Regional Reimbursement Manager

RRM's are absolutely a waste. They offer no value. They just rewrite what was put into the system. Most ARE running from a quota. Would rather them dissolve their position and just read the information myself. Not sure who sold management that there is a value here.

Darlene has a lot of balls to say that RRM's bring no value and they are running from a quota. She is the one who started the whole KOLL/NKOLL nightmare. Not one of those folks brings one bit of value to the company. They all rely on the specialists to do all of the work and then they blow smoke up their manager's ass stating how their great relationships are paying dividends to grow the business. It's a joke and everyone knows it haha!! They should be the ones very worried about their position being eliminated, not the RRM's.

RRM's are absolutely a waste. They offer no value. They just rewrite what was put into the system. Most ARE running from a quota. Would rather them dissolve their position and just read the information myself. Not sure who sold management that there is a value here.
RRM's are needed because the majority of newer specialists take zero responsibility in pulling referrals through. They either don't understand the process, don't care to learn it or don't want to do it, either way, somebody needs to do it and that's usually the RRM.

RRM's are needed because the majority of newer specialists take zero responsibility in pulling referrals through. They either don't understand the process, don't care to learn it or don't want to do it, either way, somebody needs to do it and that's usually the RRM.

My RRM hasn't visited one office since they were hired. Is their pull through method magic, or do they use homing pigeons to pull our regions referrals through? I'm sure there are a few good RRM's out there that try to help when they can, but the role as it exists currently is totally worthless.

Then you have a shitty RRM. My RRM is constantly communicating with my offices and the hub to make my job easier and more efficient. What they need to do is weed out the lazy RRM's and replace them with ppl who can do the job the right way. I hear some specialists complaining that their RRM doesn't do anything or help them at all. I guess I'm lucky because mine has been great and really makes my job easier.

My RRM hasn't visited one office since they were hired. Is their pull through method magic, or do they use homing pigeons to pull our regions referrals through? I'm sure there are a few good RRM's out there that try to help when they can, but the role as it exists currently is totally worthless.
Who's to blame if you're not using your RRM? When was the last time you invited them into a key account? Maybe you don't have enough volume to justify a trip to your territory. Trying using your "resource" and you might determine that it's not worthless.

Who's to blame if you're not using your RRM? When was the last time you invited them into a key account? Maybe you don't have enough volume to justify a trip to your territory. Trying using your "resource" and you might determine that it's not worthless.

So according to this poster, RRM's have to be invited to actually do some actual field work, not just cut and paste hub notes into a computer a few times a week. And seeing how our RRM doesn't go into any accounts including large volume territories, why would they go into a medium sized or a new reps territory? Thank you for making my point. I guess it's our regions fault the RRM doesn't do anything, maybe we should all be fired and the RRM can just do it all.

So according to this poster, RRM's have to be invited to actually do some actual field work, not just cut and paste hub notes into a computer a few times a week. And seeing how our RRM doesn't go into any accounts including large volume territories, why would they go into a medium sized or a new reps territory? Thank you for making my point. I guess it's our regions fault the RRM doesn't do anything, maybe we should all be fired and the RRM can just do it all.

Maybe if your region had more referral volume, your RRM would visit your accounts more often ha!!

Darlene has a lot of balls to say that RRM's bring no value and they are running from a quota. She is the one who started the whole KOLL/NKOLL nightmare. Not one of those folks brings one bit of value to the company. They all rely on the specialists to do all of the work and then they blow smoke up their manager's ass stating how their great relationships are paying dividends to grow the business. It's a joke and everyone knows it haha!! They should be the ones very worried about their position being eliminated, not the RRM's.

The KOLL division that Darlene created is now gone. Several of the KOLLs became Acthar reps or RRMs. Seems like most of the KOLL division was taken care of internally. The RRMs don't make bonuses and it is unlikely the previous KOLLs will stay as an RRM. At least, they have a job for now. Most KOLLs tried to find a rep. job because the pay is way better and the RRMs no longer are receiving company cars. The KOLLs can keep their cars until the lease runs out next year. Most will leave prior to purchasing a car with the whacked out Ruin-heizmer program.

Darlene does not care that her President Club reps are completing the office's paperwork on their behalf and sending it in. This is wrong.
The OIG is investigating the activities of the pc winners. It is being done very covertly as to not alarm offices or give opportunity to certain reps to "prep' offices.

With the "Case Manager" pilot program going on, why will RRMs be needed if the hub has "Case Managers" to work the cases?
There won't be any New Enrollment tracking in January when the company FINALLY pays on vials. The hub will be on the Veeva system and the reps will be receiving updates through Veeva.
What will the RRMs do to justify their jobs?

Who do you think stays on ASAP's ass to get it done?
Who do you think contacts you / your office to advise you on which piece of the puzzle is missing since the office didn't follow the step-program to get the patient the drug?

Too funny...all the RRM does is cut and paste old data that is usually incorrect, dated and old. I never went into an office and found that what ASAP/RRM is asking for is current or correct.again, not their fault...but I truly can't figure out their purpose. It is the rep that finds out exactly what is needed.... My office can fill out a form...the REAL problem is Aetna BC/BS or UHC or NOT covering drug. The dr office waits for 3 months as Aetna tortures them...that is where we need help.RRM's are in a panic trying to justify their salary. My manger could do their job in a 1/2 day max....most of the RRMs are part time workers that couldn't stand selling this drug anymore. I can imagine, most of them will quit when they actually have to travel. I know the RRM's are worried...they are trying to find relevance in the company....they are running several pilots to keep them. As far as the reps are concerned ...good riddance. I talk to mine once a month