Recovery Specialists

think he meant to say Clonidine, which is an anti-hypertensive drug that be out for 30 years and is used in almost all detox protocols. You will be competing against it for use in patients who will most likely be on something like Vivitrol or Suboxone also. It will be important how your company prices Lucemyra as it will be a tiered, branded drug as well as getting some data on use in patients tapering off opiods. as someone who launched Vivitrol you will be shocked how many "so called" addiction specialist don't believe in medication assisted detox, I hope it has gotten better now than in 2006 when I sold Vivitrol, having to cover 4 states will force you to spend time with those accounts that believe in medication assisted detox vs. trying to convince someone to change their treatment paradigm. Good luck in your launch.

3 studies vs Clonidine and results were they were almost identical, but your cost $1,700 a week vs. $1. Is your company out of their fuc--ng minds. No one will use Lucemyra is that is the true cost. There is no way to justify this price except pure greed, this will be a doomed launch before you even start (and don't say the patients with insurance will only pay a S20 co-pay because someone has to pay this bullshit price for a compound that has been out for 30 years).

3 studies vs Clonidine and results were they were almost identical, but your cost $1,700 a week vs. $1. Is your company out of their fuc--ng minds. No one will use Lucemyra is that is the true cost. There is no way to justify this price except pure greed, this will be a doomed launch before you even start (and don't say the patients with insurance will only pay a S20 co-pay because someone has to pay this bullshit price for a compound that has been out for 30 years).

Yet charging people $200 to $600 per day for 10 to 14 days of detox isn’t a bullshit price? Come on buddy, there’s no difference. Insurance covers that too, and you people no longer bitch about that, but that's only because it’s the standard price now, and this will be too! Don’t try to talk to me like I’m fucking stupid! Think about the overall cost of detox, or any outpatient addiction treatment. Don’t even get me started on the cost of inpatient treatment! Better yet, the price pales in comparison to the cost of addiction! So, get off your high horse and THINK about the cost of every single treatment option! None of them offering medication treatment are cheap or free!

keep drinking the kool-aid, your drug is DOA. Your greedy company has already pissed off the docs and your drug is no better than a cheap, generic in 3 comparison studies. Doesn't matter if you price it $1,700 a day no one will use it. I can just see a tool like you telling docs cost doesn't matter it is a simple, branded co-pay. You really think this drug is going to be the answer to everything, it is just an old, blood pressure medication not a new compound.

keep drinking the kool-aid, your drug is DOA. Your greedy company has already pissed off the docs and your drug is no better than a cheap, generic in 3 comparison studies. Doesn't matter if you price it $1,700 a day no one will use it. I can just see a tool like you telling docs cost doesn't matter it is a simple, branded co-pay. You really think this drug is going to be the answer to everything, it is just an old, blood pressure medication not a new compound.

Blah Blah Blah! Every pharmaceutical that comes out pisses someone off bc of price. I don’t think this is a miracle product by any measure. It’s another option, and we’re not promoting it how you think we will be.

But if you wanna get real, hows this for real..the bullshit you’re promoting isn’t fixing the problem either. NOTHING we have on the market is a fix! There will ALWAYS be abuse, misuse, addiction, overdose, withdrawal, death, and, the fact remains, we will all have enough business to go around.

What I’m curious about IS why are YOU so angry? Why are you coming on our board to spew your shit?

your old re-tread of a drug costs more than Vivitrol and Suboxone combined. Typical Valeant move, tweak an old, cheap drug and proclaim it is a wonder drug. This ranks up there with Mallinckrodt and Acthar, great press for your company. Keep that jug of kool-aid in the car when you are out in your territory and keep drinking it so you can convince yourself to say Lucemyra is worth $250 a day.:D

your old re-tread of a drug costs more than Vivitrol and Suboxone combined. Typical Valeant move, tweak an old, cheap drug and proclaim it is a wonder drug. This ranks up there with Mallinckrodt and Acthar, great press for your company. Keep that jug of kool-aid in the car when you are out in your territory and keep drinking it so you can convince yourself to say Lucemyra is worth $250 a day.:D

Valeant didn’t set the price idiot, this isn’t their product! They are copromoting with us dumb ass! Anyone who bitches about price shouldn’t be in sales, bc our price will always be more expensive than generic! You’re just pissed that you didn’t get a job!

how is that launch going for the $1,700 a week wonder drug. bet the pain docs are loving it and writing it like they wrote Oxy. How is Cedric's son doing in Louisville, still wearing his funeral suits.:oops::oops::oops:

great reps from Purdue and Insys selling this pos. are sales even up to $1 million, shortest launch in pharma history but it is definitely worth the $1,700 a week, lol. docs love this pos, will cure the epidemic country shoul.:D:D:Dd get the Noibel peace price too

Seeing some openings on the recovery side.. are people going back to Neuro or are they leaving? Was this sales force a case of " hire your friends" even if they have no addiction experience?