Referrals for Expansion?

For $500 (before taxes)!!!!! Of course I would(insert sarcasm). But seriously that’s ridiculous. But, even if ITCI was giving out generous referral bonuses I wouldn’t tell any specialty rep to ever come here unless they are absolutely miserable where they are currently or if out of a job.

For $500 (before taxes)!!!!! Of course I would(insert sarcasm). But seriously that’s ridiculous. But, even if ITCI was giving out generous referral bonuses I wouldn’t tell any specialty rep to ever come here unless they are absolutely miserable where they are currently or if out of a job.
I did, got my $232 after taxes for the referral and regretted bringing the person over. I feel awful they have to report to their manager. Absolute $hit show at Itci. Hey leadership….go f yourself!

Can anyone give feedback on what the base salary -bonus - other perks are for these expansion overlay opportunities? Much appreciated!

Base pay is pretty good compared to other companies. Depends on your experience. IC and rank is based on whatever the nation is doing. If you aren’t growing at the same pace as the nation at the end of Q, little to no bonus. Keep going at that pace throughout the year and you’re put on a PIP or warning, 30-60 days to get off the PIP/warning or you’re gone. Bottom 20% of the sales force falls into the PIP/warning category every year. Company car, decent benefits, company stock for joining. So, if you work well under tremendous pressure to perform, then this is the place for you. Good luck!

Base pay is pretty good compared to other companies. Depends on your experience. IC and rank is based on whatever the nation is doing. If you aren’t growing at the same pace as the nation at the end of Q, little to no bonus. Keep going at that pace throughout the year and you’re put on a PIP or warning, 30-60 days to get off the PIP/warning or you’re gone. Bottom 20% of the sales force falls into the PIP/warning category every year. Company car, decent benefits, company stock for joining. So, if you work well under tremendous pressure to perform, then this is the place for you. Good luck!

Pretty accurate. Also, if you are thinking of coming here, talk to the local reps or doctors about coverage. Don’t believe the manager if they tell you coverage is good. Verify. Without good coverage you will be at the bottom because of the force ranking system. Which means you will be threatened all year with a written warning or PIP. It’s really fun.

What ever you do, don't leave your job to come here! It is a toxic, repulsive place to work, I regret it...however if you don't have a job take it until you land on your feet.
I'm being brutally honest, Yes, you may make a few extra bucks, but you won't have peace of mine w the micromanaging style of this company.

Pretty accurate. Also, if you are thinking of coming here, talk to the local reps or doctors about coverage. Don’t believe the manager if they tell you coverage is good. Verify. Without good coverage you will be at the bottom because of the force ranking system. Which means you will be threatened all year with a written warning or PIP. It’s really fun.

This is the truest statement on this thread. Handing out PIPs for people who are working themselves sick because they didn’t luck into a territory with good public aid is a fucked up way to lead. Not what we signed up for.

On the call now. Would you refer a friend or colleague to ITCI for this new overlay expansion? I don’t know if I would with the culture we have right now.

Hard no. Industry has gotten wise to the culture here. Try to offer this red herring to someone you like and they might take offense. In typical ITCI fashion, they’re throwing more money at a situation that could have been solved by establishing a better culture. Axsome did the right thing and pulled a lot of folks from here. From all accounts, they’re doing what should have been done here in 2020, start with a good culture.