I personally know of 4 territories that have not been to final interview as of yet
Are any of them in the Midwest ?
I personally know of 4 territories that have not been to final interview as of yet
Bullshit. $155 is on high end of what managers are paid so highly doubtful they will pay reps more than managers
Are any of them in the Midwest ?
anyone do a phone interview and not hear back? No email nothing ?
I had a phone interview and then a local face-to-face interview two weeks ago .
Since then nothing but crickets
No rejection letter, no next step information , nothing. I even sent multiple emails to different people to follow up and They don’t even send me the rejection response . Nothing
You would think they could at least send an email that says you’re no longer a candidate.
I had a phone interview and then a local face-to-face interview two weeks ago .
Since then nothing but crickets
No rejection letter, no next step information , nothing. I even sent multiple emails to different people to follow up and They don’t even send me the rejection response . Nothing
You would think they could at least send an email that says you’re no longer a candidate.
Has anyone received an official offer or verbal offer?
Pretty sure at this point all positions
have been filled.
To bad they don’t send out
rejection emails to those who
didn’t get the job.
Congrats to you. Get ready for a fun and big $$ ride at USWM.
Has anyone received an official offer or verbal offer?
Thanks, but I'm just here for the hot chicks. From the ones I saw waiting in lobby for their panel interview, I can't wait until our first national meeting. I'm about to rub one out right now just thinking of the brunette I has in that tight little sleeveless dress when I was walking out.
You’re pathetic
It’s not like we have hundreds of
reps, isn’t our recovery force only
like 30 reps lol, how many are really
that hot out of those, 2 or 3 maybe ?
i guess we will find out at launch training how many hot chicks were hired and also how many dump trucks ?
I predict 90% dump trucks
10% hotties