Recovery Specialists

anyone do a phone interview and not hear back? No email nothing ?

I had a phone interview and then a local face-to-face interview two weeks ago .
Since then nothing but crickets
No rejection letter, no next step information , nothing. I even sent multiple emails to different people to follow up and They don’t even send me the rejection response . Nothing
You would think they could at least send an email that says you’re no longer a candidate.

I had a phone interview and then a local face-to-face interview two weeks ago .
Since then nothing but crickets
No rejection letter, no next step information , nothing. I even sent multiple emails to different people to follow up and They don’t even send me the rejection response . Nothing
You would think they could at least send an email that says you’re no longer a candidate.

Extremely unprofessional. Sounds like the company is run by a bunch of Kentucky hayseeds. If that’s the way they handle their business - - consider yourself lucky you dodged that bullet and move on

I had a phone interview and then a local face-to-face interview two weeks ago .
Since then nothing but crickets
No rejection letter, no next step information , nothing. I even sent multiple emails to different people to follow up and They don’t even send me the rejection response . Nothing
You would think they could at least send an email that says you’re no longer a candidate.

Probably should have done a better job at closing them, or at least asking questions. I would think it would be natural to inquire what the next steps are, can I expect to hear from you in the event I am not chosen to move forward, and what does this timeline look like? Not just expecting them to outline this for you. I understand the professional courtesy thing, but in fairness the initiative and accountability starts with you. But hey, what do I know?

Signed off on my official offer and will be calling my manager tomorrow to give notice. I am so ready for this new opportunity and excited to see what the future brings!!!

Congrats to you. Get ready for a fun and big $$ ride at USWM.

Thanks, but I'm just here for the hot chicks. From the ones I saw waiting in lobby for their panel interview, I can't wait until our first national meeting. I'm about to rub one out right now just thinking of the brunette I has in that tight little sleeveless dress when I was walking out.

Thanks, but I'm just here for the hot chicks. From the ones I saw waiting in lobby for their panel interview, I can't wait until our first national meeting. I'm about to rub one out right now just thinking of the brunette I has in that tight little sleeveless dress when I was walking out.

You’re pathetic