own people are saying about each other. This is not the time to be cruel, or harsh to each other. If you don't have anything nice to say about some one, don't bash them on CP like a coward. We all have a lot at stake; Family, Homes, Careers... Every one of us is a human being, and we all helped build this company in one way or another. If you don't have something positive to say about some one, say it to their face, not on CP like a coward.

Let's pretend we are human beings and support each other during a very difficult time.

I agree, but you do realize that it is a small amount of folks doing most of the negative posting. It's the 80/20 personified: 80% of the garbage comes from 20% of the viewers...and maybe less. Plus, many are just shit starters and internet trolls who feed on seeing their post grow with comments. We can all read into their motives: not enough love at home, given wedgies in gym, a small thingie...or they just suck as people and were crappy ass reps too.

Great post. I have just starting viewing this site. It has the potential to be a really good site if it were not for the immature posters. There have been some good things.

100% correct! I mean, who feels good kicking people when they are down? Cowards

REALLY? Ain't you Americanski known for kicking your own fellow citizens while and when they are down. Your whole philosophy of American dream and American way of life is based on supporting the winner (who does not need support) and kicking, humiliating and otherwise abusing the "loser" who actually needs your help. If this were not so, you would not have such inequality amongst yourselves that is worse amongst the G20.
So the CP is a true reflaction of YOU and your environment. Nothing wrong with that. In fact you have somewhat changed your philosophy here for you are (finally) going against those bastards in Basel, NJ and other places where they life and abuse the rest of us. So let's completely stop kicking the losers but destroy those F*&*&^ing Novartis "winners" that do not deserve to be for they did it using all kinds of tricks and misconduct that would put us, the regular folks into bighouse in no time.
ps" Reorganizations are just another trick they use to further kick you down or get you out.
As the good man says: don't let those bastards kick you and abuse you any longer. Stand up for yourselves. Read the Whistleblowers... to learn how.

I disagree with the 80/20 rule here. What you are seeing in these posts is exactly what I have been seeing when the layoffs began several years ago. Perfectly good people turned bad due to fear of losing their jobs. I can't even believe how far people will go to make their coworkers look bad. They don't think about how their actions can cause a trickle effect that could destroy people's lives. Instead, they fear that they won't be able to get another job because all they have done here is be mediocre and fly under the radar.

Here are a few recent posts on our Novartis board:
1) Please Fire my Manager
2) FLM's hit hard- "cant wait to hear which ones get displaced"
3) Debbie Henderson was Poison
4) Management Development Candidates- What a waste of time....

This is a small sample of the ugly comments our own people are saying about each other. This is not the time to be cruel, or harsh to each other. If you don't have anything nice to say about some one, don't bash them on CP like a coward. We all have a lot at stake; Family, Homes, Careers... Every one of us is a human being, and we all helped build this company in one way or another. If you don't have something positive to say about some one, say it to their face, not on CP like a coward.

Let's pretend we are human beings and support each other during a very difficult time.

take it easy, dude, they just "speak up" (isn't speaking up encouraged by Novartis' values ...?)

Here are a few recent posts on our Novartis board:
1) Please Fire my Manager
2) FLM's hit hard- "cant wait to hear which ones get displaced"
3) Debbie Henderson was Poison
4) Management Development Candidates- What a waste of time....

This is a small sample of the ugly comments our own people are saying about each other. This is not the time to be cruel, or harsh to each other. If you don't have anything nice to say about some one, don't bash them on CP like a coward. We all have a lot at stake; Family, Homes, Careers... Every one of us is a human being, and we all helped build this company in one way or another. If you don't have something positive to say about some one, say it to their face, not on CP like a coward.

Let's pretend we are human beings and support each other during a very difficult time.

... and in the meanwhile Danny the manny is selling his stock options. Keep drinking kool-aid but CALL THE SEC YOU IDOT

Here are a few recent posts on our Novartis board:
1) Please Fire my Manager
2) FLM's hit hard- "cant wait to hear which ones get displaced"
3) Debbie Henderson was Poison
4) Management Development Candidates- What a waste of time....

This is a small sample of the ugly comments our own people are saying about each other. This is not the time to be cruel, or harsh to each other. If you don't have anything nice to say about some one, don't bash them on CP like a coward. We all have a lot at stake; Family, Homes, Careers... Every one of us is a human being, and we all helped build this company in one way or another. If you don't have something positive to say about some one, say it to their face, not on CP like a coward.

Let's pretend we are human beings and support each other during a very difficult time.

Go F yourself. Obviously you must be a company man and loyal to the organization. What a joke. Many people's lives have been seriously affected with many losing their livelihoods. You have the nerve to call it a reorganization. How dare you even call it this as a person that probably kissed ass, lied, and back stabbed everyone to get your top level management job. You Sir/maam should be the one ashamed of yourself. While everyone is on the unemployment line you will be in your golden tower stealing form the company. My scum uper manement people like Chris Kaplan, Andy Wyss, and Dan the man Vasella all screwed everyone over for their owm benefits. Management in this company is piss poor and is one of the reasons this company went down hill. Go back to your hole and kiss more ass.

Go F yourself. Obviously you must be a company man and loyal to the organization. What a joke. Many people's lives have been seriously affected with many losing their livelihoods. You have the nerve to call it a reorganization. How dare you even call it this as a person that probably kissed ass, lied, and back stabbed everyone to get your top level management job. You Sir/maam should be the one ashamed of yourself. While everyone is on the unemployment line you will be in your golden tower stealing form the company. My scum uper manement people like Chris Kaplan, Andy Wyss, and Dan the man Vasella all screwed everyone over for their owm benefits. Management in this company is piss poor and is one of the reasons this company went down hill. Go back to your hole and kiss more ass.

It's incomprehensible what an idiot you are. You got none of it right. You only made a complete ass of yourself. It's obvious that this is your first reorg the way you speak. Totally immature.

It's incomprehensible what an idiot you are. You got none of it right. You only made a complete ass of yourself. It's obvious that this is your first reorg the way you speak. Totally immature.

It might be immature and uncalled for, but it stung a little. Just a little. The truth does hurt.
Does nt? People that keep their jobs get reorganized. Everyone else and their families suffer greatly.

Go F yourself. Obviously you must be a company man and loyal to the organization. What a joke. Many people's lives have been seriously affected with many losing their livelihoods. You have the nerve to call it a reorganization. How dare you even call it this as a person that probably kissed ass, lied, and back stabbed everyone to get your top level management job. You Sir/maam should be the one ashamed of yourself. While everyone is on the unemployment line you will be in your golden tower stealing form the company. My scum uper manement people like Chris Kaplan, Andy Wyss, and Dan the man Vasella all screwed everyone over for their owm benefits. Management in this company is piss poor and is one of the reasons this company went down hill. Go back to your hole and kiss more ass.

Many lives are affected by this. Yes, it is a reorganization. I'm not a top-level manager. I'm not ashamed of myself. You are a fool.

Does anyone of you who are on the way out for no fault of yours have some really good "shit" on this nasty Co? I mean stuff that DOJ would just jump on and get them some more. If you do, go ahead and do the right thing and get them big time. Don't be afraid, you owe them nothing and if you are successful, which your lawyers will tell you in advance if you have the right "shit", you will never need such lousy job as pharma rep. You can beat them and feel well abut it with reward millions coming in.
If you don't have any shit on them, it is your own fauld. You have seen it around for years. you used it under their orders to lie, cheat, bribe etc. thinking it was OK. Instead you should have collected and filled the evidence and today you would be comletely free from them and their lousy job. As it is you are an easy victim as majority of you are.
Hopefully you'll learned your lesson and next time you work for a crooked Co (they all are anyway) the day you start, open a file on them and everything bad and ugly they do goes in there. Don't forget the moment you start they open a file on you and everything good, bad and ugly about you goes in there. Once they don't need you the file is pulled and if they have shit on you, you are an easy target.
Of course they will not throw you out without any $$. You'll get the min severance they know they must give it to you under the law and precedents they set earlier. Big difference.

Many lives are affected by this. Yes, it is a reorganization. I'm not a top-level manager. I'm not ashamed of myself. You are a fool.

Oh Please, you are a moron/fool and should be ashamed. Most of what is being posted is true and the company has been going down hill for the past 5 years due to culture change and horrible management. Chris Kaplan is the example of how this company evolved from a respectable organization to a company that has no respect for their employees or themselves. The Swiss are sneaky bastards and always have been. Example, I witnesses in New Orleans how employees were only allowed 2 drinks per employee at the shitty buffet dinner in the hotel. Chris Kaplan has the nerve to have liquor and special stuff shipped in to the dinner in front of everyone. Many were appalled and this is not acceptable. He ruined moral, was a bully, and degraded in the last 4 years of his tenure. He is one example of what this company represents. 10 years ago this would have never happened even under bad economic or market conditions. Top management at meeting always came over and said hi or would even come over and eat a meal with employees. They would even ask about personal and family issues or just say how is your wife(actually knew the wives names). Well YOU know and I know how this has change so please spare me your manipulating bullshit and everyone else who has been on this specific comment defending this company and he idiots that have ruined it and the employees/families that depended on it. You know and I know that all top ass brass management jerk-offs are going to leave with allot of pocket-change in their pockets and will probably never have to work again. But for the rest of the poor souls that do not have this opportunity they will have rough times ahead. Obviously, you no nothing about economics because this domestic and global market is going to hell and the market is very difficult. or many it may take 1-2 years to find a job that pays maybe only 50-75% of what they are making now with less benefits and no pension. Do you really believe that this is just another reorganiation. I know people last year that were cut and things are not good. Many need to know the truth SIR and I DON'T THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH. Good Jack Nicholsen statement. Top brass like yourself is sittin pretty on that big pile of shit that Novartis created for everyone else. A good ass kickin is what you need because most spoiled brats need it.

Oh Please, you are a moron/fool and should be ashamed. Most of what is being posted is true and the company has been going down hill for the past 5 years due to culture change and horrible management. Chris Kaplan is the example of how this company evolved from a respectable organization to a company that has no respect for their employees or themselves. The Swiss are sneaky bastards and always have been. Example, I witnesses in New Orleans how employees were only allowed 2 drinks per employee at the shitty buffet dinner in the hotel. Chris Kaplan has the nerve to have liquor and special stuff shipped in to the dinner in front of everyone. Many were appalled and this is not acceptable. He ruined moral, was a bully, and degraded in the last 4 years of his tenure. He is one example of what this company represents. 10 years ago this would have never happened even under bad economic or market conditions. Top management at meeting always came over and said hi or would even come over and eat a meal with employees. They would even ask about personal and family issues or just say how is your wife(actually knew the wives names). Well YOU know and I know how this has change so please spare me your manipulating bullshit and everyone else who has been on this specific comment defending this company and he idiots that have ruined it and the employees/families that depended on it. You know and I know that all top ass brass management jerk-offs are going to leave with allot of pocket-change in their pockets and will probably never have to work again. But for the rest of the poor souls that do not have this opportunity they will have rough times ahead. Obviously, you no nothing about economics because this domestic and global market is going to hell and the market is very difficult. or many it may take 1-2 years to find a job that pays maybe only 50-75% of what they are making now with less benefits and no pension. Do you really believe that this is just another reorganiation. I know people last year that were cut and things are not good. Many need to know the truth SIR and I DON'T THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH. Good Jack Nicholsen statement. Top brass like yourself is sittin pretty on that big pile of shit that Novartis created for everyone else. A good ass kickin is what you need because most spoiled brats need it.

WTF are you talking about. If you read the post, I said that I am not upper management. This post is about NOT treating each other with disrespect during this time. Like I said- Reorgs bring out the UGLY in people! Nobody's defending Novartis, just those who wish to be treated like human beings. Now go take it out on your wife or a neighbor or something.

I could not agree more with the original poster. I am not surprised by the negativity I am reading from my peers about each other during this most stressful time in our PROFESSIONAL lives, but I am extremely disappointed! Our RD's, FLM's, Hospital reps, BRM's, LTC KAM's, etc. have not created the healthcare environment we currently work in, yet you want to call them out for not working as hard as you, or not deserving the jobs they now have or may havE instead of you. Now is the time to show compassion for our peers. I wish you all well, and appreciate all of the friends I have made over the last ten years here at Novartis. TGBTG

I could not agree more with the original poster. I am not surprised by the negativity I am reading from my peers about each other during this most stressful time in our PROFESSIONAL lives, but I am extremely disappointed! Our RD's, FLM's, Hospital reps, BRM's, LTC KAM's, etc. have not created the healthcare environment we currently work in, yet you want to call them out for not working as hard as you, or not deserving the jobs they now have or may havE instead of you. Now is the time to show compassion for our peers. I wish you all well, and appreciate all of the friends I have made over the last ten years here at Novartis. TGBTG

Nicely said. It's amazing how we all got along until the downsizing announcement went out. It's a shame from above the Managing Directors level, how they created this hatred among them below.