Regenerative Medicine

Don’t think beeben Russell got his ged so many spelling and grammar issues in his websites he can’t even use spellcheck L.O.L. even I guess his synergistic didn’t catch this.

It's not surprising that Beeben Russell, Marcus Russell, and Scott Martin M.D. engage in illegal activities. Scott has lost his medical license, Beeben resells FDA-recalled products, and despite Beeben only completing the 10th grade, he now claims to be a self-proclaimed genius.

It's quite remarkable how Beeben Russell, a 10th-grade senior, manages numerous businesses from a Florida executive suite costing $500 a month while residing in Texas and reselling products belonging to others.

One must acknowledge that Beeben Russell appears impressive in rented planes and leased cars. Despite graduating only from the 10th grade, he exudes a certain regal presence.

Let me clarify: Protext, a product from Regenerative Labs, sold by Beeben Russell and Scott Martin M.D., faced Medicare clawbacks after the FDA flagged the lab for producing subpar items. Following an FBI raid in Florida, Beeben is now selling a similar product for cosmetic use, packaged in medical-grade vials. Scott, who lost his license, is giving instructions across state lines. Their lyophilized exosomes raise concerns, resembling a recipe for disaster. The pattern repeats with new doctors and reps, like their previous associate Arian. The relocation of individuals to other states adds to the complexity of this situation.

Interstate commerce means any work involving or related to the movement of persons or things (including intangibles, such as information) across state lines or from foreign countries. The workweek is the standard used when determining if the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) applies. Do you think these guys know this ?

Platinum Biologics and Beeben Russell are now offering Genexovite, a $50 product, attempting to cater to a broad audience. There are reports of Beeben providing free products to doctors as gifts, potentially involving classic kickbacks and a direct violation of safe harbor regulations.

The five most important Federal fraud and abuse laws that apply to physicians are the False Claims Act (FCA), the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS), the Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark law), the Exclusion Authorities, and the Civil Monetary Penalties Law (CMPL). Government agencies, including the Department of Justice, the Department of Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG), and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), are charged with enforcing these laws. As you begin your career, it is crucial to understand these laws not only because following them is the right thing to do, but also because violating them could result in criminal penalties, civil fines, exclusion from the Federal health care programs, or loss of your medical license from your State medical board.

False Claims Act [31 U.S.C. § § 3729-3733]
The civil FCA protects the Government from being overcharged or sold shoddy goods or services. It is illegal to submit claims for payment to Medicare or Medicaid that you know or should know are false or fraudulent. Filing false claims may result in fines of up to three times the programs' loss plus $11,000 per claim filed. Under the civil FCA, each instance of an item or a service billed to Medicare or Medicaid counts as a claim, so fines can add up quickly. The fact that a claim results from a kickback or is made in violation of the Stark law also may render it false or fraudulent, creating liability under the civil FCA as well as the AKS or Stark law.

Under the civil FCA, no specific intent to defraud is required. The civil FCA defines "knowing" to include not only actual knowledge but also instances in which the person acted in deliberate ignorance or reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information. Further, the civil FCA contains a whistleblower provision that allows a private individual to file a lawsuit on behalf of the United States and entitles that whistleblower to a percentage of any recoveries. Whistleblowers could be current or ex-business partners, hospital or office staff, patients, or competitors.

There also is a criminal FCA (18 U.S.C. § 287). Criminal penalties for submitting false claims include imprisonment and criminal fines. Physicians have gone to prison for submitting false health care claims. OIG also may impose administrative civil monetary penalties for false or fraudulent claims, as discussed below.

Anti-Kickback Statute [42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(b)]
The AKS is a criminal law that prohibits the knowing and willful payment of "remuneration" to induce or reward patient referrals or the generation of business involving any item or service payable by the Federal health care programs (e.g., drugs, supplies, or health care services for Medicare or Medicaid patients). Remuneration includes anything of value and can take many forms besides cash, such as free rent, expensive hotel stays and meals, and excessive compensation for medical directorships or consultancies. In some industries, it is acceptable to reward those who refer business to you. However, in the Federal health care programs, paying for referrals is a crime. The statute covers the payers of kickbacks-those who offer or pay remuneration- as well as the recipients of kickbacks-those who solicit or receive remuneration. Each party's intent is a key element of their liability under the AKS.

Criminal penalties and administrative sanctions for violating the AKS include fines, jail terms, and exclusion from participation in the Federal health care programs. Under the CMPL, physicians who pay or accept kickbacks also face penalties of up to $50,000 per kickback plus three times the amount of the remuneration.

Safe harbors protect certain payment and business practices that could otherwise implicate the AKS from criminal and civil prosecution. To be protected by a safe harbor, an arrangement must fit squarely in the safe harbor and satisfy all of its requirements. Some safe harbors address personal services and rental agreements, investments in ambulatory surgical centers, and payments to bona fide employees.

For additional information on safe harbors, see "OIG's Safe Harbor Regulations."

As a physician, you are an attractive target for kickback schemes because you can be a source of referrals for fellow physicians or other health care providers and suppliers. You decide what drugs your patients use, which specialists they see, and what health care services and supplies they receive.

Many people and companies want your patients' business and would pay you to send that business their way. Just as it is illegal for you to take money from providers and suppliers in return for the referral of your Medicare and Medicaid patients, it is illegal for you to pay others to refer their Medicare and Medicaid patients to you.

Kickbacks in health care can lead to:

  • Overutilization
  • Increased program costs
  • Corruption of medical decision making
  • Patient steering
  • Unfair competition
The kickback prohibition applies to all sources of referrals, even patients. For example, where the Medicare and Medicaid programs require patients to pay copays for services, you are generally required to collect that money from your patients. Routinely waiving these copays could implicate the AKS and you may not advertise that you will forgive copayments. However, you are free to waive a copayment if you make an individual determination that the patient cannot afford to pay or if your reasonable collection efforts fail. It is also legal to provide free or discounted services to uninsured people.

Besides the AKS, the beneficiary inducement statute (42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7a(a)(5)) also imposes civil monetary penalties on physicians who offer remuneration to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries to influence them to use their services.

The Government does not need to prove patient harm or financial loss to the programs to show that a physician violated the AKS. A physician can be guilty of violating the AKS even if the physician actually rendered the service and the service was medically necessary. Taking money or gifts from a drug or device company or a durable medical equipment (DME) supplier is not justified by the argument that you would have prescribed that drug or ordered that wheelchair even without a kickback.

Do you think becuase Beeben Russell lives in Texas now he knows this ?

The Texas Patient Solicitation Act is located in the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 102. It prohibits a person from:
  • Soliciting patients or patronage for a licensed, certified, or registered entity
  • Offering to pay or agreeing to accept remuneration in cash or in kind to or from another person for securing or soliciting a patient
  • Employing or agreeing to employ, paying or promising to pay, or rewarding or promising to reward any person, firm, association, partnership, or corporation for securing or soliciting a patient
A violation of the Anti-Kickback law can result in a felony conviction with penalties including imprisonment of up to five years and a fine of up to $25,000.
This is not legal advice. You may want to consult a lawyer about this question.

Wait wait I thought all of your groups products are sold under cosmetics an Intravenous therapy of them would be illegal. I have the recording telling people to do it by your company. What a scam

I don't have real-time information, but if you're concerned about the legality of Beeben's dinner seminars and marketing practices, it's advisable to consult with a legal professional or check official FDA guidelines for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Funny to find this form a simple google to platinum biologics and beeben russell however platinum biologics is now saying there a Group purchasing organization for hospitals. However I can’t find a registration for this. I’m very confused with no 510k and pedigree how we are supposed to get this paid for. I’m very lost by this group and Information can anyone assist me know what is being made where and registered to where or what 510k he has at platinum biologics

Admiring Beeben Russell for his positive qualities, let's approach this with conviviality. Instead of public posts, consider engaging in constructive dialogue to educate him about potential FDA concerns. It's important to ensure Platinum Biologics' Group Purchasing Organization aligns with regulations. Collaboration can prevent unintended legal consequences. #HealthcareRegulations #FDACompliance #Collaboration #PlatinumBiologics #BeebenRussell

dear all I think this is enough regarding beeben I’m sure this is kimera or vitti labs jealous of the amazing growth of platinum biologics. I have been working with these guys and we have been able to take so much business. Price is the key and these haters are insane our overhead is not as high and we can sell cheaper and offer free Dr. martin M.D. consults. Anyone that wants can get a free consult with Dr. Scott Martin M.D. pain Dr. and he can inform them every time how to use our product. He has made me a lot of money. No beeben does not make his own product yet and no he has no Food and Drug Administration (FDA) registration however he is trying his best to be complaint and assist others and he has helped the fbi on all the regenerative labs owners and doctors that used the products he has fully cooperated with the U.S. government and he is happy to share the texts and emails with anyone who likes. He was just doing his job there. He is sad about the clawbacks galore however he is trying to move forward with his life now in Texas not in Flordia so please go gentle. Sorry he didn’t graduate high school not everyone is as Magnificent as your doctors and kimera and vitti Laboratory owners. All you guys have your own problems stop hating on him