Does anyone know of any openings in Northern Ohio?
Does anybody know any recruiters in the Chicago, NYC or Denver areas?
Also, does anybody know any recruiters (anywhere) that will work w/ people w/ minimal sales experience but who has excelled in recruiting and teaching?
Hmm, so you excelled at recruiting but don't know how o find a recruiter?? Good fucking lord, you may have just written the single dumbest post ever in the history of CP. Congrats to you dumbass!
I totally agree---Cooper Staffing is the best!!
Not to mention the fact that a lot of times they will send someone to be a "filler" person, just to keep their name in front of the company. I should was done to me on numerous occasions.
One of the most successful, honest & ethical recruiters in the country is Tyson Cooper of Cooper Staffing & Consulting. They have offices in different states and have built successful Pharmaceutical, Biotech & Medical sales teams throughout the U.S.
His contact info is 423-424-4652
They Care!
How about Louisiana recruiters? Any recommendations?
What ever you do don't go with Steve Paster. He is an arrogant Prick!
What ever you do don't go with Steve Paster. He is an arrogant Prick!
Another good suggestion is to go to They worked for me.